Chapter 45 : Punched at lunch

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Chapter 45


Nick POV

I had some dinner in the cafeteria and then went back to my dorm. I'd calmed down from earlier and wanted to talk to Jeff. But he wasn't in there.

So I went across the hall to check Blaine and Sebastian's room. Nobody was there. Where is everyone?

I decided to just go back to my dorm and get ready for bed. I'll just wait for Jeff to come back. I wonder where everyone is though.

The next day...

Jeff POV

I went down to the cafeteria for breakfast with Sebastian since I'd slept in his dorm last night. We were the first ones at our usual table. Blaine and Kurt joined us about a minute later. And then I saw Nick walking towards us and he didn't look happy.

"Why weren't you in our dorm last night? Sebastian really is your best friend, isn't he!?" Nick yelled.

"How dare you yell at him! Again!" Sebastian shouted.

"You're in my spot," Nick said, pushing Sebastian's shoulder.

"So?" Sebastian asked.

"So move."

"Make me."

Nick pushed Sebastian so hard that he fell on the floor. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Sebastian slowly stood up and then punched Nick so hard in the face that he fell on the floor. Blaine immediately jumped up to separate them. I covered my eyes with my hands because I can't watch this.

"Jeff, come here. It's ok," Kurt said, gently pulling one of my arms.

I stood up and let him lead me out of the cafeteria and into one of the hallways. We sat down on the floor next to each other, and I started crying.

"It's ok. Blaine will take care of it," Kurt said, putting his arm around me.

"I just hate when everyone's fighting! And yelling! Why do people have to yell at me!? I haven't done anything wrong!" I said, crying harder.

"I know. I don't know what's up with Nick lately."

"It's not just him though. It's Blaine and Sebastian too."

"I know... Let's just see how today goes, ok?"



Jeff POV

We all sat at our usual table for lunch. I sat next to Nick since that's my usual spot, but I felt really uncomfortable and nervous. He's starting to get a bruise under his eye from when Sebastian punched him earlier.

"So how are you guys doing now?" Kurt asked.

Everybody was staring down at either the table or their food. Everyone had food except Sebastian.

"Well we got assigned a group project in history," I said, looking up at Kurt.

"Oh... All four of you?" He asked.

I nodded.


I'm dreading it. Everyone is so tense with each other. I don't know how we're going to get this thing done. It's due next Monday so we have a whole week. But still. That's not a lot of time if we all hate each other.

"What kind of project?" Kurt asked.

"A research project. We have to choose a topic, get it approved by our teacher, and then write an 8 page essay on it together," Blaine said.

"Ok. That doesn't seem too hard."

"It's 8 pages. It's hard," Sebastian said.

"Ok, well... I'm sure you guys can do it."

We all just kind of ignored each other and ate in silence for the rest of lunch. But Blaine said we should meet after school was over to choose our topic so we can get it approved by our teacher tomorrow.


Jeff POV

"Your topic is stupid! Why should we do a project on a boring topic? The least we can do is pick something actually interesting so we're not bored out of our minds!" Sebastian yelled.

"My topic is interesting. You're just bad at history and think it's dumb!" Blaine yelled back.

"No, your topic is dumb! It's too complicated. We need something straight forward and simple."

"Well then you can pick the topic, Sebastian."

"Great. I would love to. Now give me a few minutes to think about it."

We all sat in silence. Sebastian and I were sitting on my bed and Nick and Blaine were sitting on Nick's bed.

"Well?" Blaine asked.

"I said give me a few minutes to think! I'm not done thinking!" Sebastian said.

I need some fresh air. So I got up and left the room. And I just heard more shouting as I walked away.

"You're making Jeff anxious! If you could just pick a topic already-"

"Well if you would just shut up already!"

I walked faster and finally got to one of the front doors of Dalton. I went outside and sat down on a bench. It was cold out because it's just barely spring, but I needed a break from all the fighting.

A minute later, I heard the door open, and I was worried it was Blaine, Nick, or Sebastian. But it was Kurt.

"Blaine told me to come check on you," he said, sitting down beside me.


"What's going on?"

"I just needed some air. They're all fighting about our project. They can't even agree on a topic. It's driving me crazy. I just want everyone to get along."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. But you're only in a fight with Nick, right?"

"Yeah. And then Sebastian and Blaine are in a fight. And Sebastian and Nick, obviously. I just hate it so much."

"Well maybe you and Sebastian can try to work together and Blaine and Nick can try to work together and see if you can make any progress."

"I guess we can try. They just really don't seem to want to cooperate with each other."

"Yeah, clearly."

"I guess I should go back and see if they can agree on a topic."

"Ok. Text me if you need anything, ok? And if they're stressing you out, take a break from the chaos."

"I will."

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