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A shrill scream sent Kaeya straight up and quickly covered both Viox and himself with his blanket. "MY BABY GIRL HAS SLEPT WITH-" the voice cried out waking Viox up more from her drowsy state, "Momma?" She asked softly as the voice screamed again, "ALTAIR! ALTAIR!" Kaeya's widened,"Your parents?!" He hissed at her as Viox flushed, "It must have been Violet!" She explained as Kaeya watched as a Liyue woman stood at his doorway, and watched with horror as a man of Mondstadt descent walked into the room.

The woman was clearly from Liyeu, her pink hair and bright blue eyes stared at the pair, she was shorter compared to the tall Mondstadt man, who had shaggy black and red hair with deep green eyes. Viox sat up slowly, "Please get out! Let us get dressed before you come trampling in!" She begged as her father moved her mother from the doorway and closed the door. Kaeya let out a breath of relief as he fell back onto his pillow. Viox sunk back into hers and looked up at the ceiling, "I apologize about that." She said to the man beside her as he wrapped an arm around her waist, "I see where you got your hair from." He mumbled, still tired as Viox moved to lay closer to the man. "Yeah." She said softly as Kaeya kissed her brow, "I'm assuming I'll most likely be killed in the rampage of your parents due to I didn't ask to court you first." He commented as he leaned over the woman, "Most likely, unless you can swoon and please both sides, you're going to be at war with them till they approve of you as their son. Which it's not like we have to worry all that much about." She said as she carefully pushed Kaeya to the side, and got up incredibly slowly, her back was tight and sore. Her wounds didn't hurt as bad as when she originally reopened them. So moving just a little didn't hurt incredibly bad. She dressed in the clothes from before, taking note of how silent Kaeya had become.

"Kaeya? Are you alright?" She asked softly as Kaeya's gaze snapped up to hers, "Yeah...just thinking." He said as he too got up to get dressed. Scoping Viox into his arms due to she still couldn't walk without it taking so much energy, and it would help her back not hurt as much. He carried her into the kitchen, seating her in a chair across from her parents, as Violet sat on the left of Viox, eating a small bagel with melted cheese on top. Kaeya stood behind the chair behind Viox, in case she needed to move. "So...I'm assuming this is the famous womanizer captain called Kaeya?" Viox's father, Altair said in a tight voice, "Yes father." Viox agreed as Kaeya swallowed thickly, he wouldn't speak unless spoken to. "Disgusting Viox. You run a muck with some captain that sleeps around, especially with his descent! Viox I'm disappointed." Mika snapped at her daughter as Viox flinched lightly, "Mother please..." she tried to quell her mother's temper. Feeling a hand touch her shoulder, she took a breath, "Father, Mother, I am with Kaeya, although I am not courting him." She said with no room for arguments. They seemed taken back, "Even from Khaenri'ah...?" Mika asked as Viox nodded, "I like the person for who they are not from where they are from! Also Kaeya was adopted by the Ragnvindr family! Therefore is of high standing in Mondstadt!" She stood up on shaky legs, her hands slapped the table, "I won't take hate on Kaeya's name!" She spat at her parents. "You can't be serious Viox! That goes against all traditions! You have to court someone! You can't just go and sleep around!" Her mother stood up as well, slamming her hands onto the table as well. Viox glared, "Since when has that ever been a rule in the traditions!? You slept with Father before you even courted him! From what I heard from Grandmother, you slept with many men!" she spat as Mika glared, "Watch your mouth! How dare you bring your Grandmother up!" Altair snapped as Viox looked at him, "Like you're one to talk! You slept with more women than a stallion to a herd of mares!" she snapped back. Kaeya looked over at Violet, who merely continued eating her food. He was surprised at Viox for her braveness. "You know nothing about the man standing behind you! He's a pig when it comes to women, how do you know that you are even his first lover?" Altair asked, crossing his arms as Viox glared, "I may not be his first, but neither is he for me!" She shouted, "I can't believe you! Both of you, sitting here judging me because I had a fun tumble in the sheets with someone I care about! If it was anyone from our troop you would be thrilled! What's so different about Kaeya?!" She asked loudly as her Father glared at her, "He's unclean, dirt if you will, not worthy of my daughters attention." Viox bit her lip, "You people are just hateful." she whispered as she felt her legs shake from standing up for so long, "This is Kaeya's home, you both need to leave!" she spat before feeling her legs give out and Kaeya's arms around her before she dropped to the floor. Kaeya was quick to catch her upper body carefully, "Steady." Kaeya whispered softly as he held her upright, "If you excuse us..." he said to the Hala family Heads, picking Viox up, he carried her back to the room.

"You made her mad." Violet remarked as Mika sighed, "I understand that Violet, but I can't just approve of that Alberich boy. High standing or not." She said to her eldest twin daughter, who had crossed her arms, "So it's not because I courted Kaeya first is it?" Violet asked as her mother took a face of surprise, "I...I..." she stuttered as Violet smirked, "Cheeky mother of mine. Viox loves Kaeya, and he loves her. I suggest you make up with her before she does something rather worse." Violet said as she took note that her father had been quiet, "Father?" She said quietly as Altair looked at her, "That Alberich boy has grown...what was it...three years since I first met him? He's grown into a fine young man." Altair commented, "'s unforgivable that he slept with Viox before asking." He said as Violet nodded, "I'll go talk with them." She said getting up and heading out of the kitchen.

She walked carefully to the bedroom door, noting that it was quiet. She knocked, hearing a soft, 'come in.' As she opened the door to see the newly formed sleeping buddies, close together. Viox's back laid on top of Kaeya's chest as his chin tucked hers under it, one of his arms was holding Viox in place while the other played with Viox's pink hair. Viox held a book in her hands as she flipped a page. Violet smiled, the two seemed to have calmed from the fighting from mere moments ago. "Hey." Violet greeted as she shut the door. Viox closed her book carefully, "Hey yourself." She said as Kaeya frowned. "I talked with Father and Mother." Violet said as Viox sighed, "And?" She asked her twin. Violet frowned and looked at the ground, "I don't know if they'll understand." She admits, knowing her family in general was stubborn. Viox groaned loudly, "They're as stubborn as the mules!" She cried out in anger, as Kaeya looked at the pink haired woman in his lap, "Viox, they are your parents." He said softly, "Try to understand that they saw their uncourted daughter, did it with an uncourted man." As Viox looked down, "Violet..." she started as Violet crossed her arms, "Viox, you know, I'm pretty sure I said 'talk' not 'do it'..."Violet said as Viox blushed madly, "Violet!" She said softly covering her face from view. 

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