Bonus Chapter: Something

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"Sometimes I wonder, why I'm still waiting. Sometimes I'm shaking, that's how you make me. Sometimes I question why I'm still here. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy"

After getting lost in a random garden, I finally found my way to the convention hall. Today was the first day of Playlist and I don't know what to expect. I wonder if Skye actually showed up. I kind of hope she did. And if she didn't, well I guess it'll save me the trouble of having to tell her the truth. That this friendship probably won't work. As much as I want to make this work, truth is it probably won't be the same. As much as I tried talking her into this whole thing, it seems like she's not making an effort. When Bryan met up with me and Kyle in New Jersey after we got here, I filled him in about the whole thing. Finding Skye, hanging out with her, that awkward date thing, told him what Skye told me after that date thing. Bryan's no expert, but he thinks that Skye probably still has some feelings for me. And as much as I want this to be true, she has a boyfriend. She has a future. The last thing I want to do is get in the way of all that. So he thinks I should just back off for good if she doesn't show up. And if she does, well I'll let her know that this whole thing is probably a bad idea. Maybe it's for the best.

I make my way through the crowd, getting stopped every 5 seconds by a viewer. I don't mind, it's what I do and it's what I love. I finally find Bryan and Kyle who are busy meeting viewers too. More viewers come up to me, wanting a picture and an autograph. I've been doing this for a while, but this is still so surreal to me.

"OMG JOHNNIE GUILBERT!" Another viewer approaches me. I smile to her. She's wearing a Ghost Town shirt and has a red streak in her hair. She looks like a cool person.

"Hello! I love your shirt by the way."

"T-thanks. I'm sorry I just can't believe I'm actually meeting you! C-can I have a hug?"

"Of course!" I go on and hug her.

"Listen...I know. About you and Skye." She whispers as she hugs me.

This catches my attention. She knows Skye? How? Unless...

"Wait...are you?"

"Hayley Evans. Skye's step sister." She says as she lets go of me. "Nice to finally meet you."

Funny, at first she was freaking out now she's become serious.

"Nice to meet you too. Skye has told me about you. Wait. Is Skye..."

"Here? Yup she's upstairs drooling her pillow. Anyways that's not important. What's important is this whole friendship restart thing."

I'm guessing Skye filled her in about everything. "Yeah about that..."

"Nope. You're doing the listening now. Deal?"

I nod. She is nothing like Skye. I wish I had her enthusiasm growing up.

"Skye came here cause she wants to talk to you. She has a lot of things bottled up, a lot left unsaid. In the short amount of time I've known Skye, I know that she's too afraid to admit to anything. Afraid to admit that she does care for you still, but there's still tension between the two of you. Knowing her she won't start the talking first. You'll have to push her buttons so that she will finally let everything out. And maybe once everything's out in the open, the two of you can finally get this friendship thing working again."

I listen to everything she's saying. Can she be telling the truth? Does Skye still have a lot bottled up since she moved? Is that why she's here? To finally let that all out? But even if she does tell me how she really feels, it doesn't change the fact that she's still with Riley. And I'll still be getting in the way.

"What about Riley?" I ask.

"What about him? He's not here. All you have to worry about is getting Skye to talk. She's clearly confused of how to feel. You have to help her out. It's what you do, helping others. To tell you the truth, your videos helped me get over my parents getting a divorce. You helped me get through all the changes that's happened in my life and I can't thank you enough." She smiles.

She's sweet. It's amazing how much she cares about Skye. Makes me glad Skye has someone like her in her life now.

"To be honest. I still think she likes you. I don't know why but the way she talked about you on our way here, when she told me about your epic friendship, I can tell she still has some feelings for you. And to be totally honest, I rather have you dating Skye than Riley. It's like you get here more than he does. You guys have chemistry and I really hope she figures out what she really wants before it's too late."

I smile. I hope she does too. But first things first, we have to talk. And I have to think of a way to get here talking.

"Skye's coming." Hayley says looking over my shoulder. "Quick act normal! And you didn't hear anything from me." She says as she pushes me towards a swarm of girls waiting for me to meet them.

"Hey Skye! Over here!" Hayley calls out for her.

This is it. Time to make things right.

"And I'm the one that should mean something but still you wish that you meant something to somebody else."


A/N: If you're reading this, you're awesome.

And as you're reading this, I'm currently working on the next update.

First of all this editing update caught me off guard and I have to get used to it, but yeah I am currently typing up the next update and it will be up in an hour (Or maybe it's already out..depending on when you're reading this lol)

Anyways thanks so much for reading! Hope you liked this quick bonus chapter and well yea...see you in the next update KBYE! <3

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