Chapter 34 : Audition practice

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Chapter 34


Jeff POV

"Ok, now I need you to promise to be honest with me. You're not going to hurt my feelings by telling me I sound bad. I need to know what doesn't sound good so I can fix it and make sure I sound good," Nick said.

"Ok... But I don't want to hurt your feelings," I said, softly.

"Jeff, you're not going to hurt my feelings. You're going to be helping me. Now promise that you'll tell me what you think doesn't sound good."

"Fine, I promise."

"Ok. Now when I sing, if something doesn't sound good, try to remember if it was during the verse or chorus or whatever, ok?"

"Ok. I'm going to take notes on my phone."

"Perfect. Let me know when you're ready."

"I'm ready, but do you think Sebastian is going to come here and try to kick us out?"

"Sebastian can't kick us out of the Warbler practice room. It's a common area."

"I'm just scared he's going to come and yell at us. Why can't you just practice in our dorm?"

"Because this is the room I'll be auditioning in, so I want to practice in here. The sound in here is different from our dorm because our dorm is small and this is a big open space."

"Ok, fine. Start singing, I'm ready."

Nick sang Uptown Girl. I wrote down notes on my phone the whole time, trying to be really nit-picky and write down the slightest things that sounded off to me because that's what Nick wants.

"Ok, how was it?"

"Good. I wrote a bunch of stuff."

"How was it good if you wrote a bunch of stuff?"

"Because it's all minor stuff. You're a good singer, Nicky. You need to have more confidence."

"Ok, just tell me what you wrote."

"Ok the first thing... You just sounded kind of nervous and shaky."

"That's because I am nervous. I've never auditioned for the lead before. I think once I practice a bit, I won't be so shaky anymore."

"Ok, good. So that will just get better over time. Next thing... Your high notes sounded kind of flat. Like I feel like you're not singing to your fullest potential. You're giving like 75% when you should be giving 100%."

"Ok. I was just nervous."

"I think you should sing louder too. But that might be fixed by giving 100%."

"Ok. Anything else?"

"It was kind of... quick. Like it sounded like you rushed. Which might be because you were nervous."

"Yeah. Ok. I'll do it again and try to correct those things."

"Sing with more confidence. You sound really good. Don't be scared."

"Ok. Take notes again?"


The next day...

Jeff POV

When me and Nick went to the cafeteria for breakfast, only Blaine and Kurt were there.

"Where's Sebastian?" Nick asked.

"He's sick. He has a sore throat," Blaine said.

"Wow... Lucky..." Nick mumbled.

"How is he lucky?" Kurt asked.

"Not Sebastian. Me. If he can't audition for Uptown Girl, then that means I get it," Nick said.

"They've been fighting over the lead in Uptown Girl," Blaine told Kurt.

"Oh... When's the audition?" Kurt asked.

"Tomorrow. By the way, we still have open spots on the Warblers, so if you wanted to audition to join, you can," Blaine said, nudging Kurt's shoulder.

"I don't know," Kurt said.

"But you said you'd think about it after you got settled. You've been here long enough. What do you think?" Blaine asked.

"Maybe. I just don't know."

"Well do you sing?"

"Yes, I was in my old school's glee club."

"Then you should totally join!" Nick said.

"Why do you guys want me to join so bad?" Kurt asked.

"Because you're our friend and we want you to have fun in the Warblers with us," I said.

"Come on, Kurt. If Jeff can do it, you can do it," Blaine said.

"Fine, I'll audition. Can I do any song I want?" Kurt asked.

"Yup, anything. As long as you sound good, you'll get in. You have no competition," Blaine said.

"Ok. So do I show up at the meeting or is there a separate time for auditions?" Kurt asked.

"Auditions are always a half hour before the meeting starts. You and Nick can go together. Even though it's auditions for the lead of Uptown Girl, they'll have time to hear you audition for the Warblers," Blaine said.

"Ok, and who am I auditioning in front of?" Kurt asked.

"The Warbler Council," Blaine said.

"Ok. Things are so different here compared to my old school," Kurt said.

"In a good way or bad way?" Blaine asked.

"Well in a good way because I'm not getting bullied here. But the way you guys do glee club here isn't better or worse than my old one. It's just different," Kurt said.

"Fair enough. I know, it's kind of weird we have a council," Blaine said.

"It's weird, but also cool. Having students in charge of glee club verses someone like a teacher definitely has its pros. Like at my old school, we did older songs that were classics and not as many newer ones. But here you guys seem to do more current songs. And I like that," Kurt said.

"We need to get to class. I'll help you with your audition later if you want," Blaine said.

"Sure. I'd like that. Thanks," Kurt said.

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