Chapter 33 : Fighting over the lead

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A/N : I think it's so funny how Nick and Jeff handle this situation so much differently than Blaine and Sebastian...

Chapter 33

A few days later...    

Jeff POV

Classes had started again and it felt kind of good to get back to normal. And the Warbler meetings started again too. 

Here's the thing about the Warbler meetings though... We all voted on our next song to work on, which is Uptown Girl. Blaine said he didn't want the lead, but Sebastian and Nick both want it. And they've been arguing over it and being kind of mean to each other.

Blaine said they can audition and just see who gets it. But if it's super close between both of them, then everyone gets to vote and Nick and Sebastian are pressuring me and Blaine to take sides. They make us talk about this every time we sit down in the cafeteria for a meal.

"You're my best friend. Why wouldn't you vote for me for the lead?" Sebastian asked.

"Because I want to vote for whoever sings the best," Blaine said.

"What about you, Jeff?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Please don't make me pick. I don't want either of you to hate me," I said, feeling anxious about this whole situation.

"Whatever. I have homework to do," Sebastian said, getting up and walking out of the cafeteria.

"Me too," Nick said, also leaving.

I looked at Blaine. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Once they audition and one of them gets the part, this will all be over," Blaine said.

"They don't audition for a few more days though. I just wish we could all get along."

"Me too. I better go check on him and smooth things over," Blaine said, getting up.


I decided to go back to my dorm too. Nick was sitting on his bed with his school stuff out.


"What?" He asked, not looking up.

"Look, of course I would vote for you to get the part. But I don't want Sebastian to hate me."

"You'd really vote for me?" Nick asked, looking up.

"Yeah. I get that Blaine doesn't want to vote for Sebastian just because they're friends and he wants to vote for who he thinks sings it better. But you helped me get into the Warblers without having to audition in front of anyone. Voting for you is the least I can do to repay you. Plus I think you sing better than Sebastian anyway. Your voice just seems more... smooth and theater-y. I don't know how to describe it."

"Really? You think I'm a better singer than Sebastian?"

"Yeah. Sebastian is good too. But I think you're better."

Nick got up and hugged me tight.

"Thanks, Jeffy. I'm sorry. Did I make you anxious?"

"A little. I didn't want you to be mad at me and think I wasn't going to vote for you. But I didn't want Sebastian mad at me either. Don't tell him what I told you. I don't want him to be hurt."

"I won't. Come on. Let's do our homework together."

Blaine POV

"Blaine, I've supported every single time you've been the lead. You're practically always the lead. You would've gotten it again this time too if you hadn't said you didn't want it! This is the one time I want to audition for the lead, and you won't even support me!" Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, you and Nick are both my friends. I don't think it's fair for you to try to make us take sides. And you're making Jeff anxious by doing it. Why can't I just vote for whoever I think sings it the best? And if you sing it the best, I'll vote for you."

"I would've felt better knowing you were supporting me."

I sighed.

"Sebastian, come on. I'm just trying to be fair. I'll help you practice your audition if you want. I've done it a bunch of times and I can tell you what to do and what not to do."

"Fine... But I'm still annoyed at you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think I'll get the lead?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know. I would need to hear both you and Nick sing first. Even though you're both good singers, one of you might have a voice that's better suited for the song, you know?"

"Why can't you just say you think I'll get the lead!?"

"Fine. I think you'll get the lead. Happy?"

"No. You didn't mean it."

"Yeah, because I have no idea, Sebastian!"


"Let's just work on our homework and then I'll help you practice for your audition, ok?"

"Yeah, whatever..."

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