Chapter 25 : Sore

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Chapter 25


Sebastian POV

When I woke up, Blaine was gone. But Jeff was curled up, fast asleep, beside me. 

I saw the door open, and it was Blaine, who was carrying a bowl of mac and cheese.

"Hey, you're awake."

"Yeah, and Jeff's here now," I said, looking down at the sleeping blonde.

"You know Jeff. He was too anxious to stay away."

Blaine handed me the bowl of mac and cheese.

"How do you feel? Has the medicine started working?"

"Yeah, a bit. Still hurts a lot though. My whole body just aches."

I started eating, just to make Blaine happy. I'm not hungry though.

"How is Kurt doing?" I asked.

"He's fine. Just nervous. Like what if those guys come back?"

"Yeah, and now they know me and might target me too."

"Exactly. He doesn't want you to get hurt again because of him."

"Even if they do come back, I would do the exact same thing."


"Yeah. Nobody should be treated like that. And if they learn that I won't let them get to Kurt, then maybe they'll stop coming back."

"What if they learn that they can just hurt you instead? And keep coming back for you?"

I sighed.

"Then I don't know. I just hope they don't come back."

I stopped eating once I'd eaten half of it.

"Are you going to finish that?" Blaine asked.

"No. I ate half. I just feel sick to my stomach."

"Fine. Do you need anything else? It's getting late, so maybe you just want to go back to sleep."

"Can you get me some water and some more medicine in case I wake up in the middle of the night and need more?"



Blaine left. Jeff woke up when the door closed. He looked up at me and smiled when he saw I was awake. And then he turned his face into my side and wrapped his arm gently across my stomach, holding onto me.

"Thanks for staying with me, Jeff."

"I was worried."

"I know. So was I. Those guys were really scary."

Jeff looked up and reached for my mac and cheese, so I gave it to him and he started eating it.

"Are you staying here for the night?" Jeff asked.


"Ok. Can I stay here too?"

"Of course you can, Jeff. Are you feeling anxious at all?"

"I was just anxious because I didn't know if you were ok. Nick has told me so many scary stories about the guys from McKinley hurting the Warblers before."

"Yeah. They have a history of doing that."

"Well how are we supposed to protect you? Or Kurt? Or any of ourselves?"

"I don't know. I think it'd be best if we all just stick together and keep our doors locked, that's our best shot at staying safe."

"Ok," Jeff said, cuddling into my side more.

I put my arm around him. I feel like we need to protect Jeff and Kurt the most. I don't really feel like they can protect themselves. I mean, not that I could either. But I would rather get hurt than have Jeff or Kurt get hurt.

Blaine came back and handed me a bottle of water and put my medicine on the nightstand.

"Do you want me to sleep in here or Nick, since this is his room?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know. You guys can pick. Maybe Nick should sleep in here so you and Kurt can sleep in our room. I don't think either of you should be alone tonight. Kurt sounds like he's still shaken up and I don't want you cutting."

"Yeah, um... About that..."

"Did you cut more?"

"Only a little bit!"

"Blaine! I've been eating so you need to stop cutting!"

Blaine sat down on the end of the bed and pulled up his sleeves so I could see his fresh cuts.

"Ok, we need to go back to the idea where someone is with you 24/7 because you're still cutting without us knowing. And that's not ok."

"I just don't like that though. Someone always needs to follow me to the bathroom and-"

"Well if you weren't sneaky and cut without us knowing then we wouldn't need to! Once we can trust you not to do that, then you can have a little more privacy again and we could just go back to checking your wrists every night. It's just for your safety, Blaine. Not to be annoying."

"I know..."

"Kurt can help too."

"Are you guys like friends now?"

"Yeah. We had a talk."

"Yeah, I mean obviously something happened because you saved him from those guys from McKinley."

"He's nice and he has a good heart. He just wants to help us, and I was just being a jerk."

"So then it's ok with you if we let Kurt into our group of friends?"

"Yeah. It's fine. I'd love that."

"Wow, I'm really surprised, but glad. So much has happened today... Good and bad..."

"I just hope you believe me that things are good between me and Kurt now."

"Of course, Sebastian."

"Good. I'm done fighting with people. I just want to get better, and I want to help you get better, and I want to help Jeff be less anxious. Fighting with you and Kurt doesn't help any of us."

Blaine came over and gave me a hug, which Jeff joined in on.

"Ok, then I'll go get Nick. He can sleep in here and I'll sleep in my room and ask Kurt to stay the night. And obviously if you need anything, just wake up Nick or Jeff."

"I will. Thanks, Blaine."

Blaine left and Nick came in.

"How are you feeling?" Nick asked, getting into his bed.

"Better than before. But really sore."

"Are you tired?"

"I'm exhausted."

"Ok. Let me know if you need anything, ok?"

"I will. Thanks, Nick."

I pulled the covers up higher over me and Jeff. Jeff snuggled down under the covers and into my side. I almost felt a bit safer with Jeff beside me. I just felt so alone earlier today when I was getting beat up. Nobody was there to save me.

I'm so glad I have friends that found me and are helping me.

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