Bonus Chapter: Dial Tones

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"And if you're a mess, God knows what that makes me. Cause the weight from all my guilt is all too much for me to carry. I'm sorry."

*Johnnie's POV*

Did she really hang up on me? Whatever. I was done with the conversation anyways, it was going nowhere. I decide to send her a quick text. If she doesn't want to talk now, so be it. Sure I'm pissed off about this whole thing getting out of hand, but I'm not going to let this stupid fight fuck everything we have. I know that I fucked up, I get it. If the tables were turned I'd be upset too. Why did I do it? I don't know, maybe cause I just wanted someone to talk to? I don't know, I'm bad at this whole relationship thing. I fucking suck. I toss my phone to the side after texting Skye and decide to find something to eat. I walk to the kitchen and decide to make some ramen, then it was back to editing.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty, 'bout time you woke up." Bryan walks into the kitchen. "Did you finish editing your MDE video yet?"

"Working on it." I bluntly say as I wait for my ramen to cook.

"You alright dude?"

I shrug.

"C'mon Johnnie what's wrong? Your future is looking bright! We're going to the studio to record your EP, we're going to be on Warped Tour again, not to mention Jordan, Kyle, and Alex are coming over next month too."

I sigh. Fuck I completely forgot about that. I don't think me mentioning that Alex is coming over will make things any better.

"My future with Skye isn't looking too bright." I finally say. "And that's the only thing I care about."

"What did you do this time?"

"Me?! Why is it always me?!"

He gives me that don't-play-dumb-look. "Cause you're Johnnie. You always find a way to fuck things up."

"Fuck you!" Is he going to give me advice or just bash me? Cause I'm not in the mood for it right now.

"For real Johnnie, what happened this time?"

I take my ramen and walk over to the couch. Bryan follows and takes a seat.

"Skye got a Twitter, she found out about everyone shipping me and Alex." I shrug. "She got jealous, she hates that I find more time to talk to Alex than her. Not to mention that she saw hate comments people left about her." I sigh. "It's just one big mess."

Bryan shakes his head. "That is a mess you've got there. I don't blame Skye for feeling jealous and mad at this whole ship."

"Dude you're the one who ships it too!"

"For you information, I ship Kohnnie." He chuckles. "No but for real, of course Skye would get mad at the fact that you and Alex talk a lot. Your tweets to each other just makes Johlex believable. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't talk to Alex at all, but the least you could've done was find time to talk to Skye."

I put my bowl down and focus my attention on what he has to say.

"You know that Skye isn't used to all this social media thing. She wouldn't understand ships and how people make it seem more believable than what it actually is. Of course if she sees a bunch of edits of the two of you she'll get jealous. It's not her fault. You could've been honest with her and said 'Hey. Me and Alex talk often since we're on MDE, a lot of people ship us but that means nothing to me.' Instead you just add fuel to the flame and don't even talk to her about it."

I look down to my hands and think about everything he just said. He's right. I could've tried harder to find time to talk to Skye, I could've explained to her and gave her a heads up about this ship. It's been going on for a long time, a really long time. I could've told her but honestly I didn't think it'd matter. But Bryan is right, Skye was never the type to get into social media, so of course she wouldn't understand all this.

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