Chapter 19 : Hurt

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Chapter 19

Blaine POV

"Sebastian, I can't believe you! I don't care if you're mad, you can't shove somebody on the ice who doesn't know how to skate!" Nick said, kneeling down beside me.

My head was pounding. It felt like someone just hit the back of my head super hard with a bat. I guess the only good thing about being sprawled out on the ice was that the ice was acting as an ice pack. It wasn't helping much though.

"Are you ok?" Nick asked.

"I just feel really dizzy and my head hurts," I said, looking up at him.

He looked kind of blurry. And the room felt like it was moving.

"Get off the ice and go sit with Jeff on the bleachers. I'm worried he's having a panic attack," Nick said.

"Fine," Sebastian said, skating off.

Nick gently helped me sit up. I still felt incredibly dizzy though. And kind of sick.

"What happened between you guys?" Nick asked.

"Basically the same fight we've been having over and over again... Nick, I'm really scared I've lost him as a friend. I really don't think he's going to get over this and forgive me."

Nick sighed.

"I just don't know why he's being like this," Nick said.

"Me either! He's never been like this. We've had arguments and stuff, but never anything like this before."

"Maybe something's going on that we don't know about. Or maybe he's just jealous. The good news is I don't think he's going to be leaving Dalton any time soon or going to live on the streets because Jeff won't let him. And I doubt he would break his promise with Jeff."

"Nick, I feel really dizzy. And everything is kind of blurry."

"Ok. Can we try to get you off the ice? I think we need to get back to Dalton so you can lay down and take some pain medicine."

"I'm just scared I'm going to fall."

"I won't let you."

Nick helped me stand up. My legs felt shaky and weird. It might just be the adrenaline running through my body.

He helped me off the ice and then over to the bleachers so I could sit down.

"How is Jeff?" Nick asked.

"He's fine," Sebastian said.

"Ok. We need to head back to Dalton so Blaine can lay down. And Jeff too. He hurt his ankle."

Nick helped me get my skates off and then we started walking back to Dalton. Jeff couldn't really walk without being in pain, so Sebastian carried Jeff on his back and gave him a piggyback ride.

Once we got back to Dalton, we went to mine and Sebastian's dorm. I kicked off my shoes and got into my bed.

"How does your head feel now?" Nick asked.

"Like I have the worst headache I've had in my entire life," I said, closing my eyes.

Jeff climbed into my bed beside me and curled up. I put my arm around him, holding him closer to me. To be honest, it felt nice to cuddle with someone right now. I just want to be comforted. And I'm obviously not going to get that from Sebastian.

"I'm going to get you some medicine. Sebastian, you're coming with me," Nick said, pulling him out of the room.

Nick POV

"I can't believe you, Sebastian. This isn't you! How could you do that to Blaine!?" I asked.

"I don't know... I just got mad..."

"You could've seriously hurt him, Sebastian."

"I know. I feel really bad."

"Really? Because I thought you didn't care."

"No, really do feel bad. I don't like seeing him hurt. And knowing that I did that to him really hurts inside."

"Then why can't you just be nice and be friends again?"

Sebastian sighed.

"I don't know... I'm just hurt by the whole him and Kurt thing."

"Well that's not a good reason to shove him on the ice."

"I know."

"It's unacceptable."

"I know, Nick! I feel bad enough already! Stop making me feel even worse!"

I could tell from Sebastian's voice that he was on the verge of tears. I'm glad though. It shows he still cares about Blaine and really does feel bad about what he did.

"Come on. Let's go to the nurse and get him some pain medicine," I said, taking his arm.

"Can I just hang out in your dorm instead? I don't want to face Blaine tonight. I just want to go to bed."

"Well then how are things between you two ever going to get fixed?"

"I'll fix things. Just not tonight, ok?"

I sighed.

"I promise, I'll fix things. I just can't right now, Nick."


"I just have too many emotions and I'm scared I'll just lose my temper again."

"Fine. Go to my dorm. But don't you dare even think about sneaking out or leaving Dalton or anything stupid like that."

"I won't. I told you, I'm not going to do that to Jeff."

"Ok. I'll meet you there after I get Blaine the medicine."

Blaine POV

"How bad does it hurt?" Jeff asked, softly.

"Really bad. I've never had a migraine before, but I would imagine it would feel something like this," I said.

"I'm sorry you got hurt on your birthday..."

"It's ok, Jeff. Thanks for staying with me."

"Of course! My ankle hurts anyway, so I figured we could both just rest for the rest of the night."

"Sounds like a great plan."

"If it makes you feel better, Nick had this whole plan where we were going to go out to get pizza after ice skating. And then get dessert and sing happy birthday to you. Nick has been helping me with my singing a little bit and we worked out a harmony for happy birthday and it sounded really cool. Maybe we can sing it for you tomorrow when your head feels better."

"I'd like that a lot, Jeff," I said, smiling a little.

"Yay," he said, holding onto me.

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