Chapter 3 : Panic attack

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Chapter 3

The next day...

Blaine POV

"Ugh, what time is it?" Sebastian asked, rolling over in bed and crashing into my side.

"Like 9:00. Nick and Jeff went to go get breakfast," I said.

"My head is pounding."

"Mine is too. I didn't think I drank that much last night, but maybe I did."

"Dude, by the end of the night, you were definitely drunk. And you don't normally get drunk. I asked you yesterday, but I'm going to ask you again. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Sebastian. I'll tell you if I'm not, ok?"

"I know. But something just seems like it's bothering you."

"Nothing is bothering me. I told you. I'm just stressed out because of midterms, which we need to keep studying for later."

"I don't get why you're so stressed though. You're like the smartest out of all of us."

"I'm just stressed, Sebastian."


The door opened and Nick and Jeff walked in, still wearing their pjs. 

"You guys are awake," Nick said.

"Yeah. And we both have pounding headaches," Sebastian said.

"Well good news, because we stopped by the nurse on our way back from breakfast and brought you guys some aspirin," Nick said, setting the medicine on the nightstand.

"Thanks," I said, sitting up.

"You're welcome. We did a lot of math yesterday. I think today we should focus on history. There's tons of names and dates that I don't have memorized yet," Nick said.

"Sounds good. I just need to wait for the aspirin to start working," I said.


Nick POV

We studied a ton for history today. Right now me, Blaine, and Sebastian were in a Warbler meeting. Today we were voting on songs we would use. The plan was to grab dinner after and then study for science. 

I felt bad that Jeff was all alone, but he said he was kind of tired and might take a nap while we were at our meeting.

A bunch of Warblers started arguing over songs. I looked over at Sebastian who was rolling his eyes at them. He hates listening to people argue over songs.

Blaine was sitting beside me and he was actually fidgeting quite a bit. And it was a little distracting. Not that I really wanted to pay attention to everyone's arguments anyway.

"You ok?" I asked Blaine quietly.

"Yeah, why?"

"You just seemed stressed or something."

"It's just midterms."


I heard someone knock on the door. One of the Warbler council members opened it and talked to whoever it was. I couldn't see who it was though. But next thing I knew, the council member was standing beside me.



"Someone needs you. He's in the hall."

I stood up and walked over to the door, confused. When I opened the door, I saw Jeff sitting on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest and he was crying.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"I-I just g-get p-panic attacks. A-and I d-didn't know w-what t-to do!"

"It's ok, Jeff. Just try to breathe, ok?"

He nodded.

"Can I touch you? I know some people don't like to be touched during panic attacks."

Jeff nodded, so I gently put my arm around him. He leaned his head on my shoulder. I could feel his whole body trembling.

"I'm s-sorry for interrupting y-your m-meeting."

"Jeff, it's fine. We're not doing much of anything right now anyway. People are just arguing over songs."

"I j-just d-didn't know w-what to d-do."

"It's fine. Relax. The Warbler council knows this stuff happens. Remember how I told you that a lot of the guys who come here used to be bullied? Some of them get panic attacks too, and they're allowed to step out of meetings whenever they need to. And if you need someone to help calm you down, they're not going to stop me from helping you. They understand, Jeff."


"Here, come sit with me in the Warbler meeting."

"Am I allowed?"

"Yeah, it's fine, Jeff. Don't worry about it."

I helped Jeff up and then led him inside over to the couch I had been sitting on. I sat down and then Jeff sat down between me and Blaine.

"Everything ok?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah. He just had a panic attack," I said.

"Aw, you ok now?" Blaine asked.

Jeff nodded.

"Ok, if you ever need any of us, just let us know. Or the Warbler council," Blaine said.

"Thanks," Jeff said, quietly.

"Of course. Don't feel bad. Everyone has their moments," Blaine said.

I leaned over and saw Sebastian had his head on Blaine's shoulder and his eyes were closed.

"Is he sleeping?" I asked.

"Yeah. He told me to wake him up when we're actually going to vote on songs. He still has a headache," Blaine said.

Jeff pulled his knees to his chest again and hugged them there, which made me nervous that he was going to have another panic attack, so I put my arm around him again, trying to comfort him. He leaned against me and almost sort of snuggled into my side.

"Ok, you're going to raise your hand for whatever song you want. The options are Teenage Dream and Misery," one of the Warbler council members said.

"Seb, wake up," Blaine said, nudging him.

Sebastian woke up and sat up straight.

"Raise your hand if you want Teenage Dream."

Me, Blaine, and Sebastian all raised our hands. We love that song.

"And raise your hand if you want Misery."

We waited for someone to count the votes.

"Ok, Teenage Dream is the winner. We'll have auditions next week. You're dismissed."

"Let's go get dinner," I said, getting up.

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