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"So you want to tell me about last night?" Diluc asked as he leaned on the door frame of his guest bed. Viox laid flat on her back on top of the bed, sitting up slowly, she looked down at her hands, "I needed to get away from the Knights because I was being suffocated. So I talked with Kaeya and he disagreed because I was safer there than anywhere." she explained quickly as Diluc sighed. "You know that Violet is going to know you're here right? Kaeya also visits from time to time when he has a chance, so you'll have to face both of them sooner than later." he said as Viox nodded, "I know, but I just want to go back to work and be left alone for a while. Besides, I know you've been planning a Ball of sorts for your new wine, I've been out of work for four days and I know anyone you hire isn't as good as me when it comes to planning and making sure that all Mora is accounted for." she said standing up and looking at Diluc, who chuckled a little, "You are right. I trust you'll pick up the slack for the other worker." He said as he walked away, leaving Viox to her thoughts.

How could she be so selfish? Viox stood up and went over to the large window in the room. She watched as the Vineyard workers picked at the grapes that were needed for the newest wines and of course the wines that needed restocks. She looked around the room, taking note of how simple it was, but also large as well. It had its own bathroom connected to it as the room was split into two. One the left half of the room, there was a large vanity with all sorts of cosmetics and such. Next to that was a large dresser. The closet stood next to that, taking up that wall, and then right there was the door to the bathroom. Towards the center of the left half was a small couch with two armchairs and a coffee table in the center of the cozy circle. The bed was over on the right side of the room, closer to the door that would lead into the hallway. Two little nightstands stood on either side of the bed with small lamps on top of them. Viox smiled at the coziness of the room.

She crossed her arms and tried to relax. She had come here to work and get away from the Knights, but was that such a good idea with Fruitia still out? She had made her way into the Winery before, what would stop her from doing it again? Viox let out a small sigh as she headed out of her temporary room for a while. Heading down the stairs she heard the commotion at the front doors. It sounded like an angry group of people.

"Master Diluc, you must understand, you took in a charge of the Knights and we must see to it her safety and such." Master Jean said as Viox peered from around the corner to watch what Diluc would do next. "Master Jean, I took in a person who felt as if she was a prisoner to the Knights instead of a normal person, bare in mind anyone would feel this way with how the Knights treat cases as high as hers." he said smoothly. Jean's green eyes glared a little, "Master Diluc, we Knights treat everyone with respect, we are not the same as the Knights you once knew when you were in our ranks." she said as Diluc nodded, "I do agree, but you see, she will be safer with me, you can not deny that. She's out of the city and away from the main source of problems. Until Fruitia is behind bars, Miss Viox will remain at the Dawn Winery for now. She will be safe and have more freedom then she did with the Knights." Diluc said as Viox took a deep breath. She was worried he would hand her over. "Can I at least visit her?" Kaeya's voice asked as Viox's heart stuttered in her chest. He was here? Of course he was here, he was a Knight and after her outburst last night, she couldn't be all that surprised could she? "Just for a moment Master Diluc. I wish to speak with her." Kaeya said as Viox heard Diluc give a short sigh, "I will allow it, but heed my worrying Kaeya. She was terribly upset. I assume it was due to you." he said with a low threat unlying his message towards Kaeya. Viox didn't waste time as she darted to her room quickly. She didn't hear what Kaeya said back as she shut the door and locked it. She took a deep breath as the minutes crawled by slowly.

Soon a soft knock echoed at her door. Viox bit her lip, she didn't want to answer it. "Viox?" Kaeya's voice flittered through the thick door. "Viox, open up, it's just me. I want to talk." Kaeya said as Viox shook her head as if she was answering him. "I see. I wouldn't talk to me either right now." he said to her. "I wanted to ask if you were alright? We were both upset and then you said something that surprised me. Did you mean it? Your words, did you mean them?" his voice asked her as Viox took a step towards the door, her hand rested on the lock. "I think being away from you is the most difficult thing I've ever done. You know that right?" he said as Viox paused. Did she want to let him in? She waited a moment before turning the lock. The sharp noise rang in her ears as she turned the doorknob. As she opened it, she looked up at Kaeya, who looked down at her. "Hey there Wild." he said softly as Viox flushed a little at the nickname he had called her when they first met. "Can I come in?" he asked her as Viox opened the door to allow him inside. Closing it after he was safe inside. Viox turned and faced him as she looked over his form. He seemed to be relaxed by being in here with her, as Viox watched him take a seat in one of the chairs within the room. She took a deep breath and went to sit in the one across from him. The silence was thick as no one dared to speak. Kaeya broke it first, "Did you mean it?" he asked as Viox nodded, "I did." she whispered out as Kaeya blinked, letting the information process within his mind. "Then why did you run?" he asked as Viox looked down at her hands, "Because now's not the time to let you know my feelings aren't that of just having fun, they're serious. I was going to tell you at the Wind Festival but I never got the chance after everything that happened." she said, playing with her fingers as Kaeya leaned back in his chair a little, "Sometimes things just happen." he said gently as Viox looked at him. "You say that because I know you've had thousands of Love confessions daily." she said standing up and walking towards the window. "I couldn't just tell you. I had it planned and yet I said it in a fit of rage. Yet you are probably not even phased by it, why would you." Viox hugged herself gently.

"Because I care for you." Kaeya said standing up. Viox sighed softly, ""Yeah but it feels like you're moving on from me as well." she said softly. Kaeya moved to stand beside her. Carefully, Kaeya cupped her face gently, lifting it up so he could see her, "You know, friends can be away for a while from one another." His thumb rubbed against her cheek gently, "You could never lose me Viox, when will you see that?" he asked her as Viox leaned into the hand, "I was worried...Kaeya?" she reached up and touched his chest, "Kaeya...You haven't changed yet right?" she asked as Kaeya smiled a little,"I haven't changed, no matter what rumors you've been hearing on the streets." he chuckled softly as he smiled at her, feeling his body leaned down while cupping her face, kissing her deeply. Viox froze for a moment, before kissing back. Her hands reached up and tangled themselves into his hair, as she pulled him closer. Her body sang happily as the smell of cool winter air and wet rosemary entered her nose. Kaeya lowered his hand from her face as he pulled her body closer, by her hips squeezing them gently, as their lips moved against each other. Kaeya ripped his lips from hers as he lowered them to her jaw, and down her neck. Viox sucked in a deep breath as she flushed red. What were they doing? Weren't they supposed to be just friends till after all the crazy died down? "Kaeya?" she whispered as Kaeya pulled away from her neck slowly. They looked at each other, before their lips crashed into each other once more. Hands tugged shirts loose as fingertips brushed bare skin on stomachs, backs, and hips, as the two kissed each other. Viox was enjoying the touches the other was giving her as Kaeya pulled away, the both of them breathing heavily as their chests moved up and down, gasping for air that the other had stolen from their lungs. "We really shouldn't be doing this Kaeya." Viox said softly as Kaeya looked at her. "I could care less right now." he whispered softly. As Viox flushed red, "But what if something were to happen again?" she asked him as Kaeya kissed her softly, "Then let it, I'm here now, I'll protect you." he said as he pulled away from her lips once more. Viox nodded as she felt his hands rub her hips gently, "Kaeya?" she asked quietly, "Yes?" he asked back. Viox smiled warmly, "Can I say it?" she asked him as Kaeya chuckled a little, "I would love nothing more." he told her, moving a hand from her hip to cup her face once more. "I love you Kaeya Alberich." She whispered softly, "Will you court me?" She asked him as Kaeya smirked, "I'll have to think about that one." he joked as Viox rolled her eyes. Seeing her do so, Kaeya leaned down and kissed her again, "I'll court you Viox Hala, because I love you too." he said gently as he moved some hair from Viox's face. Viox blushed as she heard the words leave his mouth. Now that this was out in the open, how would people react? Kaeya courting her? Neither person heard the door open or close carefully.

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