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It had been a week, and yet Kaeya continued to follow her around. Viox was getting used to his presence. The sunlight shined through one of the glass windows as Viox soaked it in, relaxing at the warmth. She smiled as she went back to her parchments, "You really are a sunshine person aren't you?" Kaeya's voice echoed into her ears as she turned towards the man lounging on one of her arm chairs, "And you're really lazy aren't you?" she remarked back as Kaeya chuckled. He sent a smirk Vioxs way as he got up, "You're like a cat...enjoying the sunlight, its adorable really." He commented as Viox flushed lightly, "Your compliments will get you nowhere Kaeya, honestly it's been a week..." she said gently, "Are you still going to go through with this bet?" She asked him, biting her lip gently, she wasn't sure if he was going to get bored of her soon, as she did like his company, but in a friendly manner, not in a romantic sense. She watched Kaeya walk over to sit at the edge of her desk, "Viox, I'm not going anywhere any time soon, I've taken a vacation of sorts currently, so don't worry about that bet anymore." He said with a smile, as Viox nodded, her heart fluttered gently but she brushed it off as she was happy that Kaeya was brushing off the bet.

"Now then, I heard that you and Diluc?" He started as Viox shook her head, "I'm not saying a word." She huffed loudly as she wrote a few words down, a pout was on her lips. Kaeya chuckled, "I see...so you aren't together but he wants to be." He folded his arms over his chest and stared at the woman, who looked at him with wide eyes, "Mr. Diluc doesn't want a relationship with some..." she sighed trying not to insult herself, "Diluc is a good friend, I trust him...but I'm never going to be his wedded, he doesn't seem to be the type to suddenly settle and marry." She replied tightly, her stomach was in knots as she went back to her documents. "Diluc can be stubborn sometimes, but I remember when we were younger, he claimed he would marry the most down to earth person he could find. I still think he wants that." He said leaning against the desk more, looking at the ceiling, "Maybe that person is you?" He said as Viox shook her head, "I'm not...yes we had a few flings here and there...but I'm not what he wants nor needs...he has a goal that he needs to complete and that will take him years." She said with a sigh. Kaeya gently touched her shoulder, "Do you love him?" He asked, as Viox chuckled, "I love him, but it's not the same love as lovers have." She looked at the tan man, who nodded. "I see..." he replied. Viox nodded.

Time had blurred by after that talk with Kaeya, Viox busied herself with her reports as Diluc wanted to add a few things to the menus before the Wind Festival, such as some small food items like cheeses and fruits. Kaeya got called in by a woman named Jean, Viox had heard that name before, but she wasn't sure where. So after Kaeya walked heer to work, she sat without the distraction. She noticed the maids were highly upset that Kaeya hadn't stayed. They had doted on him since he joined Viox at work. She sighed once more while packing her pack. She was heading out for the evening. She smiled as the maids started to switch shifts as well. "Miss Viox! Please wait!" one of the maids said, rushing up to Viox, a smile on her face as the maid cleared her throat. "Miss Viox, may I walk with you home?" the maid asked, Viox nodded, "I do not mind." she told the blonde hair woman, who looked gleeful. She grabbed her overcoat and smiled warmly towards the head maid before she and the other walked from the building.

"So Miss?" Viox asked the other woman, "Miss Fruitia." The maid answered. Viox smiled, "Miss Fruitia, how is the chores going?" she asked as Miss Fruitia chuckled, "Well nothing too crazy I suppose, though I must ask, why didn't Sir Kaeya come by today?". Viox looked at the maid, "He was called by a person named Jean. So I assume it was business related." She said as they walked by Cider Lake, Viox felt unease with someone she hardly knew and walking by the deepest part of the clear water. "Miss Viox. Is it true what the others say? You're afraid of the water?" Miss Fruitia asked in a hushed tone, Viox nodded, choosing to stay quiet. "So you can not swim?" Fruitia asked again, Viox stopped as Fruitia turned towards her, "It'd be a real shame if you were to fall in then." The maid smiled, Viox tensed up, "What do you want?" She asked shakily, as the maid grabbed her by the front of her shirt, pulling her in close, "I going to make sure you stay away from Sir Kaeya..." the maids warm breath ghosted over Viox's face as she felt the ground slip from her feet. A ear splitting scream made its way out of her throat as she fell into the cold water. She couldn't see as she felt her body sink. She snapped her mouth shut as she tried curling into a ball. It was closing in on her, as she felt a hard weight clasp around her ribs as the vacuum of the water squeezed around her, she couldn't hold her breath for much longer as she floated down. It was dark, she hated the dark. Her mind went blank as she floated down, her back hitting the bottom of the bank, her lips let out the last gasp of air as she felt the salt water enter her mouth. This is how I go. Her mind echoed out.

That's when she felt her body move upwards, a warm arm slipped around her waist and dragged her up. Her head broke the surface as she let in a greedy breath, she squinted past the salt water as she struggled a little to take in air to fill her lungs. "Thank God." She heard the person who was holding say. Viox clung to the man, as he moved them back to shore. She sighed in relief as he dragged both of them from the water onto the muddy bank. Viox shivered as she covered her face, she was so scared. "Viox..." it was Kaeya that saved her, Viox bit her lip, "Kaeya..." she stuttered out pulling her hands away to see the water soaked man kneeling next to her. Kaeya smiled, "You need to learn how to swim." He said as he 8pulled her into a hug. Viox hiccupped loudly as she let the hot tears flow from her eyes, clinging to Kaeya as he held her, "I was so scared...it was dark and I couldn't breath." She whimpered out as Kaeyas arms tighten around her body. He was still warm even with his wet clothes. "I understand." He said gently, "Come we must get you dry." He said standing up, letting the woman cling to his side. "VIOX!" A voice echoed out loudly as Diluc made a dash over to the shivering wet pair. His eyes widened as he looked at Kaeya, who merely nodded at him, "She was pushed in." He said as Viox gripped his shirt. "I'm not sure who would be so bold to push her, but they must have known something." He said as Diluc took off his black jacket and placed it around Viox's shoulders to keep the woman warm. "Viox has a large fear of water, she can't swim, therefore she doesn't go near it, especially the edge." Diluc explained quickly to Kaeya as Viox looked at the slowly damp ground from the wet clothes and hair dripping from herself and Kaeya. "May I go home now?" She asked the men. Diluc nodded, "I trust you to see her home?" He asked Kaeya, who blinked in response, "Of course." 

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