Chapter 6 : Blaine goes missing

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Chapter 6


Nick POV

Jeff and I were getting into bed to go to sleep when our door flew open and slammed into the wall, revealing Blaine in the doorway.

"How could you tell!? You promised, Jeff! You literally promised, and couldn't even keep it a secret for 24 hours!" Blaine yelled.

"Blaine, stop! You can't yell at Jeff like that! He told because he cares about you!" Sebastian yelled, dragging him out of the room.

I got up and shut and locked the door. And then I saw Jeff was crying.

"Hey. Calm down. He'll get over it. He just needs some time," I said, sitting down beside Jeff on his bed.

"W-what if he h-hits me!?" Jeff stuttered.

"Jeff, Blaine isn't going to hit you. Why would you think that? Did he do something earlier?"

"No. I just get scared," he whimpered.

"Ok. Just relax. Sebastian will talk to him."

Sebastian POV

"What are you thinking, Blaine? It's not ok to yell at Jeff like that! You know he gets panic attacks!"

"He promised he wouldn't tell!"

"Blaine, you cut again! It doesn't matter! I told you that you can't do that!"

"Did you hear everyone pressuring me to be the lead in teenage dream?"

"Yes, Blaine. And you should feel great that everyone thinks you're so great that they want you to do that!"

"Well maybe I don't want to! I'm tired of having the lead!"

"Oh my god, Blaine! You sound so ungrateful! Do you hear yourself right now!?"

"I'm ungrateful!? I always have to pick up everyone's slack in Warbler rehearsals! Nobody takes it as seriously as I do!"

"What are you talking about!? You don't even help out with the choreography!"

"Sorry I'm not a good dancer, Sebastian! We all have different strengths and weaknesses!"

"Yeah, and your weakness is being super obnoxious!"

Blaine shoved my shoulder and walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes. He needs to get over himself and realize that he obviously has a problem.

He's not normally like this. But he starts getting really obnoxious when his depression gets bad. I think this is the worst its ever been. And that scares me.

I would go after him, but I think he's just going to keep avoiding me. So I'll just wait for him to come back once he calms down.


Nick POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I turned on the light on my nightstand. Jeff was looking at me from his bed.

I grabbed my phone and answered it.


"Nick, it's Sebastian."

I looked at the clock.

"Sebastian, it's almost 2:00 in the morning."

"Blaine still isn't back!"

I could hear he was crying.

"Ok, I'm coming," I said, hanging up.

I looked over at Jeff, who was squinting at me in the light from the lamp.

"Sebastian needs help finding Blaine, I guess. Want to help?"


He got out of bed and we went to Sebastian's dorm.

"How long has he been gone?" I asked.

"After he came into your room and yelled, I tried talking to him, but he just got mad and stormed out. And I just can't go to sleep if he hasn't come back yet!" Sebastian cried.

I sat down beside him on his bed and hugged him tight. 

"We'll find him, Sebastian."

"I just hope he's not cutting again."

"Ok, how about this? I'll check the cafeteria. Sebastian, you check near the front of the school in the halls. Jeff, can you check in the back of the school in the halls?" I asked.


"Ok. Let's split up and find Blaine. And don't forget to check the bathrooms," I said.

Jeff POV

I started walking down the hall. The lights were dimmed since it was the middle of the night. I was slightly nervous about finding Blaine. I don't want him to yell at me again. Nick won't be there to protect me.

I got to the end of the hall and then decided to look outside. There was a door that led out to the football field. It was kind of cold outside, so I didn't think he'd be out there, but I figured I would look anyway.

It was kind of hard to see though. The lights in the hallway were reflecting off the glass on the door, and I just couldn't see outside. So I decided to open the door.

I was immediately hit with a cold gust of wind. I strained my eyes in the dark, trying to see. And I swear, I saw someone laying down on the bleachers.

I was nervous, but I stepped outside and let the door shut behind me. I slowly started walking towards the bleachers. As I got closer, I could see it was Blaine.

"Blaine," I said, softly, climbing up the stairs.

He didn't respond. When I got to him, I sat down beside him and started shaking him.

"Blaine, please wake up," I said, starting to shiver a little.

I was only in pj pants and a T-shirt, so I was getting cold pretty quickly.

Blaine sat up after I shook him some more. He felt ice cold.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked, quietly.

"Getting away from Sebastian."

"Can you please come back inside? It's really cold out."

"I don't want to talk to Sebastian."

"Then you can stay in my room. Please just come back inside."


We walked to the back door again. I went to open it, but when I tried, it was locked.

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