Turn Back To Me

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"I can only take so much before I spill my guts, but I'm terrified of letting you see what I'm thinking. But you left before I could and if I could choose, I would, cause my mind's a frightening and lonely place I can't escape at night."

I'm walking back home, finally feeling relieved. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm glad Riley and I left off on decent terms. It's one less thing to worry about. The only things I have to worry about is getting into CalArts....and fixing my friendship with Adri. That is, if I still want her back in my life. Who am I kidding? Of course I want my friend back, but will she be okay with the fact that Johnnie is back in my life for good and that we may possibly, maybe, perhaps, get back together? I know that she wants what's best for me and doesn't want me to get hurt again, but I don't know. I feel like Johnnie and I have grown up the past year. I don't think nothing can go wrong anymore. Speaking of Johnnie...forgot that I was going to call him back. I pull out my phone from my pocket and call him.

"Hey. How did it go?" He immediately asks.

"It went pretty okay. We talked, said what needed to be said, and he apologized."

"Did you forgive him?"

"Yeah. I didn't want him feeling sorry for what happened anymore. It's for the best to just move past all this."

"I'm glad you two were able to talk it out. You did the right thing."

"Yeah, yeah I guess. So what did you want to tell me earlier?"

"That I missed you."

I giggle. "Seriously, what did you want to tell me?"

"That I miss you!" He laughs. "Don't you believe me?"

"Believe that you miss me? Or?"

He laughs again. "Turn around."

Wait what?!

I slowly turn around.....but there's no one there.

"Just kidding." He says.


He starts laughing. "Did you really think I was behind you."

I continue my walk home. "One can hope. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised. I mean you did fly all the way out here to try to apologize. Which, to this day, is still creepy that you found me."

"What can I say, I do crazy things when it's something that means the world to me."

I smile to myself.

"Besides, if I had the chance, I'd be right beside you right now."

He is the sweetest. "So what did you really have to tell me." I decide to change the conversation.

He's quiet on the other end.

"Johnnie? You still there?"

"Y-Yeah. Sorry. I zoned out. And nothing." He pauses. "Just wanted to hear your voice. And see how your talk with Riley turned out."

"Are you okay?" I decide to ask.

"Yeah. Why would you say that?"

"I don't know. You've just been acting weird lately. Even when I was over there, you seemed a bit off."

"I'm fine. Just exhausted. I have to make videos for two channels now, remember? Twice the filming, twice the editing. Not to mention starting to write songs for an EP."

"You're making an EP?"

"Yeah didn't I mention it to you?"

"Not until now."

Repeating Apologies (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now