Chapter 1 : First day

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Chapter 1

Nick POV

"You think the new boy is going to room with you since you have an empty bed?" Blaine asked.

"Probably. I just hope he's nice," I said, eating my dinner.

"He probably will be. Most of the guys who transfer to Dalton are just nervous, but really nice once you get to know them," Blaine said.

"Apparently he's getting moved in right now. I got a note from the office about it," I said.

"Don't you want to go back to your dorm and meet him then?" Sebastian asked.

"No. I will later. He probably wants some time to himself to unpack and stuff."

"Think he'll join the Warblers?" Blaine asked.


Jeff POV

I was so nervous. Apparently I have a roommate. But I didn't know what dresser drawers he was using and which ones I could use, so I had to open them to find out which ones were empty and I didn't want him to think I was snooping around and get mad at me.

I unpacked my stuff. All I had was some pjs and my uniforms that Dalton Academy gave me. 

I just hope I get a nice roommate. I was told Dalton Academy has a no tolerance bullying policy, so I'm hopeful, but still scared.

I'm just glad I don't have to live at home anymore. 

I sat on my bed and decided to read a book I brought. I don't have homework or anything. My first day of school is tomorrow.


Nick POV

After I did my homework with Blaine and Sebastian, I decided to go back to my dorm and see if my roommate was there.

I opened my door and saw a blonde sitting on his bed with a book. 

"Hey, um... I'm Nick. I'm guessing you're my new roommate?" I asked.

"Yeah. My name is Jeff," he said, quietly.

"Cool. Did you unpack and stuff?"


"Ok. Do you have any questions or anything?"

"Am I going to get in trouble if I can't find my classes on time tomorrow?" He asked, sounding very nervous.

"No. Did you get your schedule yet?"


Jeff handed his schedule to me.

"I can help you find your classes tomorrow. Don't worry. They're basically all in the same hallway."

"Ok. Thanks, Nick."

"You're welcome. I'm going to take a shower before bed. Did you need anything?"

"Um... Someone told me we could go to the cafeteria and get food...?"

"Yeah. Did you have dinner?"


"Yeah, so the cafeteria is always open. They have set times when they serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but you can go there anytime and get snacks and drinks."


He looked kind of nervous still.

"If you want, after my shower, I could show you where the cafeteria is."

"Yeah, I would like that. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I grabbed some pjs and went to go take a shower.

Sebastian POV

"How do you think Nick is doing with his new roommate?" I asked.

"Probably good. We'll meet him tomorrow. I'm sure he'll have some classes with us," Blaine said.

"Yeah. Are you doing ok? I've just been noticing you've been a bit quiet lately."

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just school stress, you know? Midterms are coming up. We're getting lots of review assignments. I'm just stressed."

"Ok. Just checking. I know sometimes... you just... you know...?"

"Sebastian, I'm fine. I promise."

"Ok, but will you tell me if you're not?"

"Yes. You know I will."


I grabbed my pjs and got changed for bed. Sometimes Blaine just makes me nervous. I know he has depression and sometimes he'll just let it get so bad and won't tell anyone. And I'm just worried it's happening again. But maybe he's right. Maybe he's just stressed. I think everyone is stressed right now.

I got into bed, looking over at Blaine before I turned off the light. I just hope he's ok.

The next day...

Jeff POV

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. A light went on and I saw Nick.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you I set my alarm every night," Nick said.

"What time do we have to get to class?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"7:30. So I set my alarm for 6:30 so we have time to get ready and then grab some breakfast."


Nick grabbed his clothes and went in the bathroom, so I decided to get up too. I think I can trust Nick. He seems nice. And I'm so thankful.

I got undressed and then put on my uniform and shoes. But I have no idea how to tie my tie. My dad never taught me. He never taught me a lot of things.

Nick came out of the bathroom, wearing his uniform.

"You ok?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, but um... Could you help me with my tie, please?"


Nick took my tie and tied it for me. 

"I'll teach you how to tie it later. Are you ready to head to breakfast?"


I grabbed my backpack and followed Nick to the cafeteria. We both got cereal and then I followed him over to a table. We sat down next to each other, across from two other boys.

"Jeff, these are my friends, Sebastian and Blaine," Nick said.

"Hi," I said, quietly.

"Hi, Jeff. Did Nick show you around the school yet?" Blaine asked.

"I didn't, but we have class together first period, so I'm going to walk with him there," Nick said.

"Did you guys finish that giant math packet that's due today?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, why?" Blaine asked.

"What did you get for the last question?"

"I got x=10. What did you get?" Blaine asked.

"I got some weird number like 1.12345, I don't know what it was exactly. I didn't think I did it right," Sebastian said.

"I got 2," Nick said.

"Ok, so clearly we have no idea what we're doing then," Sebastian said, taking out his math homework.

I finished my cereal and waited for Nick to finish his too. But he was really busy talking to his friends about math. It seems like Blaine is really good at math and Sebastian and Nick aren't.

"Ok, we need to get to class. We can talk more about math at lunch," Nick said.

They packed everything up in their backpacks.

"Ready to go, Jeff?" Nick asked.

I nodded. We got up and threw out our bowls and then I followed Nick to my first class here at Dalton.

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