Chapter 16 : Cutting class

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Chapter 16

The next day...     

Nick POV

When we went to the cafeteria for breakfast, Blaine and Kurt were already there at our usual table. Jeff, Sebastian, and I sat down. I was a little worried about Sebastian though. He was avoiding eye contact with Blaine.

"Sebastian, where were you last night? I tried texting you," Blaine said.

"Well you obviously didn't care very much that I was missing. You went to bed without me," Sebastian said, staring down at the table.

"Sebastian, it's not like that. I tried texting you, but you made it clear you didn't want to talk to me, so I wasn't going to keep trying."

"Yeah, well it just doesn't seem like you care very much anymore."

I sighed. I hate seeing them fight. I can tell Jeff does too. I could sense him tensing up beside me. He gets anxious.

"Sebastian, I do care-"

"If you cared, you wouldn't have gone to sleep before I came back!"

"Well you didn't even come back last night, so did you expect me to stay up all night?"

"I just thought you cared about me more. Guess I was wrong."

Sebastian got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Is he ok? Have you talked to him?" Blaine asked me.

"He's really upset. He got arrested last night," I said, quietly.


"He was caught with alcohol. His dad said if he gets into trouble again, he's going to send him to military school. Sebastian is terrified."

"He hasn't been eating either, has he?"

"I doubt it."

"This isn't good... I just don't know what to do though because if I try to talk to him, he just leaves and won't listen, but then he gets mad at me for not caring. Like, what am I supposed to do!?"

"I don't know. I'll try talking to him later. But I need to keep an eye on him. Speaking of keeping an eye on people, can I um... see your wrists?"

Blaine pulled up his sleeves, which made Kurt gasp.

"Blaine, there's fresh ones. You can't be doing this," I said.

"I know, but Sebastian just made me so upset."

"Ok. This is going to be harder because you guys are avoiding each other. But maybe Kurt can help. I just want someone with Blaine at all times to make sure he doesn't cut. If someone is always with him, he can't do it without someone knowing. I also want to keep an eye on Sebastian. But I can't watch you both at the same time considering the circumstances. So Kurt, do you think you could just try to keep an eye on Blaine and make sure he doesn't hurt himself any more than he already has?" I asked.

"Of course. I had no idea. I still feel like this whole thing is my fault. Blaine, you were friends with Sebastian first. I'm just the new kid. I don't want you to abandon him for me."

"I'm not. I'm more than happy to be friends with Sebastian. But he doesn't seem to want to be friends with me anymore. If he would let me talk to him, maybe we could talk it out. But he just doesn't want to listen to me."

"Ok. I'm sorry. But I'll definitely keep an eye on him, Nick. And Blaine, if you feel like hurting yourself, please tell me or Nick or Jeff. This is a very dangerous path you're going down. It can have serious consequences."

"I know. It's just... addicting."

"I know. There's things you can do to help though. Like you could go to a therapist or get medication-"

"I don't want to do any of that. Nick suggested I just talk to people when I feel like cutting."

"Yeah, which you're not doing!" I said, feeling a bit frustrated.

"And that's why he wants me to be watched by someone 24/7," Blaine said.

"Ok. Nick, are you going to try talking to Sebastian about this?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to try to help fix things. I don't know how, but I'll try."


Jeff POV

During lunch, I realized I lost my history book. But Blaine said I could borrow his, and it was in his dorm. So I went to his dorm to go get it. But when I went to his dorm, I found Sebastian there with a backpack, and he wasn't in his uniform.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm leaving."


"Blaine doesn't want me here. So I'm leaving Dalton."

I instantly felt myself panicking.

"S-Sebastian you c-can't!"



Sebastian put his backpack down and hugged me.

"Jeff, just breathe. Calm down."

I clung onto him super tight. After a couple minutes, I calmed down again.

"Sebastian, you can't leave! I've never had friends before! I don't want to lose you!"

"But Blaine doesn't want me here."

"Then stay in my dorm. Just please don't leave!"

"Ok, ok... I won't leave. I didn't know you cared so much."

"Sebastian, you're one of my best friends! You've helped me calm down from panic attacks. Do you know what it was like for me at my old school? People used to make fun of me for my panic attacks. They used to try to scare me to try to make me have one. My dad would call me weak when I had them. Nobody has ever treated me nicely when I've had panic attacks except everyone here at Dalton."

"I think that's because everyone here at Dalton knows what it's like when people treat you like crap. That's why most of us are here. Because we were treated horribly at our old schools."

"I thought you were here because your parents wanted you here."

"I am. But I was also treated badly at my old school."


"I was bullied. They didn't like that I was from a rich family. They would beat me up a lot."

"Wow... I never knew..."

"Look... I really don't feel like going to class. I'm thinking about just going to the Lima Bean and hanging out there for a while."

"Are you going to leave Dalton?"

"No. I just want to skip class for the rest of the day. Blaine and I got assigned as partners for a science project, and I just don't want to see him."

"Promise me you won't leave Dalton."

"I promise, Jeff. I won't. If you want to cut class with me, you can come to the Lima Bean too."

"I don't have any money though."

"It's fine. I'll buy us some food and drinks, ok? I just want to get out of here for a few hours."


I set down my backpack and then followed Sebastian out of Dalton and to the Lima Bean.

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