Kaeya 2 (extra chapter)

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Kaeya whistled loudly at his team of 3, he had a small hunch about where Viox might be being held at, and his hunch was spot on. The doorway to the underground jail cells of Mondstadt had fresh tracks, a few blood splatters as well. Kaeya kneeled down as his team walked over, “You got a lead?” Theam asked as Kaeya nodded, pointing at the drips of blood on the stone street, “They had her here, but either led her out gagged or knocked out.” he said as his eye looked it over. “It could have been both by the looks of it.” Theam answered once more as he reached over and pulled open the rusted heavy door. To the surprise of the group it opened easily. Kaeya stood up and cupped his chin in thought, if that door was supposed to be shut, why was it so easy to open? He looked at Theam, “Any idea why it would open so easily?” he asked as Theam shook his head, “Must have been used for at least a few months. Rusted doors like this normally would break at the mere open.” he said as Kaeya smirked, “Exactly. Aaron, Barein, this way, let's check the inside. I want to see if there’s any plans inside for where they may be going.” Kaeya said as the other two walked over. 
Kaeya carefully took the first step down the stairs as he touched the wall for a guide on where he was headed. Slowly the group made their way down the steps and into a larger room. It was empty of life, so the team walked around. Kaeya clicked his tongue lightly against the roof of his mouth as he walked around the larger room, which was covered in tables, beds, chairs, and some wooden boxes. He dragged his hand across the largest table in the room as he looked over the scattered notes and maps. “Captain, I found this in one of the cells.” Aaron called out as he walked over to Kaeya. The eye patched man turned and looked at what the other held in his hand. Kaeya blinked, Viox’s pink hair. “She was being held here, so my hunch was right on the riddles, but why would Fruitia easily put the location out like that?” He asked out loud as Theam walked over, “Because she wasn't thinking about you knowing about the underground part of Mondstadt.” he answered as he took the hair strains from Aaron, “But the real question is why leave this here? Especially since she is moving locations?” he looked at Kaeya, who was back in deep thought. “Because she isn't coming back to this location till after the deed is done.” Barein said as he walked over with a paper in his grasp, “It's her plan for Viox. She plans on killing Viox off.” he said as Kaeya carefully grabbed the paper from his team member. His eye read over what the paper stated. 
“If this is her plan, it would take them all night to get to the top of Starsnatched. If we call for Jean and Violet’s group now, we can get them in time before she takes Viox out.” Kaeya said as he looked at his members, “Our goal has changed, you will be heading out to Jean and Violet’s teams.” he pointed at Barein and Aaron, “Theam you're with me, were heading out before the others.” he said as he walked up the steps out of the underground. Barein and Aaron quickly darted off towards the respected areas. Kaeya looked at Theam, “How fast do you think we can reach Starsnatched by using ice?” he asked as Theam looked at him, “Fast enough, it would cut the travel time in half than walking it or boating it.” he said as Kaeya headed towards the port gates of Mondstadt, “That makes this easier.” he said as they walked towards the shoreline. 
“Captain, are you sure about this?” Theam asked as Kaeya nodded, “Theam, we may know little about each other, but when i say im saving Viox, i mean it. That woman stole something that I want her to keep, and if I lose her…”he paused as his mind flashed to losing Cerpus, as he shook his head, “I don't want to lose the one thing i care about.” he said as Theam nodded, “That Miss Viox sure has shook you Captain.” he said as Kaeya nodded, “Now come on. We only have a few hours.” he said as he placed his hands on the water, freezing it to a certain length, but solid enough for the two to walk. 

It had taken them a few hours to fully cross the lake, as their feet hit shore. Kaeya took a quick glance around, “There!” Theam pointed upwards towards the cliff, as a small campfire was lit at the top. Kaeya frowned. It would take at least a few hours and Dawn was just an hour or two away. “The question is how can we get up there in time?” Kaeya asked Theam, who smirked at his Captain, “We don't. We catch Miss Viox.” he said as Kaeya blinked, “The wind gliders, but what can we reach that’s high enough to catch her without it being too low to the ground.” he said as his gaze turned back to the cliff. His eye looked at the cliff side as he chuckled, “There's a wind current.” he said as he could barely make out a small peak at a wind current a few yards out. “Then we use that.” Theam said as they rushed that way. 

By the time they had reached the Wind current, Dawn had hit the skyline, changing the navy blue and black night sky to a pink, orange, and light blue burst. Kaeya squinted at the bright sunlight as his gaze was at the top of of the peak. He was waiting. His body was tense as his eye watched. He was afraid that if he even blinked it would be a second too late. “Captain! The other teams have arrived!” Theam called as Kaeya took a breath, “Head towards them.” he said over the powerful winds that coursed here. That's when he saw something small falling. He took off in a hard run as he opened the wind glider wings. Kaeya took a deep breath as he noticed the ground coming to a stop. He smirked as he ran faster, jumping off the smaller cliffside as the wind current caught his glider wings and launched him into the air. Quickly he moved his body towards the object that was falling.The wind carried him as he kept his eyes open. his arms were out stretched as he caught the body falling, harder than he expected. A quiet grunt left his clenched teeth as he took a moment before smiling, "Why are you saying goodbye now?" Kaeya asked over the winds as he held Viox in his arms. She looked over as his eye connected with hers, she smiled, "You caught me." She said loudly over the wind. Kaeya smirked, "I'll always catch you." He said as they glided down to the ground, hitting harder than a normal stop as his heels dug into the ground, trying to control their fall as Kaeya tucked Viox’s head into the joint between his neck and shoulder, "No goodbyes just yet.” he said as they stopped. Dust had kicked up all around them as he held Viox. “No goodbyes yet.” she whispered as Kaeya grinned at her He let out a small chuckle as he touched their foreheads together, “Just in time.” he whispered quietly as Viox sniffled lightly.

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