Ready For Repair

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"Take me back to where we started. Let's erase every memory and make it so we never existed."

I feel sick to my stomach. All of this is too much to take in. Johnnie is here, dropped out of school, broke up with Clover, and now he tells me that he's not over me. I don't even know what to say. This has to be some sort of dream.

"Listen." He walks closer to me. "I know this is a lot to take in. I'm not expecting a straight forward answer. I just had to tell you and get that off my chest."

He takes my hands in his. They feel cold, just like how I remembered.

"Just think about what I said, okay?"

Okay this is too much. And this is getting too far, I have to tell him.


"Hey Skye! Your door was open. I was was wondering if-" Adri walks in and stops before she can finish her sentence.

Obviously she sees him and is shocked just like I was a few minutes ago. Johnnie quickly pulls his hands away from mine and stuffs them in his pockets. This just go awkward. So awkward.

"Um Adri...I'm sure you remember-"

Before I could even finish, Adri storms up to us and throws a shocking blow to Johnnie's face.

"FUCK!" Johnnie holds his cheek where Adri just punched him.



I pull Adri to the kitchen before she attacks Johnnie again. She takes kickboxing on her spare time and I do not want to see what she's truly capable of.

"Skye what's going on?! What's he doing here?! And why was he holding your hands?! Does he not now that you have a-"

"No he doesn't!" I cut her off. "Yet! I was going to tell him until you walked in and attacked him!"

"You know damn right why I did it! He hurt my best friend! Something that's unforgivable to me!"

"I know, but he just wanted to talk."

"What's so important that he just shows up out of nowhere?!"

"For starters, he dropped out of school to pursue his YouTube career, he moved to Nebraska, broke up with Clover, and..." I pause.


"He's...not over me?"

"OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Skye! You have to tell him!"

I open the freezer and grab an ice bag.

"I know and I will. I swear." I'm not one to keep secrets anymore. "Just promise to be nice."

Adri glares at me. "You owe me for this. You know I'm not over him hurting you."

"I know." I know she means well.

I walk back to the living room where Johnnie is now sitting on my couch, still holding his face.

"Sorry about that. You kind of caught her by surprise too." I hand him the ice bag.

He shrugs. "I don't blame her. At least you didn't punch me. Does it look bad?"

I examine his cheek where she punched him. It's a bit swollen, looks like it'll bruise a bit.

"It's not that bad." I lie.

He puts the bag on his face.

"So how long are you in town?"

"I'm here with a friend for a week, then we're going to New Jersey to meet up with Bryan for Playlist. After that, I'm back in Nebraska."

A whole week. I have to tell him now and let him down easy.

"Johnnie...I have to tell you something."

He shifts on the couch and turns to face me. "Yeah?"

Well here goes. "Johnnie, I appreciate that you came here to apologize...but everything is different now."

He looks at me confused.

"This past year has been really great for me. I love my school, have new friends to enjoy senior year with. And I...have a boyfriend. Riley."

He looks a bit disappointed. I hate to bring him down like this.

"I guess...I saw this coming." He finally speaks up. "I mean a whole year has passed. Of course things were going to be different. I'm glad you're happy, really I am. And well most importantly, I came here because I...just wanted my friend back."

He's okay with it? And he wants to be friends again?

"I won't come between you and...Riley. I promise. But do you think we can pick up where we left off? You know before we went out and stuff."

I'm not sure how to feel about this. I mean we did have a really great friendship and all. But can we really ever be the same after everything we went through? I mean we've been through a lot. Can he really be over it? It took me a while to finally get over this whole thing and to have him back just like that? Is it a good idea? Then again, he was the one that helped me out when I moved to San Jose. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been motivated to be where I am today. And honestly, there were times when I wished I had him as a friend again. Guess it doesn't hurt to try. I mean we're mature now and past this whole thing, right? I just hope I don't regret this. I smile to him and nod, agreeing to work things out.

He smiles. "Thank you. For giving me a chance."

We sit on the couch in silence, happy that we can be mature and work on our friendship. I hear Adri abruptly cough in the other room. Clearly telling us she's still there.

"Well I better get going" Johnnie gets up and hands me the ice bag. "Thanks again."

"Yeah. No problem." I say.

I walk him to the door. Before Johnnie steps out, he turns to face me.

"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime? You know while I'm here and all so we can catch up. I mean that's if you want to." He slightly blushes, just like he use to do.

"Yeah. That'd be great."

I put out my hand, obviously asking for his phone. He pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to me. I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but I save my number and hand it back to him. I hope this is a good idea.

"Just text me when you're free."

He smiles. "It was nice seeing you again Skye. By the way, nice uniform."

I slightly blush, remembering that I forgot to change out of it. "Um thanks. Talk to you soon."

With that, he leaves. I'm still in shock. He's really back. Is this a good idea? Can we really be friends like we used to?

"Did you ever believe we'd be this way? Tearing down the structures that we made. I think we need to make a change"


A/N: If you're reading this, you're awesome <3 :D

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) Been trying to update all week but of course work always gets in the way~~

Anywho, thanks for all the reads and votes so far. It really makes me happy that you're enjoying this story so far! I mean this is still the beginning, be ready for what's coming up next! You won't expect it at all :P

SO YEAH! Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll try to update again real soon. KBYE! <3

Repeating Apologies (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz