Chapter 22

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It wasn't but a few days later that reporters got word that All Might was teaching at U.A. Swarms of reporters blocked the entrance, pestering each and every student they saw.

Baria had read about this in her journal. Spent hours upon hours trying to formulate a plan. A plan that would prevent her boys from being harassed by full grown adults. Eventually she just gave up. Her boys would be just fine.

However, Baria would not be. Recently, several of the builders that had been by, created inefficient building plans. Not to say that it was poor planning but it truly didn't fit her café. She had edited the plans personally but most contractors refused after they learnt she also served villains. Eventually she hunted down a construction worker by the name of Uraraka Akihito.

His company had not been getting allot of customers in recent days. When he had been informed of who her café severed and the details of the construction, there was very little opposition. Uraraka-san was rather intrigued. He even presented an idea of opening a shelter. One in which, community service is done to earn a place to stay and food. Baria thought it was a good idea. One of which could be expanded upon. She would have to consult the Miss Keisha, Daisuke, Mr. and Mrs. Shinsou, Shota and Hizashi.

Uraraka-san and Baria were currently pouring over said construction plans at the mansion. The Tv was playing in the background. Both were rather amused by the inconsideration of the reporters. At the current moment Bakugou was cussing out a few of them and some U.A students were using their quirks to actually get to school. So Baria decided to try another piece of her quirk. She imagined a barrier forming around the entirety of U.A. This, of course, forced her to shut down any and all previous barriers still functioning.

The function of this barrier was to push reporters back while allowing students and teachers in. Baria could immediately see her barrier forming on the Tv. Reporters were getting angry as some unseen force pushed them back. Baria noticed several students being uncovered. She saw Uraraka, Frog girl, Green, Iida, a pink girl, earphone girl, a girl with orange hair. Baria also caught a glimpse of a boy with some very strange eyelashes. All in all, students that were previously lost in the crowd were slowing turning up.

Deciding that her job was done, Baria turned her attention back to Uraraka-san and the construction plans. Now some may be wondering why is there construction plans if she had already expanded for students. Well, Baria had to eventually buy the two neighbouring building due to the increase of customers. The construction plans were to tear down four wall to connect all three buildings. The upper floor would still belong to heroes. Only now it included U.A. students. Baria had decided that U.A. students should be upstairs with the heroes. This is to get them used to being in the presence of pro heroes.

The ground floor was still occupied with civilians. There was also a studying area planned for students. Most liked to study in a quite place without the noise of others. 'OBEX' offered that.

The basement level had several underground entrances. As well as ground level ones. The basements of each building would have pillars built in to support the weight of the buildings. A bar would be added in as well as vents. The vents are built in such a way as to allow natural light in.

Baria and Uraraka-san had agreed on the construction plan rather quickly. Both were like minded on several things. Things such as whether it should be open plan or not. The size of the kitchen and bar. Where the stairs should be and which building should have a balcony for roof top entrance. How large the windows should be and where they should be placed. They were done fairly quickly due to this.

He quickly packed his things and left. Arrangements had been made to purchase the materials needed and to hire the necessary workers. The project was underway.

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