Chapter 38 : Beat up

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Chapter 38


Sebastian POV

Jeff had left to go to the bathroom. He didn't come back right away, and then I got a call from him. Is he not capable of going to the bathroom on his own?

"Hello?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. But I heard these loud banging noises and yelling. So I took off towards the bathroom.

When I got there, I saw a bunch of guys from McKinley banging on one of the stall doors.

"Hey, leave him alone!" I yelled.

"Aw, look. Another Warbler came to save him," one of the guys said.

I swung at the closest guy to me and punched his jaw which hurt my hand pretty bad.

Everyone ganged up on me. I was thrown against the wall, punched in the stomach, and then I hit my head really hard on the tile floor.

But thankfully they were satisfied and left.

I heard Jeff unlock the stall door and then he came out and sat down next to me.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I locked myself inside before they could do anything. Did they hurt you?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah. My head hurts pretty bad. I just want to go home."


Jeff helped me stand up. I felt kind of dizzy, so I held onto his arm as we walked back to my house.

When we got there, I went up to my bedroom, got changed into my pjs, and got into bed.

"Are you ok? You seem really out of it," Jeff said.

"My head just really hurts. Could you get me some medicine from the bathroom cabinet?"


Jeff left and came back with some medicine for me. I took it, but now I have to wait for it to start working.

Jeff got changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt and then he got into bed beside me.

I put on a movie and then closed my eyes. My head is pounding.


Jeff POV

I was really worried about Sebastian and I felt so bad. I feel like it's all my fault that he got hurt.

I decided to call Nick.


"Nicky, it's me," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Are you ok?"

"Sebastian is asleep."

"Oh. Well what's up?"

"Sebastian and I were at the mall earlier and he got beat up by these guys from McKinley and hit his head really hard. And now I'm just worried. He seems dizzy and just kind of off."

"And he's asleep now?"

"Yeah. He took some pain medicine and then fell asleep."

"Ok, well then just let him sleep. See how he is when he wakes up. If he still seems off to you, call me and tell me and we'll figure out what to do."

"Ok. Thanks. How's your vacation going?"

"Well... We're not there yet. We're supposed to get there at like 4:00 in the morning. So I've just been in the car for hours."

"How do you feel?"

"Still a bit sick, but almost better."

"Ok good. Take some pictures while you're on vacation so you can show me when we go back to Dalton."

"Ok, I will. Bye, Jeff."


I put my phone down and curled up beside Sebastian. I'm getting tired and if I don't sleep, I'm just going to worry about Sebastian all night.

The next day...

Jeff POV

Sebastian said his head still really hurt when he woke up, so I got him some more medicine. We both just kind of stayed in bed and watched movies all day. But by the time the sun went down, I felt like I needed to get my energy out.

"I know your head hurts, but can we do something?" I asked.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to go swimming in your fancy pool."


Sebastian gave me a swimsuit to borrow and we both got changed. Sebastian didn't seem so dizzy today, and I was glad. I still felt terrible that he got hurt though.

Sebastian led me out to the pool. It was lit up blue. And there was this big rock thing over the pool that you could climb up and either jump off or go down a slide. It also made a little cove area that you could go under.

We got in the pool. I wanted to go under the rock into the cove. Sebastian followed me and then pressed a button on the rock that made a waterfall appear over the cove entrance. It was so cool!

"Your house and pool are like the coolest things I've ever seen," I said.

"Thanks. It would be even cooler if my parents actually cared about me."

"I know. It's not fair. At least your parents don't hit you. You have it easier than I do. My dad spends all his money on beer and alcohol. If I want something, I need to save up for it and buy it myself."

"I know. Sometimes I wonder like... What did I do that was so bad that made my parents not want me?"

"I don't think you did anything. You said that your parents said you were an accident right?"

Sebastian nodded.

"Well maybe it's just that. It's not anything you did. It's just the fact that they didn't mean to have a kid."

"I guess... It's just not fair. Sometimes I feel like I'm all by myself, trying to figure out my life. Kids turn to their parents for help, and mine could care less."

"You have all of us at Dalton though."

"Yeah, except Blaine."

"Blaine is still your best friend."

"No, he's not. He's always hanging out with Kurt. You know what I wonder?"


"What if Kurt and Blaine are like... a thing? You know? What if that's the reason they're always hanging out."

"I don't know. I didn't think they were."

"Me either, but maybe they're keeping it a secret. When we get back to Dalton, could you be a detective for me and ask Blaine about it?"


"Just try not to seem suspicious."


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