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Viox could hear hushed voices around her. The words were incoherent to her ringing ears. She felt a gentle touch brush against her hand, it was cool, not warm and icy like Kaeya's, nor toasty like Diluc's. It was a smaller hand, her body ached lightly but as the hand continued to lay upon hers. The ache dulled more. The smell of violet grass washed over her nose. Viox twitched lightly, blinking her eyes open. "Where-?" She begun as a soft voice shushed her quietly, "You're at the Cathedral." The gentle voice soothed her worry, "You're receiving treatment here for your burns." They said again as Viox nodded, not echoing anymore worries. "You must be someone of importance, Master Diluc and Knight Kaeya have checked up on your condition many times these past two weeks since you've been admitted here." They spoke again. Viox looked up at the blurry ceiling and swallowed a little, her throat wasn't all too dry. Two weeks...she missed out on two weeks...Viox let out a silent sigh. What had happened within those two weeks she had been resting and healing? How was the Winery and Tavern doing? She rolled her head to the side, seeing a bubbly looking blonde, she must be the healer, as soft blue waves rolled off the blonde's hand and onto Viox's.

"You're almost ready for release, Knight Kaeya said you would be staying with him till your house was rebuilt." The blonde healer spoke as she pulled away, "You should be able to go today, but slow walking and bed rest only." Viox nodded, "I understand." She replied, her voice was scratchy from no use. She slowly sat up, letting out a noise of pain as she laid back down. Her back was screaming in pain. Viox bit her lip as she hissed through closed lips. "Most of your burns were on your back...those will take the longest to heal." The healer said gently, as Viox nodded, "I see..." she mumbled out as she relaxed herself. "I think it'll be good that Knight Kaeya is taking you in, his Vision is Cryo, or Ice, if you will. The ice would be good for your burn marks." As the blonde healer left, closing a thick heavy door behind her, leaving Viox alone. The room was warm from the sunlight fluttering from the large windows on the far wall, the smell of fresh summer air was everywhere. Viox smiled a little, it was a relaxing environment to be in, she guessed that patients enjoyed the warmth. The bed was comfortable and the pillows and blankets were soft. Sharp clean smells entered her lungs whenever she moved. Her green eyes moved to the side as a small bedside table laid on her right, a chair to the left bedside, she looked at the top on the small table, noting her favorite flowers stood in a glass vase. Three closed Gaze Lilies stood among simple red roses, the blue was bright as she chuckled, it was not nighttime, so the Lilies wouldn't bloom til then. The only person she knew, who would even guess at the flower, was Kaeya. If she remembered correctly, she had noticed the freshly potted Gaze Lily in front of the flower shop near her home, she had asked questions about the flower to the shop owner, who was a flower specialist, and was trying to see if Gaze Lilies could survive in Mondstadt. Viox flushed at the memory of Kaeya teasing her about being an average woman when it came to flowers after they had left to head towards Viox's home. She couldn't help it, they were her favorite. She gently reached for the soft petals, her fingertips brushed the smooth texture, she could see small purple and red veins along the petals, a bit of small wilting on the tips, which meant they were most likely cut around a day or two ago. The roses were freshly cut, as she inspected the flowers.

"Lost within your own thoughts?" A cool voice entered her ears, Viox smiled, "You got me the Gaze Lilies...didn't you?" She looked at Kaeya's form leaning against the door, she had never heard it open, or it closing once more. "And what if I had? What would you do?" He smirked at her from his spot, arms crossed, his body was incredibly tensed, which confused Viox as she looked at the flowers once more, "I would thank you." She replied as she pulled her hand away from the soft petals. Laying it in her lap, she gazed back at Kaeya, blinking lazily. Kaeya chuckled a little as he walked over to the bed, sitting at the end leaning back on his hands, his face looking at the ceiling, "We haven't caught the person who put you here. We're all on high alert, especially since Barbara has officially confirmed your release." He said tightly, his voice echoed an exhausted note, as Viox noticed that the man looked disheveled. His clothes were wrinkled, his face looked a bit pale from its normal tan, his eye had bags under it, it was noticeable. Viox frowned as she noticed Kaeya's still tense form, even though he acted fine. "Kaeya..." she started as he looked over at her with a tired, bloodshot eye. Her heart ached at the overworked man. Apparently so did her body, it had moved on its own accord as she pulled the exhausted man into a hug, he had made a noise of surprise as she held him, her back screamed with pain as she held back small tears because of it, "You haven't been sleeping..." she said softly. "I was worried about you." Kaeya admits, leaning into Viox's small chest, taking a moment to let the warm hug comfort him, his head in her smaller arms, she was so petite compared to him. Her racing heartbeat sounded loudly as he breathed in her natural scent, it was soothing as he snaked an arm around her body, laying a hand on her back, that's when he heard the sharp pained breath and felt the small jerk away from his touch. The Healers hadn't told him much of Viox's injuries, as he pulled away from the other's warm grasp, moving to sit behind Viox, who sat still. Kaeya gently moved Viox's shirt away. As layers of pink and white colored bandages reached his sight. He felt sick to his stomach as more ran down her arm ending at her elbow. Kaeya heard Viox sniffle lightly, "I'm sorry..." she whimpered out. As Kaeya's heart gave a horribly painful squeeze, her voice was broken. As if she didn't want him to see her body like this. He moved her long pink hair over her right shoulder and let his fingers skim the wraps. "They didn't tell me much...everytime I asked about your condition, they said the same thing, 'She's resting, don't wake her.' They didn't tell me how serious it was." He told the crying woman, though she was quiet, he smiled, "I-" he began but stopped himself, last time he had said that line was when his father was still alive. He took off his fur lined coat and covered her wrapped shoulders in it, "I have another patrol in 5 minutes, I won't return till late tonight." He said watching the woman's pink head not move as he touched her back, gently, as gently as he could without hurting her, "Rest." He told her as he stood up, removing his hand. Viox gripped the coat with one hand, "Stay Safe." She told him, her voice thick from crying quietly. "Always." His exhausted voice replied back as Viox listened to his footsteps fade as he left the room. The sunlight was still bright as she laid back down, her body and mind was emotionally drained, having Kaeya look at her damaged body took her through a loop. She laid on top of Kaeya's coat, letting the scent of late night snow fall, drizzle over her. The sharp smell of crisp snow fall and wet rosemary flooded her senses. As she snuggled the thick fur lining. So this was what Kaeya smelled like. She found herself getting tired, her eyes shutting on their own accord, her mind going blank as her body gave out a tired sigh.

It had been hours, when a gentle hand shook her shoulder gently, "Viox." A voice said to her as Viox slowly moved to sit up, only a little, a small yawn left her mouth as she looked up at an even more tired Kaeya, who smiled down at her, "Lets go." He said as he carefully scoped her upper body into his arms, helping her slowly stand up, wrapping her in his already warmed coat, a small shiver went through Viox's body, as she tried taking a step, her body and back disagreed heavily as she gripped Kaeya's arm. The man was quick to understand that the other was in pain, carefully picking her up in a simple princess hold, he allowed her to lean into his shoulder as they left towards his home. Viox tried to keep her eyes open as they walked the quiet streets of Mondstadt. They reached the northern side of the wall, a simple house stood, it was cute, more stood beside it as Kaeya carefully entered his cool home, "I'm home." He called out to the empty house, or so Viox thought was empty as a shaggy black haired dog trotted into the living room, Kaeya chuckled as he gently settled Viox on a spacious couch, "Amorua meet Viox." He told the dog, who bumped his wet cold nose against Viox's hand, "Hello." Viox greeted the animal as the dog's head laid on her stomach, she gently patted it. "Amorua is my best friend, he's been with me a few years now." Kaeya explained as he gathered some pillows and warm blankets to give to the injured woman. "He's lovely." Viox said softly as her voice was still tired, sitting up a little to allow Kaeya to tuck some thick pillows around her head. She laid fully down, as Kaeya took his coat to lay on a small loveseat, covering Viox up with a thick blanket. Kaeya smiled as his dog leaned on Viox, enjoying the loving pets. "She's only been here for five minutes, and she's already spoiled you rotten Amorua." He chuckled as the dog crawled up onto the woman's lap, laying down in her legs. Viox smiled a little, "I adore animals, so I think he and I will get along." She said as her eyes fluttered close, her body had told her it was time to sleep once more. Kaeya took a seat on a small rocker, watching Viox take deep breaths, his mind at ease as he watched her. A warm smile made its way onto his face, as he leaned heavily against the chair, "Goodnight." He whispered to the sleeping woman, before finally feeling his eye close for much needed sleep. 

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