Chapter 50 : The talk with Sebastian

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Chapter 50

Blaine POV      

I opened the door to mine and Sebastian's dorm, feeling nervous because I didn't know what to expect.

Sebastian was sitting on the spare bed in Kurt's room with his knees pulled to his chest. And he was hyperventilating and crying. It was kind of scary to see, actually.

"Kurt said you wanted me," I said, shutting the door.

"I just can't calm down! Jeff already tried helping, but nothing worked!"

I went over and sat down beside him on the bed.

"Why are you having a panic attack?"

"I have no idea!"

"Ok... Well what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know! Just help me, Blaine!"

"Ok... Um... Well why are you back so early? I thought you were coming back on Sunday. It's still Friday night."

"Jeff called me and needed help."

"Ok. Are you panicking about Jeff then?"

"I don't think so. Jeff's ok."

"Ok... Uh... What happened before you went to go get Jeff then?"

"My parents picked me up from school and said they wanted to talk. Like not just about the break in and the police and everything. But it was something else."

"Ok, tell me."

"So my dad is really mad about my grades because he's paying a lot for me to go to Dalton and he doesn't want all of his rich, obnoxious, snobby friends to find out about my grades because then they're going to gossip about him and his dumb son. And it could like... hurt his business. I don't know."

"Did anything else happen?"

"Well... I guess my parents have been fighting about it because I have a history of bad grades and stuff. And they can't agree on what to do. I'm not even home for them to punish me. Like normally when I would get bad grades, they would take away my phone or ground me or something. But they can't really do that while I'm at Dalton. So my mom is blaming my dad for my behavior and my dad blames my mom and now they're thinking about getting a divorce because of me."

"That's ridiculous. They're thinking of getting a divorce when they're not even around to parent you?"

"Yeah. And they're blaming me for it. If they really do end up getting a divorce, that's even bigger gossip than me getting bad grades. And I don't know what will happen if they get divorced, because who will have custody of me? Just one of them, or both of them? Or what if they don't even want me!? What if they just put me in the foster system!? Dalton is the only place I've ever been able to make friends! They can't take me away from here!"

"I think I know why you're panicking."

I pulled Sebastian into a tight hug. He just cried into my shoulder. I could feel his whole body shaking pretty hard. But after a few minutes, he wasn't shaking anymore and he wasn't crying so hard either.

"You're going to be ok," I said, quietly.

"How do you know? What if they put me in the foster system? What am I going to do then?"

"Then we'll figure it out if it happens, ok?"

Sebastian sighed. He felt really weak in my arms.

"I promise, you'll be ok. Do you trust me?" I asked.

Sebastian nodded into my shoulder.


Sebastian pulled away from me.

"I wasn't sure you would come," he said.

"Really? Why wouldn't I come?"

"Because we've been fighting and stuff."

"So? You're still my best friend."

"What about Kurt?"

"He's my friend. But you're my best friend."


"Really. I came, didn't I?"

"Yeah. What are we supposed to do about you though? I've tried checking your wrists every night. You won't stop cutting. Should I just stop trying to help you? You don't seem like you want help."

"It's just my coping mechanism."

"Well you need to change that."

"I know. But I don't know how."

"You need motivation. Like... What if for every day you don't cut, I will take you to the Lima Bean or Breadstix and buy you something to eat or drink? I can get something too, and that way you can make sure I'm still eating as well."

"Ok. I just don't know if that's enough motivation."

"What would be better motivation?"

"I don't know."

"What do you care about? Maybe school and the Warblers. So how about if I catch you cutting, you can't study for anything that day or you have to miss a Warbler meeting. That's good motivation."

"My parents will kill me if my grades drop."

"That's why it's good motivation."


"Am I allowed to be strict about this?"

"I guess."

"And hold you to it?"


"Ok. Good. We have a plan then."

"Let's go to bed. I'm tired."


We left Kurt's dorm. Kurt was waiting for us outside his door.

"How'd it go?" Kurt asked.

Sebastian pulled him into a hug which Kurt seemed very surprised about.

"Good. Thanks for helping," Sebastian said.

"You're welcome," Kurt said.

Sebastian and I went back to our dorm and got ready for bed.

"Seriously, thanks for tonight," Sebastian said.

"You're welcome. But you know I'm always going to be there for you when you need me, right? Even if we're in the middle of a fight. No matter what."

"Thanks," Sebastian said, hugging me again.

We pulled apart and got in our own beds.

"Goodnight," Sebastian said.


A/N : I'm kind of running out of ideas for this so if anyone has any ideas, let me know!

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