Fruitia (Extra Chapter)

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Fruitia smiled as she brushed off her black and white dress, she stood next to Donna, her twin sister. A smile was on Donna’s mouth as well as they stood at the flower shop stand for the Wind Festival. People were buzzing about as the festival dragged on, “Sister, do you think we are going to catch a sight at Diluc and Kaeya this year?” Fruitia asked as she tried to look over the crowds of people, looking for something. Donna chuckled, “Of course we are, they stop every year remember? They always order some wild flowers for their father, they are his favorite after all.” she said as she tied back her short ginger hair, compared to Fruitia’s long blonde hair. Fruitia bite her lip, “I know I know, I’m just nervous is all.” she said as she played with her long locks. Donna rose a brow, “Why? You are never this nervous about seeing them every year, what's different this year?” she asked her twin as Fruitia smiled brightly, “I'm going to ask Kaeya to court me! I'm so nervous about it, I’ve been waiting to ask him all year and I think this year is going to be my big break!” she squealed happily as Donna chuckled a little, “Are you sure? What happens if he’s already with someone?” she asked as Fruitia frowned, “I guess I never thought about that.” she said, “But then it's okay to wait. I just know he and I are fated to be together!” she said as determination leaked in her voice as Donna smiled, “Well you might have to wait till next year. Look there’s your fated. Soaking wet with Knights flocking him.” She said, lifting a finger to point at the front gates. Fruitia turned and saw a soaked Kaeya, next to a dry Diluc and some other Knights as they talked with the Grand Master of the Knights. Fruitia gasped lightly as she saw a small bard leaning on an older woman, Kaeya’s jacket was wrapped around her form as water dripped onto the street of Mondstadt. “I wonder what happened to her. She looked like she fell in the lake.” Donna commented as a Knight dismissed the two bards, who broke away from the rest of the Knights and towards a small home. Fruitia watched as the two passed the stand, she felt sad that the bard looked shaken to her core. “Poor gal, she must have had something happen.” Fruitia said softly as her gaze went back to the front gates, the Grand Master dismissed everyone as the group broke up. Diluc and Kaeya stood there for a moment before Diluc said something to his brother and they walked over to the flower stand. 
“Greeting Young Master Diluc and Young Master Kaeya, your normal today?” Donna asked as Diluc nodded, “Yes.” he said quietly as Kaeya said nothing, “Young Master Kaeya, can I ask...what happened to you?” Fruitia asked softly as Diluc cleared his throat, “Earlier we had gotten into a scuffle with some Hilichurls and an Abyss Mage, the Pink haired bard you saw walking by was dancing for her troops coming of age, but she ended up being the enemies target. She fell through her stage. Kaeya dove into the water to save her. I do hope she’s alright after this.” Diluc looked towards where the bards walked off as Kaeya still said nothing. Fruitia frowned, “I see...Well I'm glad you were able to save her Young Master Kaeya.” she said as she sent a smile towards the Bluenett. Kaeya blinked and nodded at her, “I tried my best, I'm thankful she’s safe now. That's the job of a Knight after all.” he said formally. “Well here are your flowers, don't forget about us next year alright?” Donna said as she handed Diluc the wild flowers. Diluc smiled gratefully at Donna as he held them, “How could we ever Miss Donna.” he said as Fruitia bit her lip as the two started to walk away, “Wait Young Master Kaeya!” she called as he stopped and turned towards her, “Yes Miss Fruitia?” he asked as Fruitia smiled and shook her head, “Be safe on your trip back home!” she called to him as Kaeya nodded, walking to catch up with his brother.
“You chickened out again.” Donna teased her twin as Fruitia sighed, “I couldnt merely ask him after he went through that today! It would be so rude of me to do such a thing.” she said, trying to defend her actions, “I really was going to ask him.” she said as Donna tapped her shoulder, “I know sister of mine, come on we must move on with the day, we still have lots of selling to do.” she said as Fruitia smiled, “Yeah.” 

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