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Viox felt warm. It was a soothing feeling as she sat up slowly, her gaze looking around, taking a moment to realize she was inside a large tent, a bed warmer was near her feet as another at her lower back. Her eyes took in the site of the fur lined place. The cot she was sleeping in was rather warm as she enjoyed the moment of peace. She sighed softly, the note of sadness had echoed out. Viox mulled over what had happened, perhaps she died going off the side of the Mountain like that, that would explain why she was in a nice tent and warm.

A rustling sound from outside alerted the woman as she tensed. A black and red glove came into her view as her heart leaped with joy, Diluc was here, meaning Kaeya was too! She smiled but it quickly dropped as a blond haired man entered the tent with a tray of hot food, still steaming from the fire. "Good morning." He greeted quietly as Viox looked at him with worry, "Ah no need to be scared Miss Viox." He said as he set the meal at her bedside, "I am Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius." He introduced himself. His outfit was white and blue with some golden hues mixed in, as his blond hair was tied back neatly. His blue eyes were intelligent as Viox bit her lip. This person knew her, the question was how could she know for sure this person spoke the truth? She cleared her throat a little, "Hello...Albedo..." she said back, as he smiled, "I can guess you're still scared of what happened back with the Abyss Mages. It's understandable as if I were in such a position, I would run at the first chance. It's interesting that humans have such an active flight or fight response. Like our emotions trigger a response that is completely of free will." He said with a little excitement in his voice as Viox looked at him, " a lot..." she mumbled out as she felt a sharp pain in her side, she winced as Albedo chuckled, "Most say that, I just happen to have a larger vocabulary than most of the Knights." He said as he leaned over the bed, "May I take a look?" He asked as Viox nodded slowly. She shifted just a little as the man pulled out a small vial of pinkish liquid, "What are you planning on doing with that?" she asked as Albedo looked at her, "It's to seal up that wound of yours, we noticed you had it after we brought you back to our campsite." he said gently, as Viox stared at the vial.Albedo noticed this, "Here, let me show you its not poison." he commented, taking a small dagger from his pocket and carefully making a small cut on his arm. "Now only a drop or two." he said lifting his arm to show Viox, who watched without a word, Albedo carefully poured a droplet out as his wound sizzled lightly before closing up. Viox gasped lightly as Albedo smiled, "See, nothing to fear really, now it may burn a little, but nothing too bad." he said as he held the vial up. Viox carefully lifted her shirt up to show the deep and red cut on her skin as Albedo carefully poured a couple of droplets of the liquid onto her skin. She yelped a little as she felt the burning leak into her skin, as her side slowly closed itself up. She winced as the last bit finally sealed off, before letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Sir Albedo." she said softly as Albedo nodded, "No worries, luckily we found you in time, most of the Knights have this place covered looking for you." he said as Viox perked up, "Kaeya?" she asked as Albedo nodded, "He was the one that figured out where the Kidnappers took you and we had been tracking your trail for two days now. We kept finding your hair." he said as he pulled out a container with Viox's pink hair in it. "Kaeya left around noon to retrace our steps, it's now 6." he said as Viox slowly moved from the warm bed, "We have to find him!" she said hurriedly as Albedo looked at her with surprise, "You need rest!" he said as Viox shook her head, "Kaeya is in danger! The last track I left will lead him straight to those Abyss Mages!" she said as Albedo went quiet. "Lets go." he said as Viox followed him out of the tent.

"Sucrose! I need some winter clothes for Miss Viox!" Albedo called as a woman of 18 or so came running over, her green hair fluttering around her face, as Viox noticed the other had actual fox-like ears. "Please meet you Miss Viox! Please follow me to my tent and we shall get you warmer clothes." She greeted as Viox nodded, "Please to meet you as well Miss Sucrose." She greeted back as she followed the woman to another warm tent. She waited as Sucrose gathered some clothes and placed them on the bed. "Come back out when you're done, it sounds like Master Albedo is in a hurry." She said as she left Viox alone. Viox looked over the clothes as she undressed from her muddy wet button up and black jeans. She took off her flats. Pulling on thick warm tights and another pair of thick pants, she pulled on a fur lined long sleeved shirt and a snug fitted jacket, everything was white and deep blue, as she slipped on a pair of knee high winter boots. They had thick grooves in the soles to grip onto the ice and snow. She laced them up as tight as they could go before heading into the middle of camp.

Albedo was looking over a large map as Sucrose handed Viox a pair of fur lined gloves. "He's trying to find the fastest path to Kaeya." She whispered as Viox pulled the gloves on, nodding, "I can help, I lived in Dragonspine most of my life." She said as Albedo looked up, "Please." He said as Viox looked over the map, "There!" She pointed, "This will be the fastest path, Kaeya will be in this area, because this is where the huge clearing is." She said as Albedo nodded, "Let's go. Do you need a weapon?" He asked as Viox blinked, "I've never used one before." She said as Albedo walked over and tied a sword to her waist, "This is the smallest I have in my collection, it should do nicely." He said as Sucrose handed him another, it was a black and gold blade as he slipped it to his waist. Viox swallowed a little as they headed from the camp. Heading left it would be a path straight up. Viox felt the cold nip only at her nose now. She sighed in relief as they started the trek upwards. It was incredibly rocky and there was a chance at black ice as well. Viox started the climb, determination written on her face. 

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