Chapter 46 : Kurt as peacekeeper

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Chapter 46

A few days later...    

Jeff POV

Everyone had managed to agree on a topic and we got it approved for our research paper. But things between our friend group weren't any better.

It was so bad that Sebastian was sleeping in my dorm now, and Nick was in Blaine's dorm. Kurt was trying to help keep the peace between everyone, but we'd all sit together at lunch and there would always be arguments anyway.

We hadn't gotten any further on the project either, besides a topic.

We were sitting together for dinner right now. And the arguments were starting.

"Look, my parents are picking me up this weekend, so if you want my help on this project, then we better start tonight because I'm being picked up right after school tomorrow," Sebastian said.

"Why are you getting picked up? Your parents don't even care about you," Nick said.

Sebastian stood up and moved toward Nick, but Kurt jumped up, grabbed his arm, and made him sit back down.

"We don't need you punching him again," Kurt said.

"He deserves it," Sebastian said, glaring at Nick.

"I don't care if he deserves it or not. You could get suspended or expelled from Dalton."

"Whatever. They're picking me up because my house got broken into over spring break, and even though the police came and made a report and all that, they're coming back again to talk to my parents and my parents want me there."

"It just seems like convenient timing for you to be going home and have an excuse not to work on the project," Nick said.

"My parents flew all the way home from France. It's not some convenient excuse. Why don't you watch your mouth? Or I'll make your other eye black too."

"Hey!" Kurt said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. We can get started on it tonight," Blaine said.

"Yeah, if we can ever agree on who is doing what part," Sebastian said.

I sighed. We're still getting nowhere on this.

"Do I need to supervise you guys while you work on the project tonight so you don't kill each other?" Kurt asked.

"Please be there," I said.

I can't stop a fight from happening. But it seems like Kurt might be able to.


Jeff POV

"The introduction is the easiest part! You can't take the best part! That's not fair! It's an 8 page essay!" Nick yelled.

"Well I'm not even going to be here this weekend, so I don't know what you expect me to do!" Sebastian shouted back.

"I expect you to do 2 full pages!" Nick yelled.

I tried to take deep breaths. They make me so anxious. Kurt was in our dorm though, supervising. And I think he could tell that I was starting to get anxious because he put his arm around me.

"Guys, maybe you could just do rock, paper, scissors for different parts of the essay. That way it's more fair," Kurt said, calmly.

"Fine," Sebastian said.

"Best 2 out of 3," Nick said.

Sebastian won the first match. And Nick won the second. I'm not sure who I want to win. I just want tonight to be over.

"HA! I get the introduction!" Sebastian yelled.

"You can have the introduction, but you still need enough sentences to make two full pages," Nick said, annoyed.

"You're just mad you lost."

"No, I'm mad because it seems like you're trying to get out of doing your share of the work!"

"Well I'm not!"

"Well we'll see if you are or not by how much you end up writing!"

"Ok, calm down," Kurt said.

"Who wants to choose their part next? Jeff?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't care what part I do. I just don't want any more fighting," I said, quietly.

"Ok, do you maybe want to do the conclusion and the ending of the essay?" Sebastian asked.


"Great. Blaine and Nick, you're doing the body paragraphs," Sebastian said.

"That's not fair. You and Jeff are taking the easiest parts," Nick said.

"Well then maybe you should've won rock, paper, scissors," Sebastian said.

"Guys, come on. Enough," Kurt said.

"We need to go to the library and get some books," Blaine said.

"You guys better behave. They'll yell at you if you start fighting in the library," Kurt said.

"Nick's the one who started it," Sebastian said.

"I am not!" Nick yelled.

"Ok! It doesn't matter who started it! I'm stopping it!" Kurt said.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath.

"Let's go to the library. Everyone just stay calm and try to get along," Kurt said.

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