Chapter 32 : Nick yells

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Chapter 32


Blaine POV

Sebastian and I walked back to the janitor's closet. Sebastian put the key in, unlocked it, and opened the door. Jeff came running out and ran down the hall. Nick looked really freaked out and he was crying.

"Hey, it's ok. We got you out," I said, hugging Nick.

Nick held onto me super tight and cried.

"Ok, well I need to go return the key before we get caught, so I'll meet you guys back at our dorm," Sebastian said.

Sebastian left. I just held Nick tight.

"What happened?" I asked, softly.

"I'm just claustrophobic and had a panic attack."

"Oh... What about Jeff?"

"Jeff just had to pee really bad."

"Oh, ok. Let's get you back to your room."

I put my arm around Nick and led him back to his dorm. We both sat down on his bed. His breathing was finally starting to return to normal.

Jeff came in and sat down on his own bed, sighing.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've never had to pee so bad in my life. You ok, Nicky?" Jeff asked.

Nick nodded.

"Why don't you two just try to get some sleep. It's late anyway. Just wake up me or Sebastian if you guys need something, ok?" I asked.

"Ok. Thanks, Blaine," Nick said.

"You're welcome. Night, guys."

"Night," Jeff said.

I went back to my dorm and Sebastian joined me a few minutes later. We got changed into our pjs and were about to head to bed when we heard yelling.

"Is that Nick?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know. Sounds like it," I said, jumping up.

Sebastian and I ran across the hall and opened Nick and Jeff's door to see Nick standing over Jeff, who was curled up in his bed, looking terrified.

"I don't try to make you have panic attacks on purpose, so why would you try to do that to me!? You expect me to believe that one second the janitor's closet was unlocked and then the next second nobody could open it!?"

"Nick. Hey, stop yelling at him," Sebastian said.

"I-I d-didn't d-do a-anything!" Jeff cried.

"You're such a liar, Jeff!" Nick yelled.

"I-I'm n-not!"

"He planned to get us trapped in the janitor's closet because he's obsessed with the idea of me not being perfect!"

"N-no I-I d-didn't!"

Sebastian pulled Nick out of the room and shut the door. So I sat down next to Jeff and put my arm around him.

"Is what Nick said true?" I asked, softly.

"No! He just started accusing me of getting us locked in the janitor's closet on purpose! But I didn't! I promise, I didn't!"

Jeff moved so he was basically on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him from behind. He was shaking pretty hard still.

"Don't let him sleep in here tonight. I don't want him to yell at me anymore."

"Ok. How about I sleep in here with you and Nick can sleep in my room?"

Jeff nodded.

"Ok, then let me go tell them. I'll be right back," I said, sliding out from under Jeff.

I went to my own dorm. Nick was sitting on Sebastian's bed, and Sebastian was sitting beside him, holding onto his arm.

"What did Jeff say?" Sebastian asked.

"He said he promises that what Nick said was not true," I said, sitting down on my bed.

"See? I told you. You think Jeff would do something mean on purpose? He's too much of a sweetheart. He wouldn't be capable of doing anything mean on purpose," Sebastian said.

"Yeah, why would you accuse him of that and yell at him?" I asked.

"Because he told me that he was glad I got anxious in small spaces. And it didn't seem like a coincidence that we would get stuck somewhere so soon after talking about that. I was sure he did it on purpose to see me get all anxious again," Nick said.

"Well he didn't. Even if he did, you know you can't yell at him like that. Remember when I did that to him? I felt awful," I said.

"Yeah... Can I talk to him?"

"He doesn't want you to sleep in there tonight," I said.

"I won't sleep in there, but can I just have a couple minutes with him?"

"Fine. But don't even think of yelling at him or I'll drag you out of there again," Sebastian said.


Nick POV

I slowly opened my dorm door and saw Jeff with his knees pulled to his chest in his bed.


"I don't want to talk," he said, looking away from me.

"Jeff, look. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just really freaked out. And I jumped to conclusions before thinking it through."

"You think I would intentionally try to make you have a panic attack? Do you know how much I hate panic attacks and get scared from them? Why would I want to do that to my best friend?"

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking clearly, Jeff. You know how you get when you have panic attacks. You can't think straight."

"Yeah, I guess. But I would never accuse you of doing something mean to me. And why would I lock us in a room when I had to pee? That would just make me anxious."

"I know. I'm sorry, Jeff. And I'm sorry I yelled at you."

Jeff reached his arms out for me, so I slowly went over to him. Once I was close enough, he pulled me onto his bed and into a tight hug.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, softly.

"No... It does sound like I did it on purpose, but I really didn't."

"I know. Do you still want me to sleep in Blaine and Sebastian's room?"

"No. Stay with me."

Jeff pulled the covers over us and cuddled into me.


Blaine POV

"It's been a while. Do you think we should check on them?" I asked.

"Yeah, probably. I'll go in case Nick is doing something mean to Jeff," Sebastian said, getting up.


Sebastian left and came back a few seconds later.

"Well?" I asked.

"They're fast asleep. Jeff is curled up next to him. They must've made up," Sebastian said, getting back into his bed.

"They're best friends. What did we expect would happen?"

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