Chapter 2 : Study Session

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Chapter 2


Jeff POV

Luckily I had lunch with Nick. Otherwise I would have no idea where to sit. That happened a lot at my old school. I had no one to sit with, so I would just lock myself in a bathroom stall and eat there.

Sure enough, they all pulled out their math packets and started arguing about math again. 

I started eating my mac and cheese and just listened to them. I was wondering if Blaine and Sebastian would be my friends eventually too. 

I kind of just sat back and watched all of them, trying to get to know them by the way they acted. Nick seemed like he was genuinely trying to understand what he did wrong. Sebastian was just getting annoyed every time he tried to fix his mistake and still got a wrong answer. And Blaine looked like he was losing his patience, but trying his hardest not to.

I also noticed Sebastian didn't have any lunch. And he didn't have any breakfast this morning either, which I thought was kind of weird. 

Blaine seemed kind of fidgety. I didn't know if it was because he was annoyed because he was trying to teach Nick and Sebastian math with no success, or if something was bothering him. I know I get super fidgety when I get anxious or feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. 

"I give up! I just don't get it," Sebastian said.

"You're just not dividing it correctly," Nick said, fixing his answer.

"Guys, I think we're boring Jeff," Blaine said, looking at me.

"Oh. No, it's ok. I don't mind," I said, quietly.

"I'm doomed for the math midterm," Sebastian said.

"You're not doomed. You just need to study," Blaine said.

"Ok, well I say, we should study this weekend. We'll get some snacks and have a sleepover in one of our dorms, and just go over everything in our study guides," Nick said.

"Sounds good. I need to go to my locker. I'll see you guys later," Blaine said, leaving.

"I'll get the snacks for our study session this weekend," Sebastian said, putting his math stuff away.

"Ok. Jeff, do you have to take the midterm?" Nick asked.

"No, I was told I was skipping all the midterms and then just picking up where you guys left off after you take the midterms," I said.

"Yeah, that makes sense. You're lucky," Nick said.

"I know. I would be really stressed if I had to take them."

"We should get going. The bell is going to ring soon," Nick said.

I got up and followed him to our next class.


Jeff POV

Today was Friday, which I was glad about. It was my first day of school today, and now I have the whole weekend to just settle into Dalton Academy. 

And maybe I could have some fun too. Sebastian and Blaine were going to come to mine and Nick's dorm room after dinner and we would begin our weekend of studying. 

Well I mean, I wouldn't. I don't have anything to study for. But Nick said I could help by asking them questions off of their study guides.

Nick and I already had dinner, but we were waiting for Sebastian and Blaine now. 

"Are you excited for tonight?" Nick asked.

"Kind of. I've never really had a sleepover or anything like this before."


"Yeah. I've never really had... friends."


"Yeah. I just got bullied a lot at my old school."

"Oh... I'm sorry. A lot of people who go to Dalton were bullied at their previous schools."


"Yeah. Because Dalton has a no bullying policy. So they're more protected here."


We heard a knock on the door. Nick went to open it. It was Blaine and Sebastian.

"Look what I brought," Sebastian said, holding a bottle of alcohol.

I bit my lip hard. My dad hits me when he gets drunk, so I hate when other people get drunk because I get scared they'll hit me.

"Ok, what subject do you guys want to start with?" Blaine asked.

"Math. I'm doomed for math," Nick said.

"Sounds good," Blaine said, getting out his school stuff.

Sebastian started drinking the alcohol he brought. And then Nick and Blaine did too. But I'm not touching it.

"This is so stupid! When are we going to need to know this much about triangles ever again!?" Sebastian asked.

I just want to get out of here. I'm so uncomfortable and scared one of them will hit me.

"I'll be right back," I said, handing Nick's study guide back to him.

I left our room and walked down to the cafeteria. The lights were dimmed now since it wasn't a meal time. I sat down at one of the tables by myself and just started thinking. 

Things were just so bad at home. My dad is an alcoholic. He gets so angry at me when he's drunk. It makes me so upset!

Before I knew it, there were tears going down my cheeks. And then I saw Nick walking towards me.

"Jeff, what's going on?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

"I just get scared when people get drunk!" I cried.

"Hey. We're not getting drunk, Jeff. We're just getting a bit tipsy."

"My dad gets drunk all the time and it's so scary!"

Nick put his arm around me.

"Jeff, nobody is going to hurt you, ok? I promise."

"I'm just scared!"

"I know. How about we go back to our room? I'll stop drinking if that would make you feel better. And you can just help me study, ok?"


We got up and Nick kept his arm around me as we walked back to our room. We both sat on my bed facing each other. Sebastian and Blaine were sitting on Nick's bed.

"Ok. So these are just some math things we need to know. So can you just ask me questions off the study guide?" Nick asked.

I nodded and took it from him. I'm still scared, but I think I trust him. I don't really have a choice.


Jeff POV

After a while, everyone got tired of studying, so Sebastian got his laptop and put on a movie. But not too soon after that, Sebastian and Blaine both fell asleep in Nick's bed.

"Should we turn the movie off?" I whispered to Nick, who was sitting beside me on my bed.

"Nah, we can just leave it on. Why? Are you tired?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, kind of..."

"Ok. Do you want to go to bed then?"

I nodded.

"Ok. Sebastian and Blaine are in my bed, so do you mind if I sleep here with you?"


I laid down and curled up beside the wall. I almost felt a bit safer with Nick beside me. I felt like he could protect me if anything happened. I fell asleep easily.

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