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It had been an hour since the start of the climb, Viox shivered as the cold bit her face, thankful for the much thicker layers of clothing now. She looked at Albedo, who didn't seem to be struggling with the hike upwards, but she wasn't surprised as he walked like he had been here all his life. "Can you calculate how much longer we have til we hit the site of where you fell from?" the said man asked as Viox took a moment, "We should reach it within the next hour, let's pray to the Seven that Kaeya hasn't reached the Abyss Mages." She said as Albedo nodded, "I see." he replied as they continued upwards, careful not to slip on the ice nor the jagged rocks that could cut through them like a knife to butter.


"So how long till your group heads towards the south of the mountain?" Violet asked as Kaeya settled around one of the many fires in the campsite, "We head out tomorrow morning, I hear it gets too cold for travel at night." Kaeya replied softly as Violet sat next to him, "I see, do you think?" she paused, Kaeya looked at the other Hala twin, "Do you think they took her all the way up?" Violet finished, even though her mind spoke of a different sentence, one that would cause both herself and Kaeya, pain if she spoke it aloud. Kaeya caught onto this as he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat before replying, "I do not believe so, see the Traders wouldn't go that far to trade goods, and that would be completely off radair, they need their slaves undamaged, so taking her that far would possibly damage her." he said tightly as Violet nodded, "I see..." she said quietly as the two stared at the warm orange flames, the heat covered their forms as a thick blanket of quiet covered them. They were both worried for Viox's safety, but if they didn't find her in time, who knew what the Traders would do.

As if morning couldn't be fast enough, daybreak hit as Kaeya took a glance at the pinky orange hued sky. "It's time Sir Kaeya." Albedo said gently as Kaeya nodded, his eyes hardened as he slipped on a pack. His hair flicked over his shoulder as it swung against his back, "Lets go. The routes for the Traders should be equaled out between the two teams." He said taking one more quick glance at the map as Violet discussed splitting up her team to be faster, he caught her eye as she nodded him off. He sent a weak smile of encouragement her way, a promise between the two if anything. 'Find her safe.' Both their eyes read to each other. As Kaeya walked from the camp, following Albedo's and Sucrose's lead.


"ALBEDO!" Viox screamed as the man fell to the ground, they had been walking up the mountain side moments beforehand. Suddenly they were ambushed from the side. A large group of Hilichurls slammed into them as Albedo pushed Viox to the side; he had fought hard as Viox tried her best. Remembering the steps that Violet had taught her. Side step, lunge, roll if they sweep, Viox glared as she knocked another Hilichurl down, she winced at the blood splattering in her clothes, glad it wasn't her skin. She rushed towards the man, sliding onto her side to hook another enemy to the ground as she heard a loud rumble as the ground shook violently, large amber colored rocks jutted from the ground, throwing the five Hilichurls on Albedo upwards and away from the man. Who was now standing shakily, blood dripping from the large cut on his pale face. Viox noticed his eyes held a serious note as he darted over to her, helping her up. "We have to finish this quickly, any ideas?" Albedo asked her as Viox took a look around, her eyes darted over the white mountain side, that's when she saw the cliff. "THERE!" She pointed as Albedo followed her finger, "An avalanche..." he whispered as he darted forwards, Viox following right behind, as the gang of Hilichurls followed them, they slid to a stop as Albedo grabbed Viox's hand, "Whatever you do, don't let go." He said as Viox nodded. He tucked her against the mountain's rocky side as he sent his amber colored rocks upwards. It was quiet. Too quiet. Then a loud rumble. Viox closed her eyes and held onto Albedo's hand as she felt the cold snow, ice, and rocks fly by her body. It was loud, so loud, as Viox held her breath, what felt like minutes was only moments as everything settled.

"I think we're safe now." Albedo said, pulling away as Viox opened her eyes to the now white blanketed pathways. Her heart dropped a little as they were so close to the clearing. "This will be an interesting turn of events. We may have to climb now." Albedo said as Viox nodded. It wasn't much longer now.


Kaeya made a small noise of relief as they reached Albedo's main study campsite. He slid off the heavy pack off his back as they had only hiked around a few hours, it was still bright out. "Alright, after I check in with my researchers, we can head out Sir Kaeya." Albedo said as Kaeya nodded, "Sounds good to me Albedo." He said as he felt another sharp pain in his left eye. He fought the urge to touch his black and gold eyepatch as Albedo walked away. "You seem like you're in pain." Sucrose said softly from behind Kaeya, who turned and looked at the green haired woman. "I'll be fine, Miss Sucrose. Please don't fret." He said as he looked at Sucrose's worried face, "I see." She said gently as Kaeya looked up towards the Mountain. Dragonspine, it was known to have a cold that could freeze you to death if you weren't prepared for the chilly nights and freezing storms. "Sir Knight Kaeya, it's surprising a Knight of your status is joining us." A small woman about Viox's height, although petite and small, she had dirty blonde hair and wore a dark purple outfit, her eyes were dark brown. Kaeya looked at her, "Afternoon Miss, and I'm on a personal Mission from Grand Master Jean herself." He replied to the woman who chuckled, "I see, well it's an honor to meet you." She said with a wink as she walked away, "I'll see you around." She waved off as Kaeya frowned as Albedo walked up next to him, "Sir Kaeya?" He asked as Kaeya cleared his throat, "Let's head out." He said as they left the campsite, leaving Sucrose in charge.

"Sir Kaeya, do you know Miss Anna?" Albedo asked as they started heading up one of the Traders routes, sticking close to the treeline. Hidden by the trees, "No. I do not know Miss Anna." Kaeya said quietly as he spotted a wagon rolling downwards, he heard some voices saying to stop the wagon as three large men crawled out, "Get the woman." One said as another grunted. Kaeya stopped Albedo as they hid behind a large rock covered in snow. He watched as the wagon pulled out an average height woman with dark purple hair. She wasn't Viox. Kaeya felt disappointed in this information, as he formed a few sharp ice shards, taking aim, he released and relaxed his hand, killing the men quickly. Albedo stayed quiet as the Woman looked confused, before she quickly unhooked the horse from the wagon and took off.

Even though it wasn't Viox, Kaeya would help release the kidnapped women and men if he came across them. "Let's continue." Kaeya said quietly as Albedo nodded. 

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