Chapter 42 : Lake

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Chapter 42

The next day...   

Sebastian POV

Jeff and I were both getting bored. So we decided to go to a park today to pass the time. It wasn't that far from my house so we walked to it. It was pretty big. There was a playground and a lake and some trails to walk on. There was still some snow on the ground and the lake was frozen, so we had to be careful where we walked.

"Do you think Blaine is doing ok?" Jeff asked, as we walked.

"I hope so. I'll text him and ask him how he's doing."

"Do you think he would tell you the truth if he wasn't doing good or if he was cutting?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe."

Jeff and I walked down one of the docks so we could look out over the frozen lake. In the summer, I come here to go swimming sometimes. I know I have a pool, but a lake is much bigger.

I sat down on the edge so I could text Blaine. Jeff sat down beside me.

I was in the middle of texting Blaine when I heard a weird noise. I looked up and saw Jeff had dropped his phone on the ice. He went to step on the ice, so I tried to grab him, but I wasn't quick enough.

"Jeff, don't!"

The ice cracked underneath him as he grabbed his phone. I watched as he went completely underwater.

He popped back up a few seconds later.


He held his phone up to me, so I took it and put it in my pocket. Jeff reached his hands out for me, and I grabbed his hands. I pulled him back up on the dock, out of the water.

"I-I'm c-cold."

"I know. Let's go back to my house before you get frostbite or hypothermia or something."

I could hear Jeff's teeth chattering as we walked back to my house. When we got back, I turned the heat up higher than usual to try to warm him up quicker.

I brought him up to my room and helped him get changed into some dry clothes.

"How are you doing? Can you feel your fingers and toes still?" I asked.

"I can feel my toes. My fingers are numb though."

"Alright, get in my bed. I'm going to get some more blankets."

I got some blankets from the hall closet and spread them out over my bed.

"Come cuddle. I'm cold," Jeff said, lifting the covers for me.

I got in beside him and he instantly curled up with his face in my chest. I put my arm around him, feeling him shiver every now and then.

"Now put on a movie, please," Jeff mumbled into my chest.

I grabbed the remote and put on a movie.


Jeff POV

Sebastian left to go get some dinner for us. I was bored of watching movies all day, so I decided to call Nick and see what he was up to.

"Hello?" Nick asked.

"Hi, Nicky!"

"Hey, what's up?"

"How's vacation?"

"Vacation's ok. I just miss everyone at Dalton. Why haven't you been texting me back?"

"I've been busy."

"Busy? How?"

"Well Sebastian got beat up, as you know. And then his house got broken into. And Blaine locked himself in the bathroom to cut. And then I fell into a lake."

"Whoa, hold on. Slow down. Sebastian's house got broken into?"

"Yeah. Apparently it's happened before. Sebastian practically lives in a mansion. Did you know that?"


"So the police had to come and everything. And then Kurt called Sebastian because him and Blaine were hanging out and Blaine was cutting. And then I fell into a lake earlier today."

"I thought everything was still frozen."

"Well it was frozen. But then it cracked and I fell in."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok now. I've just been busy. But I miss you a ton!"

"I miss you too. Have you had any panic attacks?"

"No. I almost did a few times. I've just gotten panicky, but not had a full out panic attack."

"Ok, that's good."

"But Sebastian has been really nice and he's making sure I'm not anxious if he can help it."


"I can't wait to go back to Dalton. I like Sebastian's house, but I miss you a lot. You always know how to calm me down the best and you give the best cuddles."

"Aw, thanks. I know. I thought spring break would be more fun than this, but I just want to go back to Dalton."

I heard the front door open and close.

"Ok, Sebastian is here with dinner. I have to go. But I'll text you. I promise," I said.

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye, Nicky."

Warbler CriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora