Chapter 31 : Claustrophobic

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Chapter 31


Nick POV

Jeff just wanted to cuddle after we ate breakfast this morning, so I just let him. I have nothing better to do anyway.

"How's your anxiety now?" I asked.

"Better. I like that you got anxious when we were locked in my garage."


"Because you act like you're this perfect person who doesn't have anything wrong. Like Sebastian has his eating disorder, I have anxiety, and Blaine has depression. And you were just perfect. And now I know you're not perfect."

"Um... Is that supposed to be a compliment or...?"

"Yes. Because sometimes I feel like you look down on me for being this messed up anxious person."

"Jeff, you're not messed up."

"Well sometimes I just feel embarrassed because you act so perfect and I'm not even close to perfect! I liked seeing that you're not actually as perfect as I thought."

"Ok, whatever. That's weird."

"No, it's not. It makes me feel better. Are we going to do anything today?"

"I don't know. Sebastian wants Blaine to rest because he's still recovering. I don't know what Kurt is doing today. Why? Did you have anything in mind?"

"No. But I want to do something. Like maybe after dinner. For now I just want to nap."

Jeff cuddled into me and I felt him relax.

"Wake me up later," Jeff said.



Nick POV

Blaine, Sebastian, Jeff, and I decided we wanted to play hide and seek. But we didn't want to get caught by anyone because obviously we shouldn't be doing this, especially while Dalton is doing maintenance. So we decided to start our game at midnight.

Jeff was too scared to be alone because Dalton turns its lights down at night, so we decided to play in teams. Me and Jeff were a team and Sebastian and Blaine were a team. We invited Kurt to play too, but he didn't want to get in trouble and was tired anyway.

Right now, Jeff and I had to find a hiding spot. We could hide anywhere we wanted as long as it was inside Dalton.

"There's nowhere to hide. All the classrooms are locked," I said, looking down the hall.

"Come," Jeff said, taking my hand.

He brought me over to the janitor's closet and tried the door. It was unlocked, so he pulled me inside and shut the door.

"They're never going to find us," Jeff said.

"You think?"

"Definitely. I want to win. Losers have to buy the winners ice cream, and I intend to get my ice cream."

I laughed.

"Ok, we'll see. They haven't started looking for us yet. We get 5 minutes to hide and we probably only spent 2 of those minutes," I said.

I looked around. The room we were in was super small since it was a janitor's closet. And it had a lot of junk in it like garbage cans, cleaning supplies, and boxes of extra supplies.

"Let's go hide behind the trash can," Jeff said, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind the trash can.

We crouched down behind the trash can. We were both silent, listening for any signs of Blaine and Sebastian coming.

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