Epilogue: Anywhere But Home

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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to all the readers who's stuck around since the beginning. Whether you're new and just caught up or you've been around since the day my first book was posted, I love and appreciate each and every one of you. You're the reason why I keep on writing and continue to grow as a writer. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Thank You. Much Love <3)


"We were not handed love. We were made to find someone. So, when I leave will you come with me We can laugh for eternity. Get lost in new memories."

"C'mon Skye we're almost there!" Blake calls out from in front of me.

I'm carrying a huge box, attempting to figure out where exactly I'm going. I hear Blake opening the door. Finally we're here!

"Here we are Skye. Home!" Blake sets her box down and starts to explore our new apartment. This place is quite spacey for an apartment. Cozy. This is home.

"I call this room!" Blake calls out from the other room.

I take my box and go find the other empty room. After I finished my summer classes at MICA I got a call from CalArts. I made the cut for fall semester and honestly I couldn't be happier. MICA was cool at first, but it just wasn't for me. I saw a lot of people from my old high school. The last thing I wanted was to see familiar faces, I wanted to meet new people, experience new things. Once I got the call my parents helped me make arrangements, got my things shipped to Blake's house, and I was soon on a flight to meet up with Blake. We drove from her house to the school and luckily Blake had already reserved a 2-bedroom apartment in case I got accepted sooner. Things were really looking out for me. Sure I miss my family, but I'm excited to get started with everything.

"Ready to start moving in?" Blake appears in my room.



We spend most of the day moving our boxes in and settling in a bit. School wasn't for another week which gave us plenty of time to finish unpacking and get furniture for our living room. I'm in my room unpacking some things while Blake is making us something to eat. I hear the doorbell ring.

"I got it!" Blake calls out.

It must be her boyfriend. She did say he was coming over to help out a bit. I continue unpacking a few things and then I hear someone walk in my room. I smile to myself, seeing his reflection through the mirror I have in my hand.

"Thought you fell asleep or something."

Johnnie sits down next to me. "I was busy getting here." He smiles. "This place is nice."

Johnnie and I have kept in touch while he was on Warped Tour. I couldn't make it out to the Baltimore date of tour because of school. But he understood. We've been on better terms lately, working on our friendship more importantly. When I got the news about getting accepted to the fall semester, Johnnie was the first to know. I texted him earlier about moving in and he said he was going to come over later. Didn't think he was serious to be honest.

"You know. This reminds me of something." He says as I continue unpacking.

"Want to make yourself useful and unpack the box behind you?" I smile to him.

He smiles back. "You remember."

"How can I forget. That was the day my life changed for the better."

He grabs a box and opens it. "Back then you were unpacking to start your life. Now here you are, unpacking for your future."

"And after all that, you're still here."

He's quiet. I look over to him and smile. He's holding the birdhouse. The same birdhouse he gave me when we were in school together. It was a long time ago, but I remember that moment as if it were yesterday.

"You...kept it."

I nod. "It's a little thing to remind me of you."

"My C birdhouse. This crappy birdhouse." He laughs.

"Hey! It's a C+ birdhouse. And I like it. A lot."

He gets up and puts the birdhouse on my dresser. He then sits down next to me and smiles. "So here we are."

"Here we are." I repeat. "Didn't think I'd be here already. Kind of nervous about being out here so soon."

"You got this. I know you can do it. Plus you have me around too. You know I'll try to be there for you as much as I can."

"I know." I put my hand over his. "You're stuck with me."

"And there's nobody else I rather be stuck with."

We gaze into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity. We sit in a familiar comfortable silence. He looks away from me after a while.

"So what now?" He asks. I know what he's talking about

I shrug. "I don't know really. I guess from here on out we just take it day by day. See what happens then."

He looks back to me. "Anything can happen, right?" He smiles.


"And now we can change the world. And we'll never feel alone. We could just chase the sun or we can go anywhere, anywhere but home. This love is where we belong."


A/N: If you're reading this, your wish has been granted.

I swear you guys just don't want me to end this book. So this will be the LAST one..I mean it this time xD

As requested by you awesome peeps....YES. I am making another sequel. Hooray for trilogies~~ I was seriously going to end this in a make-your-own-happy-ending kind of ending. But of course, you guys just keep me going and I love you all for your amazing support and kind words :3 So I hope you are up for one last feel trip. And now you know why I had to break so many hearts in my previous updates! I can't make a sequel with a happy ending..so SURPRISE! xD But this time I'm going to do something different...I want YOU guys to tell me what you want to see. Do you want them to finally be together? Do you want them to see other people? Do you want someone to die? What do you want to see? Let me know! This story is for you guys. For the people, by the people yay! xD But for real, I want to give you guys the best ending to this trilogy and I want to use some of your ideas to do so :) Coming this Fall: Dreaming Alone (The Final Book)

Edit: Dreaming Alone is already out & ready to read. A lot of people have been confused & ask where to find it. Judt go to my oage & you'll see it. It's still a working progress, enjoy :)

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