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    "Kaeya?" Viox called as Kaeya walked over from his spot, "Is something the matter?" He asked as she motioned him to lean down. Kaeya blinked but leaned down anyway, as a sweet smelling crown was placed on his head. Viox had made him a sweet flower, flower crown. She smiled as he blinked at her, a small smile gracing her lips as he poked at the plants, "Is this why you were stopping every few moments?" He asked her as Viox nodded, "Yes, I figured since we are friends, I can at least give you gifts!" She said happily, as the two continued their way home towards Mondstadt. Viox hummed softly as she walked through the thick grassland, she was excited to head back to her home, she missed her job, her guard friends, her sister, Diluc, and mostly seeing Kaeya everyday. She looked back at Kaeya, who was walking with his hand holding the two horses reins, his dark blue hair made the Flower crown pop more as she chuckled.

Earlier they had talked to the researchers and got two horses, both were mares but different colorings. Viox's mare was called Blueberry after one of the berries Albedo found deep in Dragonspine. It had a dark dapple coat and a black mane, and bright blue eyes. She was very sweet towards Kaeya and Viox, unlike the mare Kaeya got. Her name was Golden Berry, after the fruit everyone knew, her coat was a bright blonde coloring as her main was almost a white color. She seemed to very much prefer Kaeya then Viox, which Kaeya said was just due to the fact that he had a way with the horse, as he was a Cavalry Captain, that would mean he had skills with horses that most people didn't have. Viox chuckled weakly as she took the reins of her horse from Kaeya, "Let's get home now, I want to stop by the tavern." She said as she climbed onto the horse carefully, she was shorter than the mare, so getting up was a little difficult. "Alright, come on, we have less than a few hours left. '' he said, getting onto his steed without a problem. Viox rolled her eyes at the skill. If she was just a little taller, maybe she could be as graceful getting onto a horse. She had noticed the darker mood around Kaeya as they got closer to the large city of Mondstadt, he seemed to grow a lot colder towards her, but she couldn't place why it was so sudden. She watched him as he pulled his horse in front of hers, leading them on the path. Viox watched his back. Did it have to do with the fact they couldn't be with each other anymore? Was it that? Maybe it was the frustration of Fruitia not behind bars so they could be?

Viox sighed softly as they rode. Maybe it was all of it. She could understand the pain, as much as she wanted to be with him, Fruitia made it clear that if Viox was anywhere near Kaeya, he would get hurt. Viox gripped the reins tightly, she didn't want that. She didn't care if she got hurt, but Kaeya? She looked down, her eyes blurred before she blinked the water away. She wouldn't allow Kaeya to get hurt. She looked back up to see past Kaeya's form, Mondstadt stood proudly in the distance. She smiled brightly, "There it is..." she whispered as Kaeya stopped his horse to allow Viox's steed to trot next to his. "Yes, the sooner there, the sooner we can eat." he chuckled as Viox smiled more, "I can see Violet again." she said with glee as Kaeya smiled a little.

After a while they came across the bridge over Cider Lake. The front gates of Mondstadt stood in front of them as their horses trotted to the entrance, Viox smiled as the guards at the post waved at both Kaeya and herself. She waved back as they entered, Kaeya carefully getting off his horse, before helping her down off her's. "We're back finally." Viox sighed happily as she looked at the main street of Mondstadt. Kaeya nodded, "You go ahead to the tavern, I'll catch up after I take the horses to the main Knight's stables." he said as Viox nodded, waving her hand in a small goodbye as she walked towards the Tavern. She smiled and waved to the busy people of Mondstadt as some greeted her with happy calls and smiles. It felt good to be back as she climbed the steps upwards to The Angel's Share. She gave a large grin as she rushed up to the large wooden door. Opening it she called, "Im home!" as she was greeted with cheers.


Viox took a long deep breath as she walked into her living room about a week later. When she had gotten back a few nights ago with Kaeya, she had headed to the Angels Share and settled down some as people crowded the young woman. She had enjoyed the company of the Knights, including her own sister, who had rushed up to Viox and hugged her tightly, happy to see VIox once more as the two quickly rushed up the stairs of the tavern to talk, Diluc had waved them off as he worked the bar. He had later on told Viox She started her job back up after she was fully settled back into her home. Viox smiled as she held her small tea cup filled with a new flavor that had passed through Mondstadt a few weeks ago, a Lavender berry sweet tea. It was good in Viox's opinion but she had to admit, Diluc had a large arrange of Tea's she often sipped on while at the Winery. Now that it was the next week, Viox's door was knocked on through most of the mornings and evenings, as she had been receiving quite the range of gifts from mostly the Elders in Mondstadt, some Knights, and some children that had missed her. Her house quickly became crowded with large flower arrangements and small gift baskets of foods and wines. She chuckled as Violet moved a few out of her way, "Mondstadt missed their favorite Head of Affairs. Got enough gifts?" she asked her sibling. Viox smiled, taking a sip of her tea, "I'm not sure yet, I'll get back to you." she said as Violet picked up a smaller vase, "This one is pretty, no note." she said as she held it up to Viox. who blinked, a beautiful Gaze Lily sat in a dark blue vase. Freshly cut that morning it looked like. A small black ribbon tied around the neck of the vase as Viox set her tea cup down and gently took the vase from her sister, "It's my favorite flower." she smiled warmly, as Violet smirked, "It must have been Kaeya." she said as Viox rolled her eyes, "You can't say that just because it's my favorite flower, besides, I haven't talked to Kaeya since we arrived together yesterday evening. I'm sure Acting Grandmaster Jean gave him an ear full for leaving Mondstadt." she said as she picked up her tea cup again taking a sip. "But she didn't." Violet said as she moved more flowers over towards the front door. Viox raised a brow, "How so?" she asked as she carefully placed her cup down on the coffee table along with the Gaze Lily. "Because Kaeya has been in his office since last night." Violet said as she walked back to gather more flowers, Viox grabbed a few as well to help move most of these out of her living room, "Why is he there? Did he get a case?" she asked as they walked, "No, last I heard, he's researching something. His case keeps getting denied by Jean. Ive over overheard them talking one time and she said something about it being a case for more fitted Knights. It's all weird, especially since the Fruitia case is top priority. Especially since you're back in Mondstadt." Violet replied. Viox found that odd, why would Kaeya be researching? She set the flowers down, with a small frown, "Odd." she commented as Violet shrugged, "I said the same thing." she agreed softly. She had remembered a few nights ago while talking at the Winery with Diluc and Violet about Kaeya and his recent disappearance as of late.

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