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"I wish you could see the bridge that leads from you to me. But every time you try to cross you always manage to get lost."

It's been three days since I last talked to Johnnie. We haven't messaged each other either. Maybe hanging out wasn't such a good idea? I don't know. All I know is that he's still in the area and I have these two passes for Playlist. The morning after we hung out, I found an envelope sticking out from the front door. Luckily I was the first one awake and found it. When I opened it there were the two passes. I'm guessing he wants me to go, but I don't know if I should. Plus I don't know if I can, it's the same weekend as homecoming and our New York trip. Maybe I'll just give them to Hayley. Then again, she's been bugging me to tell her everything about Johnnie since she found out we dated. I'm afraid she'll tell him something embarrasing if I send her off on her own. UGH! What do I do?!

Today Riley and Peter had their semifinal match against Cliffside and won. We're at a diner celebrating their win and discussing our plans for next weekend. In all honesty, I'm really not into the conversation. My mind's been in some other world lately...why hasn't he texted me? And why am I even worrying about it? As if on cue, someone walks in and catches my attention. I'm sure you know who it is. This is awkward. He notices me and shyly waves to me, obviously noticing Riley next to me. I half smile and wave back.

"Hey Skye were you even lis-....who's that?" Riley asks noticing me looking to Johnnie.

Both Adri and Peter turn around. "Oh. That's just Johnnie." Adri says.

"The ex Johnnie?" Riley looks to me.

I nod. Riley and I did have a talk after a very awkward dinner. Topic of discussion: Johnnie. He wasn't too upset about it. In his words, it was okay. He did want to meet him however. If we ever bumped into him.

"Bring him over babe."

As much as I don't want to, I don't think I can handle any more talks with RIley. So I signal Johnnie to come over. He notices me calling him over and turns to his friend before walking to our table.

"Hey Skye." He says to me. "Adri."

"Johnnie." Adri says, not too thrilled to see him.

"Hey Johnnie this is Riley, my boyfriend. Riley, Johnnie." I introduce them.

"Hey Johnnie, it's great to finally meet you." Riley shakes his hand. "Apparently you're very popular in her family, I just had to meet you."

I slightly blush. Did he really have to mention that part?

"Riley, it's nice to meet you too. Skye has told me a lot about you."

"Any friend of Skye is a friend of mine." He smiles to him.

"And Johnnie, this is Adri's boyfriend Peter. Peter..."

"Johnnie Guilbert! The Johnnie Guilbert from YouTube!"

We all look to Peter surprised. Even Johnnie is surprised.

"You know who he is?" Adri asks, clearly confused.

"Of course! My sister and I love watching your videos together! Can I like have an autograph to give to my sister? She'll go mental!"

"Um yeah sure. And thanks for watching and all." He takes the napkin Peter hands to him and pulls out a marker from his pocket.

"So Johnnie, want to join us? We're just hanging around. And we'll make sure Pete doesn't freak out again." Riley teases Peter.

Peter throws a fry at Riley.

"Thanks but I just came to pick up some food with my friend over there." He points over to where his friend is waiting for him. "We're filming videos all night, but thanks."

"No prob. But hey, if you want maybe we can all hang tomorrow."

"Um yeah that sounds good."

Leave it to Riley to make these plans without consulting with me first.

"Anyways, I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you two. See ya tomorrow."

He smiles to me before walking over to his friend and leaving the diner. Tomorrow should be interesting. I'm worried of what's to come.

The next day Adri, Peter, and I are at the park waiting for Riley and Johnnie to show up. Adri and Peter are by the swings, leaving me on my own on the bleachers. Which is good. The whole walk to the park Adri kept pestering me about Johnnie this and Johnnie that. I lover her and all, but what point of 'I'm over it' does she not get?!

"Hey you." Johnnie says as he sits next to me on the bleachers.

"Hey. You actually showed up." I say to my surprise.

"Yeah why wouldn't I?"

"Well I mean we haven't talked since we last hung out and all. Thought I said or did something...I don't know." I blurt out.

Okay maybe it did bother me a bit that he went ghost after we hung out for the first time in more than a year, What happened to fixing our friendship?

He chuckles. "Sorry? Didn't know you'd be upset." He says.

"I'm not!" I lie.

He smiles. "I'm sorry. I was just busy editing and filming videos with Kyle. Plus I really didn't want to be in the way...of you and Riley that is. Which by the way, he seems like a nice guy."

"Why would you be in the way?" I ask.

"Hey Johnnie!" Peter walks over to us, interupting our conversation. Adri trailing behind him.

"Hey Peter. Adri."

"Johnnie." Again, she's not too thrilled. "Anyways, Riley is waiting for us by the parking lot, we should head over."

We get up from the bleachers and follow Adri and Peter.

"We'll talk later." Johnnie whispers to me.

We get to the parking lot where Riley is waiting for us. And ugh! She's here too?! It's Sammi, the head cheerleader. The one who always gives me a stank look whenever I show up to Riley's practices. Why is she here?!

"Hey Johnnie you made it!" Riley greets Johnnie. "So guys I invited Sammi to hang out with us. Johnnie meet Sammi."

"Hi Johnnie." She smiles to him.

He smiles back, completely speechless and slightly blushing.

Oooohhh. I see what Riley is doing. He brought her along to hang out with Johnnie. Really though? Sammi was really thin, brunette, and dresses like any regular hipster girl. She's not his type. Then again...Johnnie did date Clover. Does he even have a type?!

"Alright guys let's get going!" Riley says.

We all get in his SUV and head out to the mini golf course Sammi suggested we go to. Here we go, this is going to be one interesting day.

"Without a second glance you left me stranded. I climbed, I slipped, I fell, but at least I tried. If you turn your back, I'll burn that bridge."


A/N: If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

Forreal tho, the amount of reads/votes this story is getting is beyond incredible <3 Thank you <3 I'm so, so glad you love it so far. And I have lots in store for this story :))

SO YEAH! I hope you enjoy this update! I was going to update sooner but I lost my notebook where I have most of my chapters wriiten down...but I will be updating again maybe Sunday? Most likely tho, so keep an eye out for that ^-^

And well I hope you like this sort of cliffhanger I left you on, you'll want to see what happens next~~ But NO SPOILERS! KBYE <33 ^-^

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