Oh, Calamity!

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"It's such a shame that we play strangers, no act to change what we've become. Damn, it's such a shame that we built a wreck out of me."

I am now standing in front of Johnnie. Face to face for the first time since our run in at Warped, but before that, the first time since I left San Jose more than a year ago. How did he find me? I changed my number and made Blake, Seth, and Nathan swear to never give him my whereabouts. And unlike him, I could trust them.

"Um hi." He finally says.

He still looks the same from when I saw him at Warped. Tall, brown hair, wearing a black Misfits shirt and red plaid shirt, black vans, and blue jeans? That's a first, he usually wears black. One thing hasn't changed for sure, his stunning dark blue eyes.

"Hey." I finally remember to speak. "What are you doiong here?"

"I-I wanted to talk...um can I come in?"

Talk? About what? What could be so important that he came all the way over from the other side of the country? Nevertheless, I let him in. It was starting to get chilly and I can see him shivering. He comes inside and immediately scans the room. Yes, I know this house is big.

"Johnnie..how did you find me?"

I get his attention and he turns to face me.

"I don't think you want to know." He says.

"Johnnie. You are in my house. Miles aways from California unexpected. I think I deserve an explanation. Now tell me!" I'm in no mood to play these games.

He plays around with his lip rings before finally speaking. Something he does when he's nervous.

"I was in Clover's house..."

Great. She still walks the earth.

"...and your dad was ready to send something in the mail..."

Glad to know David still walks the earth too. I haven't spoken to him at all since the divorce.

"...he stepped out to find some stamps and I happened to see Auggie and Alexa's names on it..."

I remember that David sent the twins a birthday card a while back.

"...I took down the address and well here I am."

"Okay first of all that's just plain creepy!" How desperate can he be? "And why now? Why out of the blue you decided to come?" I ask obviously still confused of his sudden visit.

He signs. "Honestly, after we ran into each other at Warped, I was looking for you. Looking for you up until I had to go back to the bus. And I wanted to come the minute I took down the address..but I couldn't. I was afraid you wouldn't want to talk."

"About what?! What's so important that you came all the way here?! Snooped around David's mail, found my address, and came here?! What?!"

"I JUST MISSED YOU OKAY!" Johnnie finally blurts out. "You left, just like that and I...I missed you."

Johnnie...missed me? What even?

"I-I've been trying to find you since you moved. Your friends refused to give me your info so I had to try to find you on my own. I had given up, that is until I saw you at Warped. Then I knew I couldn't give up just yet. I had already found your address, but like I said I was too nervous...to finally be face to face with you. To say..." He stays quiet for a moment.

"Say what?"

"I'm sorry...for everything."

When I left, we left on bad terms. I left him a note, but Johnnie never really apologized. Never did because I never gave him the chance to. Just like he didn't give me a chance to. I had finally gotten over it a long time ago, but now that he's here finally apologizing, I don't know how to feel about this.

"Johnnie...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I know this is a shocker, me being here and all. But I couldn't live with myself without apologizing." He pulls out something from his pocket. "I...kept your note."

I take it and read what I wrote. I can't believe he came all they way here just to apologize. But it still doesn't change a thing.

"Listen Johnnie I'm glad you came all the way here to apologize, but what about school?"

He sits down at the bottom of the staircase. "I...dropped out."

"You what?! When?!" Now this is a shocker.

"After the school year finished, I packed my bags and moved to Nebraska. Never went back."

He had two years left of school, He's only 17. He should be a senior!

"YouTube took off for me. Started making appearances with Bryan. Playlist, South by So What, and then I started touring. I went on the BryanStars Tour and just recently Warped Tour. I couldn't handle both school and my career. So I left and did online school."

This is crazy. So much happened after I left.

"What about Clover?" I hate asking. I could give two fucks about her, but I was still curious. How is he making it work after he moved to Nebraska?

"What about her?" He looks up to me. "We broke up."

Okay, the sudden news just keeps on coming.

"Yeah, it wasn't working out. I told her I wasn't coming back to school and she flipped out. I mean she did want to at least try the whole long distance thing, but it wasn't working for me. I was too busy. Plus she was a real bitch."

Oh, now he noticed?

"Plus there's something else." He stands up.

Oh something else? What other shocking revelation can he throw at me? What can be even more shocking than what he already told me?

He takes a deep breath. "I'm still not over you. Never was."


"If I catch you on the corner, will you even know it's me? Will I look familiar to you? Do you offer me a seat? Can we find a new beginning? Do you turn the other cheek? Oh, Calamity"


A/N: If you're reading this, I heart you <3

SURPRISE UNEXPECTED UPDATE! WOO!! Yeah I decided to post one more update on this cause A) I'm currently stuck at home in the middle of a blizzard and got bored B) I felt bad for the last update being so short and C) It's my story, I can do whatever I want with it xD

SO yeah~~ hope you enjoyed this and I'll be sure to post another update reeeallll soooon~ Maybe even a 'bonus' chapter? IDK you'll just have to wait and see :P

Thanks again for reading and voting and etc. It really means alot <33 Now I'm off to stare at the snow and hope that the power doesn't go out! KBYE <3

Repeating Apologies (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now