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It had been four days. Four absolutely boring days for Viox as she walked around her temporary quarters. She looked out the window for the tenth time that day as she huffed loudly for her sister to hear. Violet looked up from her papers, as she was in on the case of finding Fruitia. Her blue eyes looked at Viox, "Are you done with your fit yet?" she asked as Viox crossed her arms, "Well maybe if i was let out without a crowd of Knights with me every second. I would be." Viox said.Violet sighed, "We just need to make sure you don't get hurt Viox." as she looked at her twin, "You know it's not safe for you out there right now." she said as Viox rolled her eyes, "I have a Vision. I can protect myself a lot better than needing eight Knights." Viox tried reasoning with her sister, who sighed, "That's not the point Viox, we don't know what she has planned and you're not trained to fight. You hardly know a few steps that I taught you when I was practicing for my Knightship." Violet said, looking back down at the papers. Viox smirked, "Then teach me how to fight!" she said, turning away from the window fully. "You can just teach me enough to at least get me away from the attacker." she said as Violet looked up once more, "Viox, I can't just teach you to fight, I'd be too gentle to train you." Violet took a moment, "But i have someone who could help." She said standing up and motioning to Viox for her to follow. Viox grinned happily as she followed her sibling out of the room.


"Kaeya! Just the man I wanted to see!" Violet called as the eyepatched man looked up from talking to a blond haired Knight, Viox flushed as Kaeya looked at her for a moment before turning his gaze to Violet, "Knight Violet." he greeted her as Violet smirked, "Knight Kaeya. Knight Bennett, it's been a while.'' She greeted the shorter blond Knight next to Kaeya. He wore a dirty white tank top and some blue colored shorts, a red bandana tied to his right wrist and a larger orange one tied on the same side and on his upper arm. Large goggles on top of his shaggy blond hair. A Vision was attached to his right hip. His hands were covered by thick tan and navy blue gloves. There was a bandaid here and there, but over all he looked like a truly happy Knight. Viox waved a little at the two, "Hey! You're Viox! I've heard quite a bit about you! Is it true you fought off a whole group of Abyss Mages?" Bennett asked as Viox chuckled, "That's quite the rumor." she said as Bennett gasped, "You didn't deny it, so it must be somewhat true!" He said gleefully as Kaeya tapped his shoulder, "Make sure you get the things I've requested Bennett, I need those things as soon as possible." he said to the younger adventurer, as Bennett nodded, "I'm on the case Kaeya! Leave it to me!" he said as he waved goodbye to everyone, "Nice meeting you Viox!" he called out as Viox nodded and waved back at him. As Bennett walked away, Kaeya turned his attention to the twins, "What did you need, Violet? I was about to go have a meeting with Jean, it seems she picked up a piece of our missing puzzle." he said as Violet waved that off, "I'll meet up with Jean, i have a favor to ask." she said as Viox stayed quiet, confused about what her sister was doing. "Ask away." Kaeya said, opening the floor to Violet. "I need you to train Viox." she said as Kaeya's eye widened at the surprise, "Train Viox?" he asked, looking at the pink haired twin in question, "Why?" he asked looking at Violet, who had already started walking away, "I'll let Viox tell you! I'll come back later to grab her! Have fun!" she called out as Viox glared at her sister's fleeing form.

"Viox." Kaeya called as Viox looked at the man who had stolen her heart. He looked at her, "Explain why you want to train." he asked as he crossed his arms. Viox sighed, "I want to get better at fighting so I can at least defend myself against an attack in case something were to happen." she said, "I have a Vision, I can at least try." she looked at Kaeya, who seemed tired. "Viox, that's why you were given a set of Knights to protect you." he said as he went to reach for her hand, but moved it away quickly. He looked at the woman before him as he sighed a little, "How about I take you out into the square for a little while tonight? Will you then try and settle while we try to catch Fruitia?" he asked her as Viox nodded, "Just the two of us?" she asked as Kaeya nodded, "Just the two of us, okay? Besides, we need to talk anyway." he said as Viox smiled a little, "Alright." she said, as Kaeya began to walk away. "Come along, I'll take you back to your quarters." he said as Viox followed him.

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