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The walk back home was short, but the air was tense. Viox hated the emotions rolling off of Kaeya, he would smile at her, and then go back to scowling at every man and woman who dared look in their direction. If she hadn't noticed sooner, she most likely would have shown a little more than she would have liked. Her white button up was soaked, she had noticed it had gone completely see through, so against better judgement, she had pulled on Diluc's jacket fully around her body. The smell of Mint and Wine flooded her nose. Normally Diluc would smell of sweet flowers and mint, but this smell told her otherwise. She shivered before letting out a soft sneeze. Viox mumbled as Kaeya chuckled, "You may catch a cold." He said gently, as Viox blinked, "I hope not." She said quietly as they entered her home. She sighed with relief as she dropped Diluc's jacket on one of her arm chairs, "I'm going to go change, I think I have some of my fathers clothes here." She told Kaeya, as she walked towards her rooms.

Viox skimmed over her closet, pulling out a soft lavender colored button up and her signature black pants. Her eyes darted towards the back of the closet, seeing her fathers old button up and suit pants. Grabbing those, she headed back out to Kaeya, handing the clothing to the man and pointing towards the bathroom. After the man was gone from her vision, she carefully picked up Diluc's jacket. Her heart gave a small squeeze. Did she want to start something with the man? Maybe...court him? She questioned herself as she sat down on her couch, holding the jacket in her lap. Diluc was a handsome man in his own right, simple, they already knew each other in an intimate manner. Viox sighed softly through her nose. Diluc was brave, smart, generous, he was in every way a great gentleman, but is that what Viox wanted to settle for? Her hand played with one of the jacket's buttons as her ears heard Kaeya return. "Are you alright Viox?" He asked as Viox nodded, "I am, and you?" She asked right back standing up to see the man. She felt her face flush mildly as she took in the man's new outfit, the loose button up and suit pants, it fit him all too well. Kaeya pushed some of his wet hair from his face and shrugged, "Could be better." He replied as he took a seat on one of her arm chairs. "Cozy place you got here Viox." He said as Viox took her seat once more, leaving Diluc's jacket next to her. "Yes, it's affordable." She said, Kaeya watched her with his eye, tracking her movements, "Who pushed you in?" He asked, his tone was serious. Viox bit her lip, "Miss Fruitia, I'm not familiar with that name in general." She looked at the man, as her ribcage tightened, Kaeya's face was drawn in a flat stare. He stood up and crossed the way towards Vilx and cupped her face gently, his palm was warm but his fingers were cold, Viox flushed as Kaeya leaned in and kissed her forehead, his lips brushed the skin so gently that she barely felt it, her heart stuttered lightly as she stared at the man, who was now kneeling next to her, "I'll do my best to find this Miss Fruitia, you need to stay here, no more walking alone after work or before work." He said rubbing Viox's cheek gently. He kissed her hand before calling his goodbyes and leaving her within the home.

Viox bit her lip as things began to click into place for her. Kaeya...Kaeya, Knight of Favonius. That was the one she wanted, after almost 3 weeks of knowing each other, being with each other, she had grown to want him to stay beside her. She swallowed a cry as her body felt weak from the dip in the lake, she felt the rising panic as she curled up on her couch, pulling one of her thick blankets over her, she didn't want to cry, but the tears flowed down her cheeks, she sniffled as she tried to stop them, the fears and anxieties washed over her already tired form in a wave of raw emotion. She hated feeling weak, but she needed a good cry. The only thing was, she didn't want to be alone. Her eyes fluttered shut.

She felt her body shudder as she sobbed in her sleep, the water was cold, she hated the thick feeling of the salt water, clinging to her skin, she could feel a salt like crust crackle as she moved. Viox sat up as she felt the gross salt on her body. It was disgusting. She quickly rushed to her bathroom, noticing the pile of Kaeya's clothes on the floor. As she ripped open the curtain of the bath, and ran it as hot as it could go. She peaked at the clothes, Viox blinked as her body moved on its own, she had never been close to Kaeya, just that moment as they were walking from the Lake. She kneeled down and touched the white fur coat collar, even though it was wet, it was soft. Kaeya wore this daily? She wondered what it would be like to cuddle it. Pulling away she slipped into her bath, letting the water move over her. She didn't have to fear drowning in her tub, it was safe. She gently washed herself with the hot water, as she hummed softly, that's when she felt it. She turned around in her bath as she swore she had felt something ghost against her. It felt like Kaeya's hands. She blinked, shaking her head lightly, nobody was in her bathroom. Her hand touched her neck softly. Would Kaeya even kiss her there? She bit her lip as she thought about Kaeya nipping on her neck, a mad blush crossed her cheeks as she felt the ghost of Kaeya once more, "Viox..." his voice whispered softly as Viox gasped, her body shivered, as she washed her chest. Her mind was hazy, as her bathroom door busted open, "VIOX!" Kaeya yelled as he paused, the woman was standing up in her tub, Kaeya couldn't blink as he watched the woman, she was petite, small and delicate, below average breasts and a small waist. Her skin was pale and smooth everywhere, and he wondered what it'd be like to taste it. Till a bottle of soap hit him dead center in the forehead and he went down to the ground, a high pitched cry of surprise echoed out of his mouth. "I'M TAKING A BATH!" Viox cried as she sank back into the tub, covering her nonexistent chest from view.

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