Roam The Room

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"Did the weight and all the pressure weed you out? You got away but I still carry you around."

Once we checked into our room, I decided to call it a night. Hayley on the other hand wanted to lurk through the hotel in hopes of spotting any of her favorite YouTubers. Of course she did, she didn't just drive fo 6 hours. I decided not to text Johnnie that I decided to come to Playlist. I'll just look for him in the morning and see where it goes from there. I don't know why but I'm feeling nervous to see him. Maybe cause I'm finally ready to tell him what I've been hoiding back for the past year.


I slowly open my eyes and see Hayley frantically running around getting ready. I look at my phone. 8am.

"Hayley it's early!" I turn around and put the pillow on my head.

"It's never too early to make friends! Someone tweeted about this meetup thing in the lobby to talk about YouTubers. Plus I want to be the one of the first ones to register when the event starts! Lets go!"

I wish I had her enthusiasm growing up.

"Hayley those kids are probably your age. I'll just be awkwardly there like any other parent."

"You're only 4 years older than me!"

"How about this. You go, make friends, and I'll just meet up with you once I get ready. Just keep your phone with you at all times."

"Fine." She heads for the door. "You're missing out." She walks out and closes the door behind her.

Once I know I'm alone I go back to sleep. The door opens again.

"And good luck with Johnnie!"

"HAYLEY!" I whine and throw a pillow towards her. She closes it before it could even hit her. Sisters.

After sleeping for another hour, I finally decide to get up and get ready. I take a quick shower and lay out my clothes on the bed. I decided to wear a New Years Day shirt, my red skinnys, and my black converse. I apply my eyeliner and decide to straighten my hair today. Okay. I think I'm ready now. I take a look in the mirror one last time before leaving the room. This is it. I take a deep breath and make my way to the convention hall.

Once I walk in and register a wave of nervousness hits me. There's so many people here! How am I going to find him? Do I even want to find him at this point? I'm walking around, taking in my surroundings and keeping an eye out for either Hayley...or Johnnie.

"Hey Skye!"

I hear a familiar voice call me. What a relief, someone I know is here! It's Lili, my friend from school. We met in art class during my first year at Cowen. She actually recognized me from that one video I did with Johnnie. She was a Johnnie fan surprisingly or a 'thug pug' as she calls herself. We clicked immediately, probably cause she reminded me a lot of Blake. Except an extra joyful version of Blake.

"Lili! So I'm guessing you dtiched the whole homecoming thing too?"

"Um yeah of course! Who do you think I am? Going to homecoming. Pfft..thought you knew me by now."

Another reason why we got along. We both weren't into the whole school spirit thing. Dances, pep rallies, you name it. We hated it. She was more into art and YouTube than submitting herself to all school activities.

"So what brings you here? Thought you'd be with Riley."

"I was...but I came here with my sister. We got these passes and..." I pause. "Can I ask you something?"

Repeating Apologies (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now