Chapter 24 : Protecting Kurt

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Chapter 24

Nick POV

I could tell Jeff was on the verge of a panic attack. I was just trying to keep him calm, but then Blaine's phone rang, which just made Jeff tense up even more.

"Ok... Um... That was Kurt," Blaine said, sounding worried.

"Is he ok?" Jeff asked, crying.

"Well... Yeah... But um... Well here's the story... Kurt got a text from his step brother that there were two guys from McKinley that came to Dalton to hurt him. And him and Sebastian were hiding in the Warbler practice room, but it didn't have a lock on the doors, so they decided to try to find somewhere safer to hide. And I guess they were getting chased by the two guys from McKinley and they ran to the dorms. Sebastian shoved Kurt inside and told him to lock the door, and the two guys from McKinley took him away somewhere. Kurt's too scared to open the door to see what happened."

I could hear Jeff starting to hyperventilate.

"Jeff, he'll be fine. We'll go find him, ok?" I said, rubbing his back.

"I want to go back to Dalton and find him," Jeff cried.

"Yeah, we should go. Those McKinley guys are really rough on the Warblers," Blaine said.

Sebastian POV

"Give us your dorm key!"

"I don't have it!" I screamed.

I got another punch to my stomach.

"We know you have it. Now give it to us!"


I shut my eyes tight as one of the guys started kicking me. I was curled up on the dirt behind the bleachers. I had the key in my pocket, but there's no way I'm giving it up.

"Just give us the key and we'll stop."

I didn't respond. The pain was beginning to be so much that I started to feel really dizzy. And next thing I knew, I passed out.


Blaine POV

When we got to Dalton, it wasn't on lockdown anymore, so we could go in. We immediately went to my dorm. I started knocking on it.

"Kurt!? It's Blaine!"

The door opened. Kurt immediately clung onto me, crying.

"Hey, it's ok. You're ok," I said, hugging him.

"Sebastian's not! They took him!"

"Ok. We're going to go find him. Do you know where they took him?" I asked.

"No! I was too scared to open the door! I feel so terrible! He sacrificed himself for me! And I was too scared to help him! I couldn't bring myself to open the door! I was so scared!"

"Kurt, it's ok. Calm down."

"I'm sorry! I should've helped Sebastian! They hurt him because he was protecting me!"

I brought Kurt back inside my dorm and made him sit down on my bed.

"Jeff, stay with Kurt and lock the door after we leave. Nick and I will go look for Sebastian. Does he have his phone?"

"No, he left his phone here," Kurt said, pointing to Sebastian's phone on the nightstand.

"Ok. We'll find him. Don't worry. Did you know the two guys?"

"Yeah. I mean, I don't know their names. But they used to hurt me at McKinley."

"Ok, where would they hurt you? Would they do it in the bathroom? Or outside? Or where?"

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