Chapter 1: Where I Let You Down

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"So I guess that this is starting over, back to when I was your four-leaf clover. Don't make a sound this is the part where I let you, where I let you down."

"Skye! Hayley! Breakfast!" Marks calls for us.

It's a cold November morning and all I want to do is stay in bed in my warm blankets. Unfortunately that's out of the question cause l have an important exam to take. It's my senior year and I can't afford any bad grades.

My phone buzzes:

*Be there in 20. Don't make me wait!*

Adri texts me. After I moved back to Baltimore I enrolled to Cowen Academy, the school Adri got transferred to. I wished I transferred here back then, the school was amazing! I get up from bed and get ready for school. After completing my morning routine I get out my uniform. White button up shirt, red tie, black cardigan, khaki skirt, and my black Docs. I keep my hair at it's natural state, wavy. Something I've been doing for a while. After getting dressed I go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Skye." Mark says placing a plate of waffles in front of me.

"Morning. Did my mom leave already?"

"You know her, always the first one up and out to start the day. She really needs to slow it down once in a while."

She really does. Last month my mom announced that she is pregnant. Of course we're all happy for her and excited for the newest addition, especially Mark. But my mom still gets too caught up with her work. Not as before, but she tends to forget to take it easy every once in a while.

"So you need a ride to school? I could drop you off after I drop off Hayley and the twins."

"Nah I'm good. Adri is picking me up."

Right on cue, a car honks outside. That's Adri, telling me to hurry up. I finish my last waffle and head out.

"See you guys later."

"Be safe. And seatbelts!"

Mark knows how crazy Adri is at times. I'm glad he worries for my safety. I worry about it too whenever I get in a car with her.

It's my last class of the day, the class I had my exam on today. Calculus a.k.a torture. I swear I wouldn't have taken this class seriously if I didn't have to. I'm applying to Pratt in New York, an art school I've dreamed of attending since I started getting into art. Luckily I had my awards and participation certificates from art events to back up my application. But I still had to have the grades and requirements to get in. Calculus being one of them. The bell rings and I quickly finish up the last question. Done. I hand in my paper and walk out.

"So how do you think you did?"

"I want to say okay. I rushed the last question so I'm not sure if I got it right or not."

"I'm sure you did fine, you always do."

"Thanks babe." I kiss him on the cheek.

After a few months at Cowen, I met Riley. He's captain of the swim team and the soccer team. He enjoys music as much as I do and well we hit it off from there. We've been going out officially for seven months, my longest relationship. We've been practically inseperable. Adri and him get along great. Plus he's best friends with her boyfriend, Peter. He's even met Blake, Seth, and Nathan when they came over for spring break. Everything is just perfect.

"So you want to hang out after I get off practice?" Riley asks.

"I'll let you know. I have to start setting up my portfolio to send in with my application."

"No worries babe." He leans in and kisses me. "Come on, I'll take you home before practice."

Yup, everything is perfect.

Riley pulls up in front of my house and turns to face me.

"I'll talk to you later." He leans in and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. After a minute we finally pull away. "Love you." He says as he smiles.

"Love you too."

I get out the car and walk inside. No one's home. Mom is working, Mark is at the shop, Hayley has band practice, and the twins have karate. Peace and quiet to work on my portfolio. As I start to go upstairs to my room, the doorbell rings. I smile to myself, it must be Riley. He sometimes comes back for more. I go to the door and open it. Holy Fuck. It's not's him. How did he find me?

"Hold your hands high, read between the lines, when I still had time."


A/N: If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

Welcome to the official first chapter of this story :) Sorry if it's short and all, but I promise the next chapters will be longer! I have lots in store for this story! I mean that ^ happened so you know I have a lot of surprises up my sleeves :P

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and all <3 And I'll be sure to post an update soon. Whether it be for this story or one of my other stories. But I'll be sure to post something later this week.

So yea thanks for reading and all! Heart you <3 KBYE ^-^

Repeating Apologies (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang