Chapter 23 : Guys from McKinley

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Chapter 23


Jeff POV

Blaine, Nick, and I decided to go to the Lima Bean. Blaine unlocked his door for Sebastian and Kurt incase they finished their project while we were away. And he said they were actually talking about the project and doing the work instead of fighting. That's weird, but good.

I sat on the inside of a booth beside Nick and across from Blaine. Blaine bought us some food and drinks. I guess this is sort of dinner.

"So do you think they're friends now or just decided to work on the project?" Nick asked.

"I'm not sure. Sebastian didn't seem to be glaring at Kurt, like he usually is. I think maybe they worked things out," Blaine said.

"Good. I hope so. I think that would make us all feel better."

"Definitely. Jeff, how's your anxiety been lately?" 

"I don't know... I'm still pretty anxious... I don't know why. I just always seem to feel like this."

"Does anything help?" Blaine asked.

"I just like hanging out with you guys. Especially Nick. He just makes me feel safe."

Nick smiled and put his arm around me.

"Well we're roommates, so that makes sense," Nick said.

Blaine's phone buzzed. He looked at it and made a face that made me anxious.

"Blaine, what's going on? Is it Sebastian?" Nick asked.

"No... It's Kurt... Um... Something is going on at Dalton."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"I guess there's these sketchy people just hanging out at Dalton. So they called the police and locked the school down. Apparently the two guys are inside Dalton. They don't know why they're there. They don't know if they have guns. They don't know anything. So Kurt told us to stay here until it gets sorted out."

"Ok, well are he and Sebastian safe?"

"I don't know. I'll ask him..."

I felt myself getting panicky. My dad pulled a gun on me once. Nothing happened, but it still scared me really bad. What if the two guys are from McKinley and want to hurt us? They always want to hurt us. Nick has told me so many stories.

"Jeff, you ok? You look pale," Nick said.

"I just don't like what's happening," I said, quietly.

"I know. It's scary. Don't worry. We'll just hang out here until it's safe, ok?"

"But what about Sebastian and Kurt?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine."

"Kurt said they went to go turn in their project early when the school went on lockdown, so right now they're hiding in the Warbler practice room behind one of the couches," Blaine said.

"I'm scared," I said, softly.

"Jeff, it's ok," Nick said, hugging me to his side.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. This is just bringing back so many bad memories.

I buried my face in Nick's shoulder. He started rubbing soft circles into my back.

"Jeff, they'll be fine. And we'll be fine," Nick said.

"It's just bad memories," I said, quietly.

"With your dad?"


"Jeff, has he ever threatened you with a gun?"

"Only once. It was a while ago. He was drunk."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. He's never done it since then."

Sebastian POV

"Why don't the doors lock in here?" Kurt whispered.

"I don't know. I guess because it's just a practice room. Why would anyone need to lock the doors?" I whispered back.

"In case psychotic people break in and are trying to kill us!"


Kurt's phone dinged, and I shot him a look.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"They're literally going to find us because of your stupid phone noises! Turn it on silent!"

"Ok, ok, calm down."

Kurt went on his phone for a couple of minutes. I didn't have mine with me. It was still in my dorm.

"My step brother just texted me and said he knows the two guys who are here. And t-they're..."


"They're here for me..."


"I kind of have a lot of enemies at McKinley."

"What? Why? You've been nothing but nice to me even though I've been nothing but mean to you."

"People at McKinley didn't like me."

"So what do they want to do to you now? Why are they here?"

"I don't know. But my step brother said just make sure they don't find me."

"Well then we should find a better hiding spot."

"How? If we leave, they might find us."

"Well if we can get to a room that locks, that would be better than this. Now come on."

I crept over to the door and peered out. I didn't see anyone.

"Ok, here's the plan. We're going to sneak out and see if we can get into a classroom because they have locks. Usually teachers lock their doors when they're not in there, but sometimes they leave their rooms unlocked," I said.

"What if we can't find a classroom?"

"Then we'll figure something out."

"Sebastian, I don't know about this."

I looked at Kurt.

"Trust me. Ok?"

Kurt nodded.

"Ok, let's go," I said, pushing the door open.

I stepped into the hallway with Kurt following behind me. I quickly started checking the classrooms to see if any were unlocked. None of them were.

I heard something at the end of the hall, so I grabbed Kurt's hand and started dragging him towards the dorm rooms.

I heard people running after us. It was reminding me of my old school when people used to bully me and beat me up. They would chase me and then hurt me once they caught me.

I could hear them gaining on us, but we were almost to my dorm.

I jammed my hand into my pocket, frantically searching for my room key. I got it out and tried to get it into the keyhole, but my hands were shaking really bad. I finally got it in and unlocked the door, but the two guys were nearly here.

I threw the door open, shoved Kurt inside, and pulled the door shut again.

"Lock the door, Kurt!" I shouted.

I was immediately slammed against the door by the two guys. 

"Why are you protecting him?"

"He must be in love with him."

One of them grabbed my wrist and started dragging me away.

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