Chapter XXXVII

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Kai burst through the doors to the medical room, scaring the poor girl half to death. Kuvira strained her neck in order to look at him, if she moved any more her back would erupt into a throbbing pain for the next hour or two.
"Where have you been?" She asked as she continued to sketch into her book. This was all she could do these days, bedridden. Kai had been gone for a unreasonably long time, it probably wasn't even light outside anymore.

The man sighed as he slipped off his coat and chucked it onto the floor.
"Sorry, I got sidetracked." He said, unclipping the bottle that was attached to his belt.
"I got you something to help with the healing."

"I told you not to do that, it's a waste of time." Kuvira groaned in frustration, closing her book closed. As she put the pencil down onto the leather cover, it started to roll. It rolled off of the book and toppled to the floor before Kuvira could react and catch it. The pencil bounced onto the cobble ground, snapping the led in half. Not again. Kai lifted up Kuvira's shirt slightly, exposing the burnt mess that was engraved into her flesh.
"Kai, it's not going to work."

"We have to try." Kai snapped, uncapping the bottle of the serum.

Kuvira raised a brow at the attitude.
"What's got you in a tizzy?"

Kai tilted the bottle, causing the serum to drop slowly onto the burn. It stung but it was bareable.
"What are you talking about?"

"Something's up. What happened whilst you were out?" Kuvira asked. Kai ignored her question and started to massage the serum, like Katara had explained to do, into Kuvira's back. The burn wound sizzled and stung as he pressed gently into it, Kuvira tried to keep herself still but it was excruciatingly painful. The serum felt cool against her skin but it also was like she was being burnt all over again. Her muscles relaxed when Kai had stopped, he wiped his hands down his trousers and took a seat into the chair next to the bed.

"Nothing happened." He finally answered, adverting his gaze elsewhere.

Kuvira let herself catch her breath before she answered.
"You're a terrible liar Kai, I suggest you start telling me what's going on."

Kai sighed as he looked down towards his hands that were resting in his lap.
"I spoke with Korra."

"You what?" Kuvira asked, furrowing her brows at the man.
"What for?"

"She happened to be at the place where I got that serum. She suggested that I shouldn't give it to you." Kai scoffed. He still couldn't believe what happened at the cottage, Korra had suggested that he shouldn't help her at all, let her heal by herself. She had agreed to let Kuvira suffer, how could she do such a thing?

Kuvira chuckled.
"I told you she wouldn't help." She knew something like this would happen. Why would Korra help her after everything she had done?
"Besides, I did try to kill her after all."

Kai glared at the woman, she was laughing about this?
"What could possibly be so funny about that?"

Kuvira's smile faltered.
"Well, it's obvious isn't it? Why would she help?"

"She's our friend Kuvir-"

"She was our friend, now she's against the Guild and against us." Kuvira spat. Her back was feeling a little bit better, the serum was setting in nicely.

Kai looked at the woman dumbfounded. He had stood up for her in that cottage, it was clear that he wasted his time. Korra was right, Kuvria had changed and there was no way she was going to be the same again. Korra would never turn against them. But the way she pulled out a blade in the cottage, she was so angry. Maybe he was a bit to harsh on her though, he didn't mean to say those things to her; he was talking out of term. Korra had a perfectly valid reason as to why she left, Zaheer had killed her parents, lied to her. Why would she want to work for a man like that? He sighed, he had blamed everything on Korra and he didn't even mean to. Korra left the Guild, not them. He just needed Kuvira to understand that too.
"She's not against us Kuvira, she's against Zaheer."

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