The Vision

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After a few hours, Viox and Albedo finally reached the top where the clearing was. Viox rubbed her tired arms as Albedo scouted the area, he could see a few forms under a thick layer of fresh snow, but the rest of the area seemed spotless. It made sense due to Abyss Mages using their powers to float and shield themselves in case an attack came out of nowhere. "Miss Viox? Is this the area?" Albedo asked as Viox stood up and looked out of the treeline, "Yes, those are the bodies of the Slave Traders who had me before the Abyss Mages took me from them." She pointed at the lumps in the snow, Albedo nodded, at least they could avoid those. "Where did they take you before you fell?" He asked her as Viox pointed towards the northern side of the clearing. "Around there, if what you said earlier when I woke up, Kaeya was heading that way." She said as they walked across towards where she had been taken. They walked down the steep slope as Viox looked at the snow and ice covered ground, "What are you looking for?" Albedo asked curiously as Viox continued to look at the ground, "My hair strains. If Kaeya has come this way, he most likely picked them up, if he hasn't, I should be able to find them and pick them up and then we can head back to camp." She explained quickly as Albedo nodded, with Viox's bright pink hair, it would be easy to spot the bright strains in the white snow.

The further they went down, the more Viox was scared, she hadn't seen a single hair of hers anywhere. Which meant one thing, Kaeya was nearing the Abyss Mages. "Albedo, prepare for a fight." She said as Albedo looked at her, his eyes were unreadable as he nodded, touching his sword handle lightly as they finally reached the bottom of the slope. Viox looked around the corner as her eyes widened with fear.


"It's been a day Sir Kaeya, we should pause for a short rest." Albedo said as he sat in a patch of frost covered grass, pulling out a small notebook from his pack that hung from his side. Kaeya sighed through his nose as he took a seat on a snow covered rock. He watched the trail as a few other wagon's had passed the two of them, none holding Viox. He snapped his fingers as a small shard of ice formed. He balanced it on his finger tip, he didn't mind taking a break for a moment, 8but he was wanting to find Viox soon. If he didn't, who knows what could happen. He glared and threw his little ice shard into the trunk of a tree. "You are getting impatient quickly." Albedo muttered as Kaeya whipped his glare towards the Alchemist, "It's difficult to be patient." He said, looking at the Head Alchemist, who rose a single brow up, "It's only been a day Sir Kaeya, they couldn't have taken her far, this path is known by many, maybe she left us a clue, we can't go off of mere footprints." Albedo suggested as he stood up, closing his notebook carefully as he walked towards the other side of the trail. "Albedo, what are you?" Kaeya paused as Albedo reached down and touched the grass carefully. "It's been run over." Albedo said softly, a thoughtful look crossed his face, "Who would go this way though?" He asked as Kaeya walked over to him, looking deeper into the treeline, noticing the wagon wheel imprints in the thick snow, "Someone who was hiding something of precious value." Kaeya commented as Albedo nodded. "Let's give it a follow shall we?" Albedo said as Kaeya started that way, "Hold on Sir Kaeya. It could be dangerous." Albedo tried to slow the man down, who had walked a few feet ahead, leaning down in the snow, his eyes glaring, "Albedo. We have a lead." Kaeya smirked as he held up a few pink strains of hair. Albedo's eyes widened, "Let's follow the hair, it'll get us to her faster."


Viox watched in horror as Kaeya dodged a few attacks from some taller, human-like, Abyss Mage. The enemy looked too powerful for a single knight to take it on. Albedo was quick to rush to Kaeya's side and join in the fight as Viox stood hidden from sight of the enemies that littered the clearing of the cave. She watched as the two worked together as Albedo signed to head over towards the entrance of the cave towards Kaeya, who nodded and began to back up. The two battled it out, knocking enemies down but the larger Abyss Human like creature lashed down on them, as Viox bit her lip in fear. Kaeya ducked as he lunged, attacking like he did the night that Mondstadt's last day of the festival went up in flames. Kaeya quickly dodged as a flame was eating his face. He was so quick, Viox covered her mouth in worry as she watched. "Kaeya, we need to make a plan!" Albedo called as he moved to stand beside the Cryo user. "What plan? I was following the path and was trapped by these guys! I didn't have a plan before walking into this mess!" Kaeya snapped as he pushed Albedo to the side, using his sword of ice to block a heavy hit from the larger Abyss mage. Kaeya gritted his teeth as he pushed back against the attack, feeling his sword weaken. "We found her! You have to try and wall them off so we can leave!" Albedo called as he caused a large golden rock to slam into a Mage. Kaeya blinked, "Found who?!" he asked as he snapped his fingers and trapped a Mage in a shell of ice. "We found Viox!" Albedo called out as Kaeya froze, blocking an attack from another Mage.

That's when a gasp left her lips as Kaeya left himself open, he had been fighting off a Mage as the larger one aimed for Kaeya's back. Viox let out a scream as she darted forward to push Kaeya out of the way, "KAEYA!" but she wasn't fast enough, Kaeya turned and looked at her, as the magical like bullet of water shot through his chest. His eye grew wide as Viox tackled his form to the snowy battlefield, holding his body close as they slid to the edge of the clearing, slamming into the icy cold wall. Viox felt the air leave her lungs as her body crushed against the wall, Kaeya was still a whole foot taller and weighed more than Viox's petite statue. She let out a gasp as it hurt to be crushed. Kaeya coughed, as Viox had held his head to her chest to keep it safe. "Kaeya?" She whispered softly as she pulled his face away, taking note of the little line of blood dripping from the man's mouth. Kaeya looked up at her, a smile gracing his lips as he reached up shakily with a closed hand. "You'" he coughed out, as Viox felt her heart give a painful squeeze, "Im here...I'm here! Kaeya!" She scrambled to pull the rest of his upper body into her lap, "I'm so sorry Kaeya...I'm so sorry." She whimpered out as his chest gave a large shudder, the hole was dead center of his chest. Blood pooled out as she looked up to see Albedo blocking the Mages, her eyes welled with tears, as Albedo's back was towards the couple, a few feet away to keep them safe. Viox looked down at Kaeya, his eye turned a dull color as his breathing came in labored gasps, "Im.." he started as Viox shook her head, "No! Save your breath please, for the Sevens please..." she felt the tears run down her face, as Kaeya smiled at her, "You're beautiful." He whispered softly as Viox shook her head, "Kaeya can't leave me..." she stuttered out as Kaeya chuckled, it was weak, "I found you..." he said quietly as Viox bit her lip, "Kaeya...remember when we made that bet?" She asked as Kaeya's eye fluttered, it wanted to close but he nodded, "I owe you those snapdragons..." she said softly as Kaeya smiled, before his breathing slowed. Viox left dizzy, her breathing and heartbeat raced as she watched Kaeya's breathing slow, it was almost too slow. Her mind froze, her eyes looked over the bloodied man in her lap as her frame shook. Kaeya was barely alive, she was covered in his blood, did she do this? Was this her fault? Viox could hear the sounds of the fighting still going on as it all sounded like a dull buzzing noise. She gripped Kaeya's hand gently as she felt tears make their way to her eyes, blurring her vision. She just wanted to be happy, Kaeya made her happy, so why did the Sevens let him die? She closed her eyes as she felt a small cry leave her lips as it bubbled up into a scream of pain. Her heart felt shattered, unfixable. The urge to save and protect all those she loved washed over her as she screamed more.

That's when the whole clearing heard the scream of pure anguish. Viox screamed as her cries rose upwards, as the clearing shook with the presence of a stronger power at work. Albedo paused as his eyes widened, the power of the Seven? He watched as the sky turned dark as Viox screamed louder, his ears began to ring at the cries. As a bolt of lightning shot down and touched Viox's frame. It seemed to quell as she screamed higher letting it loose through the ground. Albedo's eyes grew wider as he slapped his hand on the ground, rising himself up on a platform as Viox released the largest Shockwave he had ever seen, it took the form of thorns as they ripped down the Abyss Mages in one go. Albedo waited till it stopped, as Viox stopped screaming, only to slump over onto Kaeya's form. The Mages were all? Albedo lowered himself down and walked over to one, he leaned down, no plus. She had taken their lives for Kaeya's. He walked over to check the two, Viox seemed numb and Kaeya was barely hanging on, as Albedo shoved Kaeya onto his back and held Viox's hand. Carefully leading the two back to his base camp. 

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