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Viox wiped some sweat off her brow, as she moved about, ducking and calling orders to the workers as she sighed. Not even a week later, she was released to work and move around, but to take it extremely easy. Viox shook that off but Violet had been nipping at her heels to make sure Viox was listening to orders. "Move that wine to stand five! We're almost done folks!" She called the workers, who cheered at the news. The sun was incredibly hot today, the heat from the stone streets seeped into her boots as she walked around with a few papers in hand. Her pink hair was tossed into a high ponytail to keep it out of her face as she hurried about Mondstadt. Six stalls in total for tonight's Festival of the Wind, or Wind Festival for short, and they still had the Tavern to stock up! Viox bit her lips as she went over her list one last time, hoping she didn't forget anything.

"Miss Viox!" Someone called out for her as she turned, Diluc held a hand out as he walked over to his staff member. He smiled a little as he put his hand down, "How goes the stalls?" He asked her as Viox held out her paper, "We're right on schedule, last stop is the Tavern, and then everything is done." She said as Diluc took the list and skimmed it over, his red eyes took in the information quickly as he nodded with approval, "So everything will be in full swing tonight, good because I am letting you off after everything is stocked up." He said as Viox looked at him with shock, Master Diluc was letting her go for the evening? She sputtered loudly, "Mast-Master D-Diluc, who will watch the stalls and keep everything on track?!" She asked him as Diluc looked towards a few Favonius Knights, one was even her own sister. Violet's Hydro Vision flashed brightly in the hot sunlight as her sword was tucked at her left hip. Violet approached the two, "My team of Knights will be taking over your job for the night, I stayed up with you the past two, just to help and make sure you didn't miss anything important, so I'm team lead on this mission." She explained as Viox's tension melted away from her form. "Thank you Violet." She said softly as she looked at her list one last time, "We just have the tavern left, think your Knights can do a little dirty work before doing a shift?" She asked her twin. Violet smiled warmly, "We're on it!" She said as she rushed back to her group, barking an order or two as the crew shouted a loud, "YES MA'AM!" and rushed to help out the workers immediately. Viox smiled and looked up to Diluc, the man's arms were crossed as he watched the workers and Knights help each other. "Need something Miss Viox?" He asked, looking down at her as she shook her head, "No...I was just thinking is all." She replied. Her eyes were looking for someone in particular. She had yet to see Kaeya since last night before bed. He merely smiled at her and waved. She made a soft noise that was almost a sigh. She was saddened by the fact that Kaeya had left early this morning, but she understood that he had more things to worry about than her needing to talk with him.

Viox planned to confess to Kaeya and be honest with her feelings for him. Even if he didn't accept them, she wanted him to know. She covered a chuckle as she thought about it, a little over two months ago, she was the most untouchable woman for courtship, and now she was going to tell the one man she fell for, her feelings of liking him. She wouldn't say they were feelings of love, nor were they feelings of admiration. Viox enjoyed their time together. "Well I'll be heading back to watching over the loading. Till we meet again Master Diluc." Viox said as she walked away.

"You know, you need to work on talking to girls a little more." Kaeya said from behind Diluc, who merely hardened a glare over his features, "And why would I need to do that exactly?" Diluc questioned his adopted sibling. "Letting her off for the rest of the evening. Interesting tactic of asking her to hang out with you." Kaeya chuckled a little, "But too bad some people have their sights set on her being with them." He said as he watched Viox laugh at a joke a worker said to her. A soft smile graced his face. "Seems I'm not the one who needs the help." Diluc raised an eyebrow at Kaeya. Kaeya chuckled lightly, "I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, turning away, "Now I must be taking my leave, I have some other matters to attend to." Kaeya said as he took a look back at Viox, admitting she looked beautiful, he could see some of her bandages peeking from under her shirt collar, but overall she seemed happy to be up and moving once again. He grinned a little before heading off.

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