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Violet made her way back to Kaeya's home, her thoughts clearly wrapped up in the matters of Diluc as she walked into the home, her ears picking up whispers of two people talking, as she walked quietly over towards Kaeya's bedroom door, pressing her ear against the wood.

"---Now that I'm damaged..." Viox's voice filtered through the door, "Damaged? As in your scars?" Kaeya asked.

No noise, Violet furrowed her brows, leaning in to listen more, Kaeya was never this way when they were together, he was more cold towards her. Why was he so warm towards Viox?

"You need not to worry...you'll find someone out there who adores your scars." Kaeya said once more.

Violet frowned, Kaeya was a playboy for sure, maybe he had changed in the three years since they were eighteen, of course she had become a Knight of Favonius by then, and had been deployed towards Dragonspine for the past two years, luckily her family had a home there. Violet noticed that the conversation behind the door had ended, quickly she moved to sit in the living room. Crossing her leg over the other, she waited for Kaeya to walk by. It took a few moments, as he walked in with a small basket and a bowl of some liquid. Violet waited as he took the items into the kitchen. "What do you think you're doing with my sister?" She asked him from her spot. The room instantly grew cold. Kaeya walked back and sat across from Violet, his eye glaring in a cold matter. No matter how exhausted the man looked, his energy was dangerous. Violet glared back, fire burning in her eyes, she only wanted to protect Viox from this monster of a man.

"I am getting to know Viox if that is your concern." He replied coldly. Violet narrowed her eyes, "It seems like you are trying to play Hero where you are not wanted nor needed." She remarked, "Viox doesn't need a playboy rat tailed tramp, tagging after her, only to break her heart." She snapped as Kaeya's gaze hardened, "You may think it's merely some game of cat and mouse for her to lay in my bed, but it's not, nor none of your petty minds worry, she is old enough to decide her own choices." He growled out. Violet chuckled, "Viox is like a newborn deer in this life, she was sheltered until she was twenty, she's been on her own for only two years, never has she courted, I fear if she falls for you, she'll only be disappointed by the mere fact you'll never be around, instead you'll be getting drunk in the taverns." Violet smirked, as Kaeya rose an eyebrow, "Clearly you're still obsessed with me." He commented as Violet stood up, enraged at the fact that he assumed she was still in love with him. "YOU'RE UNBELIEVABLE!" She snapped at him, "You're so self absorbed that you think everyone worships the ground you walk on! Viox will find someone better than you!" She spat as Kaeya leaned back in his seat, "And if she does, it's her choice." He replied, "If she leaves me for another nor doesn't even want me, it's her choice. I won't give up because her sister merely doesn't want us to be together due jealousy." He said as he stood up, heading for his bedroom, "Before you assume the worst of me, perhaps you should get to know the real me, the person I've grown to be." He said as he opened the room door, greeted with a soft "Hello." Before leaving Violet alone.

Violet stood stunned at Kaeya's words. He had never been so quick to anger before. Had she been wrong? Has the man really changed from so many years ago? Violet chewed on her bottom lip. Had she really been so wrong? Her gut told her something still felt off about Kaeya, but he seemed to turn into a huge softy for Viox. Violet sat back down, she looked at the closed bedroom door. She would make him prove he had changed, before she could approve Viox choosing to court Kaeya. Violet nodded at herself, that seemed like the correct answer here.

"What was the shouting about?" Viox asked Kaeya, who had sat down at his desk, reading over parchments, "Nothing to be concerned about really, just a trivial matter." He explained to her. Viox frowned and took up reading the last chapters of the book in her hands. She noted that Kaeya was tense about something, but she didn't think Violet would push him over the edge. Viox bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes not even reading the printed words, "Will you be okay?" She asked the man, who had started writing on some documents. "I'll be alright." He replied as he wrote something down before turning and facing Viox. "Violet mentioned some things to me, I'm asking out of curiosity, due to I've picked up a few things on my own." He looked at Viox, "Tell me something, how come Violet owns a Vision and you do not?" He crossed his arms, as Viox sighed, "I can explain very little about how she received the Seven's blessing, I wasn't there when she was blessed. From what I was told, she was practicing dancing by the edge of a lake in Dragonspine. Father had gone looking for wood and normally that's where he would go for it. As she was practicing, a Hilichurl tackled her into the cold water, she already knew how to swim, but she said something felt different about this time, she swam deeper into the water, to see if the monster would follow her, but as she did so, the water shifted around her and formed a thin barrier around her body, like a bubble she told me. And in that moment a bright flash of light, she was running back to the shoreline, her Vision tucked away neatly in her pocket." She explained to Kaeya, a look of interest on his face. "I haven't been away from home long enough to exactly have a near death fighting like experience, so maybe the Seven do not wish for me to own one." Viox told Kaeya, "I am not a Knight, nor am I much of a fighter, I am merely human." She smiled a little, "Perhaps I was meant to be protected." She finished as Kaeya chuckled, "I am not surprised that you need some protection." He smiled at Viox grumbled words of "Rude." Laughing a little as the woman pouted. 

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