Chapter 14 : Present

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Chapter 14


Jeff POV

When we got back to Dalton, Nick and Sebastian were in mine and Nick's room.

"Where were you guys?" Sebastian asked.

"The Lima Bean. Also, I recorded Jeff singing teenage dream for his audition. I'll show it to the Warbler council at our next Warbler meeting and I'm sure they'll let him join. I'll just explain that he's too anxious to audition live for them. But we had a good night while you guys were gone."

"Great. So Jeff... We have a present for you. It's from all of us, but Sebastian paid for it," Nick said.

Sebastian handed me a small box that was wrapped in brown paper. I looked at him, confused.

"Open it," Sebastian said, laughing.

I slowly unwrapped it and opened the box. And there was a cell phone inside.

"You guys got me a phone?" I asked, softly.

"Yeah. We noticed you didn't have one, and we wanted to get you one," Blaine said.

I felt my eyes fill with tears.

"Aw, Jeff," Nick said hugging me.

"Nobody has ever done something this nice for me before," I cried.

Sebastian and Blaine joined the hug.

"You're one of our best friends, Jeff. We wanted to get you a phone so you're never locked out without a way to contact us, or if you have a panic attack you can text us. Or just whatever," Blaine said.

"Thanks. This is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me," I said, wiping my tears.

Everyone put their numbers in my new phone so I could text them. I felt so happy and less anxious now. If my dad beats me really bad again and leaves me in the Dalton parking lot, I can just call or text someone to come help me instead of freezing.

Sebastian and Blaine left since it was getting late. Me and Nick got ready for bed.



"I never knew friends could be like this. Like I thought friends were just people you hung out with and did homework with. But you, Sebastian, and Blaine all care about each other as if you're family. I mean, Sebastian literally cried when he found out Blaine was cutting."

"I know. We're all so close. I think part of it is that we're at a boarding school, so for now, everyone here is like our family. We don't get to see our real families much, and in Sebastian's case, his family doesn't really care about him at all so..."

"I know. Blaine told me tonight."

"Yeah, so I guess we just act like family. And now you're in our little family too."

I smiled.

"I'm glad. I don't think I've ever been this happy before."



Nick got out of bed and hugged me tight again.

"Well I'm glad you're happy here," he said.

I smiled even more. Nick got into his bed again and shut off the lamp on the nightstand. 

"Night, Jeff."


A few days later...

Jeff POV

Blaine showed the Warbler council the recording of me singing, and explained that I was too anxious to audition live. They said I could join and were happy to have me. 

Since I was new to the Warblers and kind of anxious, Nick talked to the Warbler council and they said I could sit out for teenage dream and just see what exactly being in the Warblers was like. 

I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed. There's so much to learn. Harmonies, choreography, and how to not crash into people. So I was glad I was allowed to just watch for the first song I was here for.

Nick said it would get easier once I did a few songs with them. I guess it just takes some practice. But it seemed like it would be a lot of fun.

After practice was over, we decided to go get some dinner. But Blaine ended up disappearing.

"Where's Blaine?" Nick asked, sitting down beside me at our usual table.

"There's this new guy," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes.

"New guy?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, his name's Kurt. And he's in some of our classes. Blaine's been hanging out with him practically all day except Warbler practice."

"He ate lunch with us," Nick said.

"Yeah, I guess Kurt wasn't hungry. Otherwise I'm sure Blaine would've sat with him instead of us."

"Sebastian, are you jealous or something? It sounds like Blaine is just trying to be nice, showing him around and stuff. He probably doesn't have any friends here yet."

"I've just barely seen him all day. I don't get why he wants to spend practically every moment with a guy he doesn't even know."

"Well... Maybe you can ask him about it tonight."

"Yeah, unless Blaine decides to have a sleepover with him," Sebastian said, sounding super annoyed.

"Go get something to eat. You need to eat," Nick said.

"I'm not hungry. My stomach hurts."

"I don't care. You need to eat something. Even if it's not much. If you start skipping meals, it's just going to get easier and easier to skip them and your eating disorder is going to get harder to recover from. Please just go get some food, Sebastian."


Sebastian left. I looked at Nick, feeling kind of worried.

"He'll be fine. He gets jealous easily," Nick said.

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