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Only an hour later, Viox had gathered a small bag of some clothes and books she wanted to take with her back to Mondstadt, Kaeya smiled as he pulled from his small pack, the long renewed jacket, holding it put for Viox, he smiled, "I got it fixed up a couple months back, when you were kidnapped. I figured your savior would be able to recognize it better if it looked more like its original self." He said as Viox's face lit up a little, she quickly slipped the warm coat on and took a moment to smell the scent of her savior, but his scent was washed away by Kaeya's cool winter smell. The crisp wintermint and sage, with those small hints of dried out lavender bushes, made her relax as she buttoned it up. Viox looked up at Kaeya as she smiled weakly, "Thank you!" She said, trying to make it sound happy, as Kaeya smiled, "Good now, let's head out." He replied as they carefully walked down the steps of the Hala home. Kaeya looked at Viox as she rounded the corner of the stairs, leading to the front door, before she paused. Viox looked at her parents, her heart squeezed painfully as her mother looked upset, her fathers gaze was disappointment. She looked down, "Viox...we both have agreed that we can not approve of your courtship with Sir Knight Kaeya." Her mother hissed out as Kaeya stood behind Viox, an unreadable look on his tan face. Viox swallowed against the lump in her throat, "You...don't approve? Or just won't realize that he and I aren't courting?" She asked them to look up at her parents, watching them. Altair frowned, thinking about what his daughter said, "He shouldn't act that way if you two are not courting! Nobody should be threatened in their own home either! He's not worthy of the Cavalry Captain title!" He stated as Viox glared, "Yet you do it to Violet?! She went through years of your abuse! She trained everyday even when she was threatened by you! You did it to me when I decided to leave and be on my own! You sat there and belittled me in front of Kaeya in his own home! You dare say you shouldnt be threatened in your home when you've been doing it to your own children for years!" She spat, as her parents looked taken back, "We would never! You watch your mouth!" Mika barked the order as Viox crossed her arms, "I will no longer be claiming the name of Hala!" She said proudly as both of her parents gasped, "HOW DARE YOU!" Altair roared, "You are a Hala by blood!" he shouted louder. Viox glared, "Maybe I no longer want that blood! I want a family that treats me like family and the Knights already do that!" she screamed, standing her ground. Before she could blink she was shoved behind Kaeya once more as her ears ringed at the slap. Her mother has aimed to slap Viox, but once again she was saved by Kaeya. She looked at the tan man as he glared at her parents, she shivered lightly at the stare, even though it wasn't at her, his milky blue eye was focused on her parents as Viox swallowed the growing lump in her throat, "Mother, Father...I want to leave without this fight...Please, just let us go peacefully." She said softly as Altair turned his gaze to her green eyes. He seemed to be thinking, calculating something. Viox felt the familiar feeling of fear lick her spine, the same fear she got from Fruitia. She took a deep breath as she stood a little closer to Kaeya. "You really don't claim your birth given name any more?" he asked her slowly as Viox blinked, "I don't..." she whispered as Altair sighed, "I see...then you are no longer a part of the Jade Troop either. You are no longer allowed on the grounds of any Jade Troop sites or homes. Not even the Taverns we have. You are now and forever banned from this home." he said in a growly voice. Viox took a stuttered breath, she was free? But an empty feeling crawled its way into her chest, she would longer see any of her friends, family that raised her, supporters, fans, nothing, they were going to scratch off her name from the records due to the banning. She would no longer be a member of the Jade Troop. She gently touched the velvet black choker that she had worn for a few years now. It was a gift for joining. "Viox." her Father barked at her, as she looked at him, "Your choker." he held his hand out as her mother quickly pushed it down, Mika let out a sob as she held her husband's hand down, "Sir Kaeya has possessed your mind!' She wailed as Viox watched, "Mother..." she said as Kaeya moved to the side slowly in case Viox's parents made a move to hurt Viox. She nodded her thanks at the man as he watched them come apart. Mika bit her lip, "Viox, you're my baby! I can't approve of this decision! You and Violet have always been my children! I love you both!" she cried out as Viox looked down, "It's my choice Mother...I don't want..." she paused, looking up and staring at her sobbing mother, "You were a terrible mother. You caused heartache, you made comments about mine and Violet's looks and weight. You hurt us in ways that hurt to even think about! Mother, you were terrible!" she said as she unclipped the choker, taking off her Vision as she flung the choker to the ground, "You can take your mark." she spat as she looked at her parents, "I may keep the scars, but i will never have to be hurt by you ever again." she said as she grabbed Kaeya's hand and walked out of the house she once called home.

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