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Night had fallen as Viox relaxed on her own sofa, her house was finally put back together with new furniture, she would have to dip into her Mora savings to get new clothes and books, but at least she was home. Expect one issue. "So how long are you staying?" She asked her sibling, who sat on the opposite side of the room, on the other couch, munching on a tea cookie holding one of Viox's most expensive Tea cups in one hand. Violet looked at her, "Pttfedd miffedead." She said around the cookie in her mouth, Viox groaned, "Tell me after you've finished chewing and swallowing your food!" She snapped as her sibling grinned. After Violet had swallowed and taken a drink, she cleared her throat, "I plan on staying till Mother and Father head home, then after that Jean will re-station my team once more in Dragonspine." She explained as Viox rose an eyebrow in surprise, "And of you and Diluc?" Viox asked as Violet shrugged a shoulder, "I plan on writing to him, but if anything truly happens, I wouldn't mind." She replied softly. Viox frowned at that answer, "You seem to really like him." She said gently as Violet sighed, "We seem to be taking it slow, he doesn't express many emotions, some smiles here and there, a few sentences. We haven't really had time to spend together, he's always busy it seems." Viox bit her lip, she knew why Diluc was always busy, the Abyss Order. Violet had no idea nor knowledge of the Order. "He's almost always gone, and some say he is doing some Knight work behind the scenes, but I hardly believe that." She said as Viox nodded, sipping on her warm honey tea.

Violet groaned loudly, "And you know what, he owns a winery but drinks grape juice." She said loudly, as Viox snorted into her tea cup, "He doesn't drink his own wine! Who just doesn't drink wine!" Violet shouted as she started pacing about the room, "You know what! I don't care!" Violet stomped as she sat back down, crossing her arms. Viox blinked, "I believe I understand stand now." She said, setting her cup down and looking at the other, "Yeah? Know what Viox?" Violet asked, as Viox smiled, "You love him." She stated as Violet let out a loud screech, "I do not!" She exclaimed, "I merely approve of his presence!" She pointed a finger at Viox, "You wouldn't know love if it hit you in the face!" She said as Viox looked confused, which dulled Violets outburst, "You...oh for the Sevens sake!" Violet shouted as Viox blinked at her sibling, "YOU SLEPT WITH KAEYA!" Violet said as Viox nodded, "Yes and your point?" She asked. "Viox! You don't just sleep with someone you don't love!" Violet stated as Viox frowned, "But I've also slept with Diluc before." She said, as Violet went pale, "Y-y-you slept...?" She stuttered out as Viox took a sip of her drink, "Yes I slept with Diluc, a small fling, nothing more than a tumble or so for a stress relief." She explained softly as Violet stared, "Did you love him? Diluc I mean?" She asked as her pink haired twin took a pause, "No...I thought I did." Viox frowned, "I used to think I loved Diluc, wanted to be with Diluc. His path is...too different from mine, when I first met Kaeya...I believed that I could choose Diluc, but then Kaeya..." she chuckled softly, a warm smile on her face as Violet looked at her sister, "You love Kaeya, and not Diluc." Violet finished as Viox nodded. "I do...with Diluc it was rocky and unsure if it would work, with Kaeya, it's stable, relaxing, and just feels right. Though it's only be a few short months, I feel like it's been years." She said as Violet smiled at her sibling. Viox knew what she wanted, but Violet didn't. She wanted to be with Diluc, but she couldn't bring herself to love him. Violet looked at her hands, they were scarred up from many different battles, enemies from all over, who would even love these hands? Viox smiled at her sibling, before a quick knock sounded at her door, "I'll be right back." Viox said to her sibling, who nodded.

"Evening, sorry but I wasn't expecting-" Viox stopped, two large and tall men stood outside her doorstep. "Are you Viox Hala?" One asked as she nodded, "Yes, can I help you?" She asked as the men smirked, "Rag her." He whispered as a cloth that smelled sickly sweet was quickly pressed against Viox's face. She struggled for a moment as she let out a muffled scream, her vision drowning into black, her limbs felt thick and heavy as she dropped to the ground.

A few minutes later Violet stood up as Viox was taking a moment at the front door, "Viox?" She asked, walking towards the entrance of the home. Noticing the door was wide open, she darted out the door and into the dark night, "Viox! VIOX!" She shouted, alerting the Knights as well as some neighbors, "VIOX! VIOX WHERE ARE YOU!?" Violet screamed dashing down the street, looking in between the alleyways and knocking on doors, asking everyone if they had seen the pink haired woman. Violet screamed more as she frantically searched. "VIOX!" She shouted as she ran into a person, "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching, I'm searching for my sister!" She said quickly standing up. " missing?" Kaeya whispered out as Violet gasped. She ran dead into Kaeya, who looked confused, "Kaeya..." she started as Kaeya glared, "Viox is missing? Let's go!" He said, grabbing Violet by the wrist, who yelped with surprise, "Where are we going?!" She asked as they walked towards the Knights base. Kaeya looked back at her, "We're going to track her." He said tightly as Violet nodded.

Viox slowly woke up, her vision a little blurry as her side felt sore from laying on it. She tried sitting up but found she couldn't, her arms were tied to her sides as she rolled to her back. She felt sick as she took a moment, where was she? It was warm in the place she was being kept, so that meant it was cold outside or nighttime still. She frowned, no she was well rested, which meant it was cold outside. Taking a moment she figured she was in Dragonspine, but why here? She tried to think of why she would be taken to Dragonspine of all places.

A rustle sounded at the front of the tent as a medium sized man entered, his face was covered as he looked down at Viox, "You're awake." He greeted as Viox stayed quiet, "Not much of a speaker...Fruitia did say something about that, but screaming would give our location out, which would be bad for business." He commented, as Viox continued to stare expressionless, trying her hardest not to give away her surprise when the man mentioned Fruitia. That woman resorted to hostage? Mere kidnapping? Viox resisted the urge to roll her eyes as the man sat her up, "So I got a little deal for ya girly, see we're supposed to sell ya into slavery, but I like doing games more, and I'm into the wine business as well, see Diluc made an enemy of business man in Mondstadt that has a head like mine on their shoulders." Viox could hear the smirk behind the mask, "So let's cut to the chitter. You tell me how to make the wines, and how to get into the cellars of the Winery. Then we give you back." He stared as Viox's eyes widened, she had a chance. "I can make this deal, and help you sell them so your business booms more, but if we want to start now, we'll have to start moving towards the Winery." She said as the man stood up fully, "Perfect, although we are at the top of Dragonspine, on foot it'll take a few days, especially since we need to take a wagon." He said as Viox bit her lip, it would take 3 days in total on foot to get down the mountain if you didn't freeze to death. She looked at her outfit, her jeans were thick to keep her legs somewhat warm during the walking, but her shoes were small flats. Her low button shirt was a problem as well.

"Don't worry about the doll face, I'll make sure you don't freeze....much." The man chuckled as Viox looked at him with shock. 

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