Chapter 4 : Cutting

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Chapter 4


Sebastian POV

After dinner we decided to take a break before going back to studying. Me and Nick wanted to take showers, Jeff was going to take a nap because he was still tired out from his panic attack earlier, and I'm not sure what Blaine was planning on doing.

I went in the bathroom and started the shower. The water always take a couple of minutes to get warm here at Dalton.

I was about to get undressed when I realized I forgot to get a change of clothes. I opened the door and gasped, seeing Blaine holding a razor blade to his bleeding wrist.

"Blaine! What are you doing!?" I asked, rushing over to him.

I took the razor blade from him and threw it in the garbage. Blood was starting to run down his hand now.

"Hold on. I need to shut off the shower," I said, going back into the bathroom.

I shut off the water and got some paper towels and the first aid kit.

"Blaine, I asked you multiple times if something was wrong, and you kept saying no! Why didn't you tell me!?"

I started holding the paper towels on his wrist to stop the bleeding. When he didn't answer me, I looked up and saw he was crying.

"Blaine. How long have you been cutting for?"

"I don't know! A few weeks!"


"It just helps me feel better. I don't know."

"Then why didn't you tell me something was wrong when I asked you?"

"I was embarrassed, Sebastian! You think I'm proud of this!? You think I like feeling like this weak, pathetic-"

"Blaine. Stop. You're just depressed. And that's ok, but you need to tell me when you start feeling like you want to hurt yourself so I can help you."

I wrapped up his wrist.

"Did you do it to the other one?" I asked.

Blaine just stared at the floor, not looking at me. I pulled up the sleeve of his shirt, and sure enough, there were cuts on that wrist too.

"Blaine..." I said, sighing.

"I'm sorry!" He cried.

"Promise me you'll tell me if you feel like this again. You can't keep doing this to yourself. It's dangerous. You could die, Blaine."

"I know," he said, softly.

"Just go lay down and relax."

I watched as he curled up in bed, facing the wall. I left the room and knocked on Nick and Jeff's door. Nick opened it, but looked confused.

"Are you ready to study?" Nick asked.

"No. We need to talk."


I walked in as Nick shut the door. I saw Jeff curled up in his bed, but he was awake and staring at me.

"What's going on?" Nick asked.

I sat down on Nick's bed and sighed.

"What?" Nick asked, sitting down beside me.

"I just... I feel like this is all my fault! I asked Blaine multiple times if something was wrong and he kept saying no. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want him to get mad at me for asking him!"

I couldn't help it. I started crying.

"Sebastian, what happened?" Nick asked.

"I caught him cutting his wrist."

"Well is he ok!?"

"Yeah, I took care of it. I knew something was wrong! I should've done something."

"Sebastian, if he didn't tell you what was going on, it's not your fault. Just be happy you know he cuts now so we can all keep an eye on him."

Nick put his arm around me tight.

"What's Blaine doing now?" Nick asked.

"I think he's asleep in his bed."

"Ok, good. Do you want to study tonight or just relax?"

"I can't study. I'm too stressed out now. I think I'm just going to sit in bed and keep an eye on Blaine for the rest of the night."

"Ok. Just text me if you need anything, ok?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Nick. And let me know if you see Blaine cutting or you think something's wrong."

"Yeah, I will."

I went back to mine and Blaine's dorm. Blaine was right where I left him. I grabbed a change of clothes and finally went to go take a shower.

Nick POV

"Remember how I told you how a lot of the guys who go to Dalton have things they struggle with? Blaine has had depression for a while now. I never knew he cut, but see? You're not alone, Jeff," I said.

Jeff nodded.

"Do you want to just watch a movie? I don't feel like studying tonight," I said.

"Sure. I'm tired anyway," he said, softly.


I put on a movie and got in my bed. In no time, I saw Jeff had fallen asleep, and I just decided to go to sleep too. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for all of us.

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