Chapter 11 : Passed out

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Chapter 11

The next day...

Blaine POV

We all decided it would be best for Jeff to not go to school today. He was in too much pain. So Sebastian got him enough pain medicine for the day, and I agreed to stay with him and not go to school either.

Nick said he would stay with Jeff, but I said I wanted to since I still felt bad for yelling at him.

So I brought Jeff a bagel after I ate breakfast with Nick and Sebastian.

Nick told me that Jeff made him stay in his bed with him all night and that he had a panic attack, which just made his back hurt even more since he was hyperventilating.

So I wasn't surprised when Jeff asked me to sit beside him in his bed.

Sebastian left us his laptop so we could watch Netflix all day. Jeff ate his bagel and then just sort of snuggled down into my side. I told him he could sleep if he wanted. He didn't sleep much last night because of his panic attack. And I would watch the clock and wake him up when it was time for him to take more medicine.

But he didn't fall asleep.

"Are you and Sebastian still friends?" Jeff asked, quietly.

I paused Netflix.

"Yeah, we're still friends. We made up."

"Are we friends?"

"Yeah, of course we are, Jeff."

"Ok. Good."

"Were you worried we weren't friends?"

"No, it's just that I've never really had friends before, so I was just wondering..."

"Well you and Nick are friends, right?"

"Yeah. Nick was my first friend."

"You seem very comfortable with Nick now."

"I just trust him a lot. He can calm me down when I have panic attacks. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why do you cut? Like why would hurting yourself make you feel better? I just don't understand."

"I don't really understand why it makes me feel better either, Jeff. It just does."

"Can I see?"

I nodded and pulled up my sleeve so Jeff could see my wrist. He gently ran his fingers over my cuts.

"Do they hurt still?"

"No, not really."

Jeff turned and buried his face in my side.

"Jeff, you ok?"

"Yeah. I just don't want you to hurt yourself."

He wrapped one arm around my stomach and just held onto me. And he fell asleep like that.


Nick POV

"Guys, I wasn't in math class today. I have no idea what's going on. I can't teach it to you guys!" Blaine said, frustrated.

"Sorry we suck at math, Blaine. But I would've thought you could figure out what to do," Sebastian said.

Blaine slammed his math book shut.

"I just need a few minutes," Blaine said, getting up and leaving my dorm.

I looked at Sebastian, who looked back at me.

"Seb, you know he's going through a rough patch with his depression right now. Just try to be nice," I said.

"He just loses his patience so easily now," Sebastian said.

"I know. So we need to be patient with him since he's less patient with us," I said.

I tried to figure out the math homework and teach it to Jeff, but it just wasn't working.

"Should I go check on Blaine?" Sebastian asked.


Sebastian got up and left my door open. About a minute later, I heard a big thud, so I jumped up to go see what was going on.

When I got to Blaine and Sebastian's room, I saw Sebastian on the floor, unconscious. And Blaine was standing in the doorway of his bathroom with blood on his wrist.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He passed out when he saw," Blaine said, quietly.

Jeff appeared beside me and started getting wobbly. His face was really pale.

"Ok, you need to lay down before you pass out too," I said, guiding Jeff to Sebastian's bed.

I helped him lay down.

"Just stay there while I help Blaine," I said.

I grabbed Blaine's hand and brought him into the bathroom.

"We told you to tell us when you felt like hurting yourself," I said, starting to clean up Blaine's wrist.

"I know! I didn't feel like hurting myself until I had left your room, and I just had to do it."


"I know! I'm sorry! It's like I don't have control over it."

"Ok. Just calm down."

I bandaged up Blaine's wrist and then left the bathroom to help Sebastian. He was starting to wake up. I sat down on the floor beside him.

"Seb, you ok? Can you hear me?" I asked, putting my hand on his forehead.

"Yeah... What's happening?"

"You passed out."

"My head hurts."

"Yeah, well probably because you fell on the floor. Here, try to sit up. I want to get you into bed where you'll be more comfortable."

I helped Sebastian sit and then slowly stand. I got him into his bed beside Jeff.

"Jeff, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Kind of sick. I don't like blood."

"Ok, just relax. Blaine, sit on your bed and watch these two. I'm going to get Sebastian some pain medicine for his head. Do you know if he hit it on anything besides the ground?"

"No, he just fell on the floor."


Blaine POV

Nick left and I sighed, looking over at my friends. They feel sick because they saw my blood. I feel terrible.

"Sebastian, I didn't know you didn't like the sight of blood. The time you caught me cutting for the first time, you were fine," I said.

"I think I was too scared to pass out. My only thoughts were about helping you."

"I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine. Just stop talking about blood. You're making my stomach hurt."

I watched as Jeff curled into Sebastian's side. He just loves to curl up beside people, I guess.

Jeff wrapped one arm around Sebastian's stomach and held on, just like he did with me earlier.

Nick came back with some bottles of water and pain medicine for Sebastian. He helped Sebastian and Jeff sit up so they could drink some water. Jeff stayed curled up beside Sebastian.

"Blaine, let's leave these two here. I want to talk to you in my dorm, ok?" Nick asked.

I nodded. But I'm a tiny bit scared.

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