Chapter 10 : Beat

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Chapter 10

The next day...   

Jeff POV

My dad shoved me hard out of the passenger's seat. I landed on the pavement in the parking lot of Dalton, and my dad drove off.

It was night now and everything was super dark. I can't even move because everything hurts so bad! I'm scared nobody will see me out here and I'll just freeze tonight!

My dad beat me really bad this morning. My back ached so much, I could barely move.

I started crawling forward slowly towards a bench. Once I reached the bench, I was able to pull myself up onto it.

I curled up because I was so cold. It's winter, and I'm still only wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants.

I just want to crawl into bed and take pain medicine to feel better.


Blaine POV

"Did Jeff tell you when he was supposed to be back?" Sebastian asked.

"No. He just said he'd be back tonight," Nick said.

"You know, Dalton locks their doors after like 8:00PM, so he might be locked out," I said.

"That's a good point. Maybe one of us should check and see if he's locked out," Nick said.

"I'll go," I said, getting up.

I almost felt like I owed it to Jeff to go check if he was here. I mean, who knows if I would've gotten frostbite or something if I'd slept outside the other night. He came to find me even after I yelled at him, and that just shows how good of a friend he is.

When I got to the front doors of Dalton, I looked out, but I couldn't really see much since it was so dark out.

So I opened the door so I could see a bit better. And I saw someone curled up on the bench about 20 feet away.

I took off my sweatshirt and put it on the floor so the door wouldn't close and lock behind me.

I hurried over to the bench, being careful in case there was ice in the parking lot that I couldn't see.

Jeff was curled up on the bench, shaking almost violently. It's freezing out.

"Jeff, are you ok?" I asked, kneeling down beside the bench.

"N-no," he whispered.

"Come on. We need to get you inside."

"I c-can't w-walk."

"You can't walk?"


"Come here."

I put my arms under his and picked him up. He was super light.

I carried him inside and picked up my sweatshirt. And I brought him back to Nick's room since that's where we were hanging out tonight.

I couldn't open the door since I had Jeff in my arms, so I lightly tapped the door with my foot. Nick opened the door and almost looked horrified when he saw Jeff.

"What happened!?" Nick asked.

"He was outside. He said he can't walk, but I don't know why," I said, gently setting him down on his bed.

"Ok. Jeff, can you tell me what's wrong?" Nick asked, sitting down on the floor beside Jeff's bed.

Nick took one of Jeff's hands in his and tried to warm it up. I spread some blankets out over Jeff.

"M-my b-back hurts," Jeff whimpered.

"Ok, can someone go get some medicine from the nurse?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. I'll go get some," Sebastian said.

Nick got Jeff to turn on his side and then pulled up his T-shirt so we could look at his back. There were big black and blue bruises covering his whole back. It made my stomach drop, and I almost felt a bit scared.

"Jeff, what happened?" Nick asked.


"Jeff, something obviously happened. You're bruised up pretty bad," Nick said.

"I f-fell d-down the s-stairs."

"Jeff, you wouldn't be this bruised up from falling down the stairs," Nick said.

Nick started staring at Jeff kind of weirdly and then he gasped.

"Jeff, did your dad do this? Was he drunk?" Nick asked.

"Y-you c-can't t-tell!" Jeff cried.

"I won't. But can you tell me if your dad did this, Jeff?" Nick asked.

Jeff nodded. I can't believe it. Who would hurt their own son like this? And how does Nick know?

"Ok, it's going to be ok, Jeff. Just relax. Sebastian is getting you medicine. Does anything else hurt?"

"N-no. I'm j-just cold."

"I know. Is there anything else you need?"

"C-can you s-sit with m-me?"


Nick got into bed beside Jeff. Jeff just cuddled into him, still crying a little.

Nick looked up at me and I could tell he was worried. I was worried too. I've never really experienced anything like this before.

The door flew open and Sebastian ran in, out of breathe.

"God, Sebastian. Did you run?" I asked.

"Yeah! Jeff needed medicine! Did you want me to take a leisurely stroll down to the nurse's office?" He asked.

He gave the medicine to Nick. Nick helped Jeff sit up and then gave it to him. After he took it, he just sort of curled up, leaning against Nick's chest. Nick put his arm around him, holding him close.

"You're going to start feeling better soon, Jeff. Just try to relax. If you're tired, you can fall asleep, ok?" Nick asked.

Jeff nodded. I looked at Sebastian, who looked equally as worried as Nick did.

"How about we put on a movie? Maybe it will help distract Jeff from the pain until the medicine starts working," Sebastian said.

"That's a great idea," I said, feeling relieved we weren't just going to sit here feeling worried.

Sebastian put a movie on his laptop. Nick and Jeff stayed in Jeff's bed. Me and Sebastian sat on Nick's bed. I really hope the medicine helps. I feel so bad.

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