Marry Me?

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To say Viox was shocked, was quite an understatement as she watched the man she loved drop to one knee in front of her. “Viox...Will you marry me?” Kaeya asked softly as Viox felt like she couldnt breath, wasn't he going to leave her? What was this? She looked around the kitchen as it was fully decorated for the night. Gaze Lilies were the centerpiece at the large table, which had candles on top to give a romantic atmosphere. Her plate held a box with her vision with a new necklace attached to it. Veggie Soup sat in a large pot with Sticky Honey Roast and Mondstadt Hashbrowns sat at one edge of the table. Viox looked back at Kaeya, her eyes landing on the ring that laid in its small box. It was a simple clear looking gemstone in a silver band. “Viox?” Kaeya asked as he slowly got up off the ground. “Are you in shock or something?” he asked her as Viox carefully took the box from his hand. She looked at the ring before looking at Kaeya. A grin made its way onto her face as she gave it back, “Well then! Put it on!” She said as Kaeya’s eyes widened, before he quickly took the ring from its place and onto her left hand ring finger. He held her hand carefully for a moment as he kissed the back of it softly. 
“I was nervous you were going to say no.” he said as he pulled her hand away from his lips. Viox shook her head, “I thought you were going to leave me!” she said as Kaeya looked at her weirdly, “Why on earth would I ever do that?” he asked as Viox shrugged, “I don't know! I saw you yesterday morning talking to a woman I had never seen before and it looked like flirting! My brain ran to the worst case possible!” she said as Kaeya sighed with a small smile on his face, “You do know, that was the jeweler who made your ring right?” he said as Viox looked at him, “Not the point! I was so worried!” she said as Kaeya chuckled lightly, “I know, I know, but I wouldn't leave you Viox, you're too important to me.” he said as he gently cupped her face. Viox flushed at the contact, “I was worried is all.” she said as he leaned down to kiss her, but something rushed passed both their faces as an angry Violet stood at the back door. Viox sighed, “You should run.” she told Kaeya, who nodded, “Come get me when she’s calm.” he said as he headed for his front door, but was quickly tackled to the floorboards. 


Viox hummed lightly as she ate her dinner next to Kaeya, who was receiving an ear full from Violet. Violet sat on the opposite side of the table, her eyes glaring at Kaeya, “You didn't even ask me for her hand in marriage! I'm her sister!” she hissed as Kaeya rolled his eye, “Your point?” he asked as Viox placed a hand on his thigh, a sign to be nice. “Viox is a very traditional person! She would have agreed sooner if you would have asked.” Violet grumbled as Kaeya chuckled, “She still said yes.” he said as Viox grinned. She looked down at the ring once more as she thought about wedding ideas. “Did you even pick a date?” Violet asked as Kaeya nodded, “I want it to be the first day we met. January 24th.” He said as Viox looked at him, “You remembered what day we met?” she asked as he took a drink of his wine, he nodded slightly as he pulled the glass away, “Because we made a bet that same night.” he said, “So i marked it on my calendar.” he said. 
Viox was shocked, “I would have never remembered that, it was so long ago.” she said as she recalled all that happened throughout this year. Kaeya nodded, “About 10 months time, we’ve known each other that long. In general we knew about each other, but never met due to work, life, and such.” he said as Violet cleared her throat, “Not the point here.” she said as Viox chuckled, “Violet, it's okay.” she said as her sister sighed, “I just...I wish you all the best, you know? You dreamt of this day for so long, and now you're a step closer.” Violet said as Viox blushed lightly, “Violet...I'm sure Kaeya doesn't want to hear this story.” she said as Kaeya looked between the twins. “I would love to hear about this.” he said as Violet smirked, “Viox used to dream about her mystery hero coming and marrying her.” she said as Viox blushed more. Kaeya snickered a little. Violet sighed, “It was so romantic too! She said she would love it if he came to her in a white suit and held out a Gaze Lily to her and declared his love for her.” Violet teased her red faced sister. Viox stuttered a little as she huffed, “Well! He saved me! Of course I would daydream about him!” she defended herself as Kaeya smirked, “I actually have a surprise for you on this topic.” He said as Viox looked at him, “How so?” she asked as Kaeya smirked, “I was going through some old photos of the Knights and traced some back to when Diluc was Cavalry Captain before me. I think I found your Hero.” he said as Viox gasped, “You did?!” she asked as Kaeya nodded, “Here let me get the picture for you.” he said as he stood up and headed into his room. Violet reached across the table to hold Viox’s hand for support as Kaeya walked back. “Tell me, does that jacket seem familiar to you?” he asked as he handed the photo to the pink haired woman. 
Viox took it carefully as she looked it over. There was a man next to a very young looking Diluc and a younger looking Kaeya. She looked at the coat that Diluc wore, but it didn't match the one she owned. Her eyes looked over at Kaeya’s form as her eyes widened. The jacket his photo self wore, matched the one she’s had for all these years. “It was yours.” she whispered as Kaeya smiled, “It was.” he said as Viox looked between Kaeya and the photo, before she got up and walked over to the man. She wrapped a hand around the back of his neck as she pulled him in for a kiss. Kaeya seemed startled at first but relaxed as he kissed her back gently. Viox pulled away slowly as she smiled. “Violet, we have a wedding to plan!” 

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